Chapter 17: An Invitation

Disclaimer: It's still not mine XD

Bare feet padded in a furious circle as they had been doing for nearly an hour now. Severus glared at the unfortunate floor boards as his mind worked fervently on coming up with some form of solution to his dilemma.

A knock at the door made him jump slightly, an act which he immediately rebuked himself for before permitting entry to his visitor.

"Wearing away my floor boards again, Severus?" chuckled the Headmaster as he allowed himself into the study.

Severus breathed in a deep breath but said nothing. What 'could' he say?

A firm hand gripped his shoulder, surprisingly warm against his cold form. Odd… he couldn't remember feeling cold.

"Something will come up Severus," counselled the Headmaster, but all Severus could do was grimace and nod without much enthusiasm.

"…I have decided to remove Harry and the others from Grimmald Place," spoke Albus in a 'thought you'd like to know' kind of tone and Severus looked up with interest.

"I reasoned that you might like some company," he grinned.

Severus glared at the old man. "How thoughtful," he drawled with obvious sarcasm.

If truth be told, however, he had wondered more than once how Harry was coping. The boy had been in an absolute state the last time that Severus had seen him and he had no great amount of faith in the child's 'dogfather' in dealing with his problems. In fact, he would bet his wand that the mutt had chosen to overlook the problems as if they didn't exist at all and encouraged Harry to do the same. Fool… Such a thing would only ever acts as a temporary solution to the boy's sufferings.

The Headmaster watched Severus quietly for a moment – that annoying twinkle in his eyes that suggested that he knew exactly what Severus was thinking about and the dark haired wizard blinked and glowered at himself for his own foolish thoughts. As if he cared what happened to the Potter brat!

Albus chuckled to himself, something which only served to annoy the younger wizard further – which in turn made him chuckle even more in greater humour.

"Get some rest Severus, or talk a walk outside. You will do yourself no favours by closing yourself off in this room and wearing holes in my floors."

The old man smiled warmly at him and gripped his shoulder once more before leaving the room.

Severus watched him go and then turned to sit in a nearby chair, books and scribbled notes piled and thrown in all directions around it. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Perhaps a long walk wasn't such a bad idea? There was not much else he could do right now at any rate…


Ever so quietly he crept down the hall towards the kitchen, his feet barely making a sound as they padded against the ragged and tattered carpet. He was close enough now that the voices were clear enough to make out.

"No, not at all! I'll get ready now!"

That was his Godfather's voice. He sounded happy about something, but what could it be? Harry crept closer still.

"Wonderful! Severus will be delighted!"

The Headmaster. What about Severus? Delighted about what?

Closer still…

"Wait. What? He's not going to be there too is he!?"

"But of course my dear boy! Severus is doing a bit of research in the study. Something quite important really."

"Important? Like what? How important??"

Harry could hear the Headmaster chuckle at his Godfather's increasing hysteria and took hold of the door frame as he listened in to whatever it was they were talking about. And why shouldn't he? It was probably about him anyway!

"Just a little magical research," hummed Albus.

Sirius made no comment but Harry was far from convinced that the man was happy with that answer.

"So!" continued the Headmaster cheerfully. "It is settled! You should head off to pack too Harry my boy."

Harry jumped away from the door and a second later Sirius opened it to look at him in surprise while Albus merely stood back and chortled.

'How does he-???' thought Harry to himself. "Get packed for what?" he asked aloud.

Sirius pulled an arm around his Godson's shoulders and smiled broadly at him. "We have been invited to stay at the Dumbledore's household."

It took a moment for the words to sink in properly and then Harry looked up at Sirius and then at Dumbledore in shock. "What? Really? We're coming to your house Sir?"

Dumbledore smiled at the boy and spread his hands. "If you wish."

Harry smiled with enthusiasm. He'd get to see Dumbledore's house!? It was probably really old and full of interesting magical gadgets and artefacts, much like the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts. A second longer however and his suspicious nature kicked in.

"Why?" he asked. It was not like the Headmaster usually just invited students to come and spend the holidays with him. In fact, he had never known for anyone to have even mention Dumbledore's house before.

The Headmaster's lips twitched and he lowered his hands, obviously caught in the act. "Ah," he relented. "Well spotted my boy."

The old man looked up at him but his expression was not one of either annoyance or sadness. Rather, he looked slightly amused. "It is, once again, for your own protection. My home has been put under the care of numerous defensive spells over the years and is by far a much better protected place than most. Not to mention much brighter." He looked around the kitchen where grime and cobwebs still clung to the neglected ceiling and walls.

Harry fell quiet. He was in danger again!? What was it this time? Did the Ministry decided that he was a 'worldly threat' again or had the Death Eaters gotten bored of torturing muggles and decided to pass the time by hunting him down again! Idiots!! They had failed so many times already, why didn't they just get the point and give up!?!

As his thoughts turned darker and angrier he could feel something feral stir within his chest. It felt like a deep warning growl and his hair felt like it was stood on end.


The boy looked up sharply and Sirius jumped back slightly at the piercingly dangerous gaze he received from emerald, slitted eyes.

"!?.. Harry…?..."

Harry blinked and shook his head. What was he just thinking about again? Oh yeah! Going to Dumbledore's.

"Alright," he sounded looking back up at the Headmaster. "I'll go and get my things!" He headed off up the stairs as fast as he could with his still sore limbs. The reasons may not have been the best in the world, but going to the Headmaster's house was far better than being stuck here in a house that Sirius hated!

In the kitchen Sirius watched silently as his Godson disappeared up the stairs. Albus came to stand next to him.

"Albus…" the marauder whispered in deep concern.

"… We can only do what we can Sirius. For now, we can only wait," the Headmaster spoke back quietly, squeezing the man's shoulder.

Sirius nodded silently and grimly.

End of Chapter 17.

Random Chatter: Topics of the Day

1) Merry Christmas!!!

2) An apology. ; I'm bad… I'm sorry… Changed course at Uni, changed jobs, spending most of my creativity and energy thinking up games designs (for my new course) and writing/drawing a manga XD In short – My story has been seriously neglected. bows head It's just difficult to get motivated now that the last book is out and I know what happens ;;

3) Thank you to Daughter of Ares and Vintage lace for your encouraging PM's/reviews. Without you two there would not be a chapter 17 yet hugs you both This one is for the both of you.

Please Read and Review! xX

Next chapter: chapter 18 – In learning.