Disclaimer - I do not own Rurouni Kenshin :-)

Chapter 8 – Perception

The knife landed dead centre between the man's outspread middle and forefinger.

'Nice shot.' he stuttered nervously

'It wasn't - I missed.' hissed Kaoru menacingly.

Misao stood negligently with her back against the wall. She'd seen Kaoru worked up before and this wasn't really new, though she had to admit that the captain exhibited her emotional displays with care. They were always controlled and usually laced with an omnipresent menace which the victim could sense a kilometre away. This was different. Kaoru was going all out in a bid for information about whatever. This is crazy thought Misao, watching through hooded eyes as the man continued to work himself into circles trying to answer Kaoru's questions.

'Captain.' she interrupted the blubbering man 'time' she stated lifting her eyebrows in warning.

During questionings Misao only received an allocated time with the prisoner. Although the guard were willing to accept bribes, there was only so far that they were willing to go for money.

Kaoru shoved the man roughly back into his chair, prying her knife out of the desk, throwing him a look of pure disgust before striding through the door. Misao followed suit and hurried to keep up with the taller woman.

As they approached the back dungeon doors she whistled for the coach which rolled forward allowing them to enter it without being seen.

'Kaoru what's wrong?'

Kaoru sighed and let her head fall back with a thump. Closing her eyes she brought her hand up to knead the knots out of her neck and shoulder.

'I thought I'd left it all behind.' she whispered so Misao could barely hear.

'You have.' affirmed Misao strongly. She knew of Kaoru's harrowed past, and everything from it was essentially destroyed. Everyone knew that.

'I haven't.' Misao's heart quelled with concern in her friends behaviour. Kaoru sounded resigned, defeated, and most of all afraid.

'I know I asked once, but I'm going to ask again Kaoru. There is something you're not telling me – what is it?'

'He's back.'

'Who?' Misao responded genuinely confused.

Kaoru placed her hand over her lower right abdomen and grimaced and Misao blanched in recognition of the gesture.

'I thought he was dead.' she whispered equally shocked and torn.

'He will be.' responded Kaoru in a low menacing tone.

Misao left Kaoru in their private dojo for some light Katas which she engaged in when confused or contemplating. Striding into her study she decided that this mission was definitely one which needed full back up and all the necessary forces to win. This was no half arsed "we'll be fine" issue. It was life and death.

Picking up her favourite feathered quill she began the missive which had never deigned to write in the past.

Aoshi was becoming more pissed off as the minutes ticked by. Bloody idiots with their stupid -

'A letter just arrived for you sir.' intoned the elderly butler standing next to his desk with a tray and said mail on top.

'Aa.' he replied picking up the letter and wondering at the seal which he recognised from other letters that the lady in question had sent him n the past.

To Mr Shinomori,

Do not be alarmed at what you are about to read, but know that what I am about to reveal is both highly dangerous and highly sought after information. I am sure you are aware of my position within the Prince's militia, which is similar to Kaoru's. No doubt Mr Himura will have discussed with you the type of missions we are assigned, moreover this knowledge will highlight the distinctly irregular position which I am taking in writing to you.

Kaoru plans to make this upcoming mission her very last. You cannot under any circumstances reveal to Mr Himura or Kaoru any of the information in this letter. If you do, then I will know, and believe me, your castigation will be swift and unseen even to your trained eye.

A large number of pirates are operating under a new ring of higher powers. In the past such high powered individuals have been pirates who have sought to rise above the rest, but this case is different. It would appear that a drug cartel and slave run is being operated and channelled from the gentry of London. These aristocrats who are involved however have departed from the moral station within society and are engaging in highly duplicit acts of crime.

Upon further investigation it would appear the drug ring is being handled by young children, who are then sold as sexual slaves once they come of age. This age is usually 12 the youngest being 10. It has been running smoothly for the last 5 years due to the implicit silence and accord reached by those involved. There is one particular individual, however who seems to have a particular interest and distinct control over this "project". To bring him down would result in the unravelling of the whole operation.

These operations span from England to France, and on to Italy. We suspect that they have progressed further afield but have no jurisdiction. You can appreciate why I am appealing to you for your armed forces. Although Kaoru myself and my team are highly skilled, we cannot bring this operation down alone. Do this and I will be in your debt for one favour, and one favour alone.

Whites at 11pm, and come alone.


Misao Makimachi.

Aoshi blinked at missive once more in quiet disbelief. The little knife wielding mystery woman who had been leading him on had finally thrown down the gauntlet. He definitely felt more for the woman than he let on, and he wasn't about to let her do this mission alone.

He realised that there was no way he would be able to withdraw with his forces without Kenshin realising that something was wrong. Misao had placed him in a difficult position.

It was difficult for Aoshi to assimilate himself into the background. He was not a natural chameleon and this was how he found himself the centre of attention in Whites surrounded by a number of women. Some let loose a few choice words describing what they'd like to do to him in private, to which he did not deign to respond. Where was Misao? As he thought that his last hope of escaping had vanished, he spotted her. She had sprawled herself over a bench in the back corner of the club morosely nursing a mug of alcohol. She didn't look up as he slid onto the bench across from her.

'Is that what you call dressing down?' she drawled.

'It was the best I could do.' he replied shortly.

'Bill! A mug for my man here.' she yelled out to the bartender who immediately moved to fulfil her request. Aoshi contemplated the mug of ale placed in front of him, before a taking a slow sip. It took every ounce of his inherent minimalist nature to not grimace at the disgusting liquid. Truly, his mouth had gone numb from the horrid taste.

'Don't ask.' commented Misao after noticing his face tighten with disgust. 'SO I assume that your presence here means that you'll help me' This time she didn't bother being coy and looked straight at him.

Aoshi merely nodded in response and waited for her to continue.

'This cartel we're up against would have been a little easier to deal with if there were not personal issues involved. Kaoru is the epitome of what a great woman can be. What she is now reflects all the pain of her past, though you wouldn't have thought her life could have been that bad. Kaoru hasn't actually told me everything of what had happened to her during her childhood, but I have certainly been exposed to elements of it.' Misao sighed with complete frustration 'After only seeing those small snippets, I was left feeling absolutely terrified. There was a man who owned Kaoru before she took to the seas.'

'Kaoru was a slave?'

'Not only that. She was also prostituted on a regular basis as a child and as a teenager. The man who owned her was an aristocrat who has gone underground for some time now. Many believe him to be dead, we however, know better.'

'Why would anyone think he had died in the first place?'

'Kaoru burnt down his house, thinking that he was in it.'


'Only months before she became an agent at the age of fifteen' murmured Misao counting silently in her head 'So that would make it seven years ago. Though now we believe he is responsible for these underground activities - drugs, slavery and prostitution.'

'What evidence is there to support this conjecture?'

'His name is linked to every "legitimate" business venture used as a cover for these illicit operations. Moreover, he has been sighted in the company of those who we know with absolute certainty are deeply involved in these ventures.'


'The one person who concerns us most urgently – Shishio Makoto. He was Kaoru's master and she will do everything in her power to destroy him, even if it means sacrificing herself.' She stated quietly.

'I've never heard of him.'

'Of course you haven't.' she sighed. 'He left the London social scene long before you arrived.'

'Any others?'

'Raijuta, Takeda Kanryu, and Udo Jinei.', she paused, waiting for any signs of recognition on his face.

'What do you suggest we do?'

Misao remained outwardly impassive to his question, but was silently basking in happiness. He had acknowledged that she had an opinion and that her thoughts had bearing on his own decisions.

'Kaoru has already begun her plans, but I believe she will go for Shishio first. It is our understanding that he holds the hold operation above ground, which essentially outwardly verifies his public existence. He's never actually seen in person but he provides cover from the public eye via a legitimate business venture. Without him there would be nothing and everything would fall to pieces. Although Shishio is important, everyone needs to be dealt with simultaneously, which will be difficult considering the enormity of their operations. Kaoru's judgment is severely clouded at the moment and Prinny told her that specifically Shishio was to be dealt with. Rational Kaoru would see that more would be needed to bring this down. But right now all she can see is redemption.'

'I have never been in such a situation, nor can I fully comprehend her feelings.' Began Aoshi slowly 'But Kamiya mist be given leave considering her past, which you obviously know is significantly marred. I do not think I would be able to rationalise in such circumstances.' He commented shortly 'the best we can do is allow her to fulfil her own needs while we work in the background to complete ours.'

'Good. I don't want Kaoru to think I called on extra forces because I was afraid that she was lacking in some way. I think she needs to do this, and I will do everything in my power to bring this cartel down. This is why I want you to keep these arrangements a secret. If Kaoru knows then she will deliberately distance herself from everyone which will make it harder for us.'

Misao felt slightly pacified after her talk with Aoshi, but that didn't mean she felt any less anxious. Kaoru had been like a rock to everyone she knew for so many years. She had brought so many of them out the darkness, shown them that life was meant to be hard, but that didn't mean that they had to give up. She was familiar with what Kaoru's past was like, but she had never openly spoken about her childhood – if one could call it that. Very few were privy to the explicit details of her sordid nightmare of the past and even fewer knew that Kaoru was haunted by it. She wanted so much for Kaoru; happiness, love, and care from someone who would do anything for her. It was time she showed Kaoru how much her friendship meant to herself and to Kaoru's crew. They would beat this. She knew it in her heart: there was simply no other option.

Sorry about the wait :-s really sorry!

and thanks to Dianne for Beta Reading this ;-)

