I didn't react to the kiss, instead staring dumbly at his face for the three seconds he remained there. Then he'd pulled away and leaned back, once again propping himself up by his palms. Warmth from my face had spread entirely throughout my body. I rubbed at my arm uncomfortably to see if my own dull touch could make the feeling vanish - It didn't. I can't say the awkward (and, Gaia help me, if I'd even have to THINK that cursed word one more time...) mood had lifted any, but it hadn't worsened either. Cid shifted his weight to his other arm and frowned, "Uhm, soooo..." This didn't seem to help anything.

Now, I really was starting to hate these silences. Without any other options, I pushed myself up and started picking through the food Yuffie had left here. Did she even realize we weren't sick? I didn't concern myself too much with that thought. Eventually we would have to leave the room. And, Cid would have to shower. His 'pleasant' aroma found its way to my nose. Yes, he definitely needed to shower.

It was strange, because in a normal situation when two people realized they both felt something for each other, it would be more. Romantic? I bit into a baby carrot, satisfied by the loud crack it made and chewed slowly. This wasn't, really. But this wasn't a normal situation either, I suppose. I sighed, pushing the rest of the carrot into my mouth and laying back as I chewed. It would be nice though, I'll admit. I stared at Cid, trying to become superhuman in the sense that I could force him closer to me.

I did not. Shame. "Cid?" He acknowledged me with a short nod. I looked away from him and shrugged. "Never mind." Cid wasn't the 'cuddly' sort anyway. I shouldn't be. I'm scary. I should not enjoy that sort of thing. For a moment I thought about how I shouldn't like a guy either, scoffing to myself, before Cid sucked his teeth and stared down at me.

"Yanno. You look like a kicked puppy."

"Guess you'd know what that looks like, huh," I muttered. He smirked dryly.

"It's a fuckin' expression." I nodded at that. Of course it was. He waited, as if expecting me to come back at him with something else, and then continued, "So, whats wrong with you."


"You're a liar."

"Shut up," I muttered, rolling onto my stomach. I did like him, yes. I just didn't like how he noticed whenever the smallest thing was wrong with me. I didn't think I was that easy to read. Am I?

Though I couldn't see, due to the pillow I was smothering myself with, I felt the mattress sink down next to me. I squirmed for a moment to acknowledge this. He wrapped an arm around me, and then under me, somehow managing to turn me onto my back. I stared up at his face stupidly, not sure what to do. He smiled.

Just as he'd leaned down to kiss me again (well, I'm pretty sure that was his goal in the movement), the door swung open. I feigned sleep, this becoming a reflex after having Yuffie barge through the door as often as she did. Cid snapped backwards awkwardly. I cracked an eye open, peering through the lashes and was somewhat surprised to see.. Tifa.

"Uhm, Cid, what were you doing?" I mentally face-palm'd when he started stuttering, trying to think of a story.

"Ehm, checking to see if he was asleep." I shut my eyes, deciding to exclude myself from this situation.

"Uhmm. Why, exactly?"

"Uh, 'cause there's a big tray of food and I was gonna wake him up so he could eat." This was said in a sort of obnoxious tone. It made it significantly more believable. Tifa sucked her teeth and shrugged.

"Whatever. Cloud says you guys have been sick for a long time. Said to take your temperature." I winced, as inconspicuously as I could, at that. I have a feeling Cid did too.

"I'm not sick."

"Whatever. And Vincent?"

Cid hesitated, probably questioning whether or not to reveal this certain piece of information before muttering, "Nope."

"Why are you still here, then? Stop bugging him."

"Shut up, woman! I can do what I want!"

For some reason, Tifa hates being called 'woman' more than she hates any other name Cid has thrown at her: bitch, whore, wench, Titty McPussyFuck... I heard her feet clomping towards the bed, and Cid began stammering out curses,

"'Ey. HEY! Shit--Keep away.. GET OFF!"

He let out a wheezy 'oooofff' as a harsh thud rang out that I could only assume was Tifa's fist connecting with his stomach.

I pitied him.

As she left, I sat up and frowned, "You alright?" He nodded, murmuring under his breath about 'moody obnoxious bitches and their bloody tampons', and how it just figured that Tifa suited Cloud so well.

I felt an unbelievably strong urge to tell him about how I'd seen Cloud with the redhead Turk. Was it, Reno? I'm pretty sure. But I didn't say anything. He murmured curses for a moment before sighing, and looking at me.

"Hey, Vin."


"Uhhmm, y'wanna make out or something?" I'm sure I flushed a deep shade of red then. But somewhere in my head was a voice screaming, 'GAIA, YES!'. This didn't help the blushing situation. He shifted awkwardly, tottering a bit. "Just asking."

I stared at him stupidly for a moment. He stared back, just as stupidly. Then my leg threw itself around his waist and he pinned me to the bed, and before I could blink his tongue was sliding over my own.

I can't describe it - it felt like all of my insides had exploded and electricity had balled up in my chest and shot through me... His hands ran under my shirt, over my chest and I heard a moan.

It took me a moment to realize it was my voice. My mental activity was slowing due to the lack of air I was receiving through this kiss, and as his fingers squeezed a nipple I choked on whatever air I had left. He pulled back for a second to let me catch my breath. In those seconds of panting I felt something I had not felt in - a very long time.

My eyes roamed over him hungrily. Lust.

FFLove190: Gahaha... You're confusing. O: You and your added suffixes. NOWTHEN. Yahh, not too satisfied with it but yanno. Better than nothing.

ReaperRain: DD: I KNOWWW. I didn't notice the person switch, but I've been losing my touch, yanno. I'm not really sure what to write anymore. D: (catches fish and begins making dinner) Ehhh, that does get old right? Two completely straight guys suddenly going gay and having like no problems with it. And all the sudden all the other guys are gay too, like its just a new trend or somethin'. BUT GAH! I SO SORRY. ;-; I'm trying.

Lamppu: x Nyaaa, I didn't even know you read it. O: THANK GOODNESS YOU REVIEWED! I'D BE IN THE DARK FOREVER! Huhm huhm, glad you like it. v.v

Weinerdog of Death and Doom: O; I'm glad. And, You might've. My first chapter gets a lot of hits but since its so awful (looking back on it) I'm not surprised the number of hits went down considerably... I am glad you like it though...! :'D And don't worry about it, i tend to ramble myself. ;P

Kuro Tatsumaki: Eeee Thank you much. :3 I'm trying. O:

Oh, Reaper, you know I love you right? D: Before I've started the chapter I'm somewhat angsty, hoping I can manage to squeeze out enough to satisfy you. I HAVE FEAR.