DISCLAIMER: I do not own High School Musical or any related characters.

A/N: So I thought of this while I was in German and I liked it. It's AU to anyone that wants to know, because it works better without the musical and besides I like the whole idea of it. Oh yeah, I wrote a Trevor/Corrie one-shot, just to let you all know.

Walk Right Up To You

Gabriella walked through the doors of East High and immediately ducked; a paper airplane flew past her head and hit the door behind her. Sighing, she straightened and began to weave her way through the throng of students that were crowding the halls. She clutched the strap of her bag tighter and winced slightly when someone bumped into her. Glancing up, Gabriella let out a relieved breath when she saw that her locker was only a few meters away from her. Walking as quickly as she could Gabriella managed to reach her locker without any mishaps, reaching it; she opened it and placed her bag inside. Reaching in, Gabriella found her English notebook and the text they were working on and her biology book. Just as her hand closed around it Gabriella felt someone watching her. Turning around, she found herself facing the school's basketball team and wanted to groan. Holding her books to her chest, Gabriella looked at them, waiting for something to happen.

"Are you going to say anything or are you all just going to stare at me?" Gabriella finally snapped at them and the two in the middle exchanged a glance. Gabriella concentrated on those two. Her eyes flicking from the tall, blue-eyed, brown haired player, to the slightly shorter bushy-haired one.

"So the brainiac actually does have some fight." The bushy-haired basketballer commented tauntingly, stepping towards her. Gabriella shrunk back from him, and hugged her books tighter to her chest.

"Yes she does. Go away Chad." Gabriella said as Chad reached out and grasped her biology book.

"But, why should I? I mean, here you are and you've got all the answers to the homework that I didn't do over the weekend." He tugged the book out of her grasp and flipped it open. Gabriella sighed and tried to grab it off him; Chad grinned at her attempt and lifted it over his head.

"But how do you know I didn't write the wrong answers to the questions?" Gabriella spat at him, her eyes flicking to the basketball team behind him. They were all laughing bar one; Gabriella could see his blue eyes watching his friend and her with mild interest. He was neither laughing, nor joining in with the teasing.

"Because you wouldn't. You're a nerd; you can't help but write the right answers." Chad grinned and held the book up higher as Gabriella tried to grab the book again, her ebony curls swung as she tossed her head.

"And I suppose you only know this because you always write all the wrong answers, am I right?" Gabriella smirked slightly and then backed away as a dangerous expression took over his face. Gabriella glanced at the blue-eyed teenager again, her eyes begging him to do something before Chad did.

"Yo Chad, give her back her book." He spoke quietly but firmly and Chad's face twisted into an annoyed expression. "Chad." He demanded again and Chad sullenly gave in, he handed the book back to Gabriella who grabbed it off him and placed it with her other books.

"Dude, why did you stop me? I'm gonna fail biology if I don't get answers." Chad whined and Gabriella shut her locker door.

"Chad, maybe you should try and pay attention in biology and then you won't fail." He said and his eyes flicked to Gabriella who was watching Chad spin around to face him.

"Troy have you met my teacher?" Chad shot back at him; Troy didn't reply instead he shot Chad a warning look and noticed Gabriella walking away out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey brainiac," He called out, his attention still on Chad. He knew she'd stopped and turned around to look back at him. "I hope for your sake the answers are right." Troy's tone was mocking and the basketballer's around him chuckled as Gabriella glared at him. His eyes turned to hers for a split second and Gabriella saw the same warning in them that had been directed at Chad only moments before. Without a word to him, Gabriella turned on her heel and stomped off to her homeroom, silently cursing Troy Bolton and Chad Danforth under her breath.


"Will Danforth ever learn? That jerk probably would have swapped your book for his if Troy hadn't stopped him. And Bolton-" Gabriella cut her best friend, Taylor, off with a look, they were sitting in Math and both were waiting for the bell to ring and the next period to start. Gabriella had filled Taylor in on the events of the morning, knowing how outraged Taylor would be.

"Troy was the reason Chad didn't do anything idiotic." Gabriella said and Taylor gave her an odd look as they both heard the bell ring.

"Gabriella, why do you always get so defensive when Troy's mentioned? It's Troy Bolton, the jerk that you were locked in a classroom with ages ago and who you hated so much you actually asked to be moved classes because he was in most of them. Where did the girl who hated him go?" Taylor asked and Gabriella sighed, Taylor sounded more then suspicious.

"Taylor, she hasn't gone anywhere, I just thought that I would point out that Troy's the only reason I got my book back without being shoved into a locker." Gabriella said and Taylor opened her mouth to reply when the bell rang. With a sigh of relief Gabriella gathered up her books and waved a quick goodbye to Taylor and practically ran out the door.

What Taylor said was true, ever since the incident where she'd been locked in the classroom with Troy, she'd been jumping to Troy's defense whenever Taylor felt like having a go at the popular population of East High. She couldn't help it. The memory of what had happened in that classroom months ago was still firmly embedded in her brain; she could remember how frustrated she'd been at the fact that a teacher had managed to lock them in a classroom. But the part that got her the most was the part that was firmly embedded into her brain. Gabriella bit her lip as the memory forced itself into the front of her mind.


Gabriella ran a hand through her hair and stared at the door for what felt like the hundredth time, her mind screaming from boredom. She glanced over at Troy, who was leaning against a desk and watching her, the amusement evident in his blue eyes.

"You know, no matter how many times you glare at that door. It's not going to open." He said with a smirk as she turned her eyes from the door and back to him, her glare meeting his coolly impassive gaze.

"I'm not glaring at the door to make it open. I'm glaring at the door because it's better then looking at you." She snapped back, her frustration with the situation obvious.

"Well, it's not my fault that the doors locked is it?" He asked easily, reading through her snip at him and into the real reason she was frustrated with an annoyingly informed air.

"No. Its not." Gabriella replied shortly and Troy chuckled and pushed off the desk to walk over to her. Gabriella glared up at him as he came to a stop just between her legs and grinned down at her.

"You know, we could make use of the time alone." Troy said the grin he sent her arrogant and disarming. Gabriella tensed as he spoke; she could feel his hand on her thigh and willed herself to be repulsed by the feeling of it.

"You wish Troy. I'm not one of your fan girls." Gabriella snapped at him, ignoring the tingling racing through her the thigh as his thumb began to caress it in a circular motion. Troy grinned at her words and the fire in her eyes.

"I know that Gabriella." He replied and Gabriella stared at him. Her eyes flicking over his clearly defined features, the strong jaw line, the serious mouth and kissable lips, the dark brown hair he'd obtained only a month ago, falling into his cobalt eyes. For the first time since meeting seeing him, Gabriella allowed herself to admit that he was attractive and despite who he was and the arrogance that sometimes repulsed her. She was, at least physically, attracted to Troy Bolton.

"How do you know my name?" She asked looking for a way to distract herself from the sudden attraction she felt towards him. Troy smirked and didn't answer straight away. Instead he indulged himself in a few moments of studying her. His eyes swept over he face, the clearly pronounced cheekbones, the decidedly cute nose, the soft tempting mouth and the ebony curls running down her back. He knew her name alright.

"You're Gabriella Montez, you transferred here four months ago, immediately took up with the Scholastic Decathlon team and are now co-president of the Science Club, your good at Science and Math, but your real love is English. You like to run around the track after school on Thursday's. And when you get fired up, you're damn sexy. Did I forget to mention you're also one of the most gorgeous girls in our year?" Troy said each word slowly and tantalizingly, the hand that had begun stroking her thigh during his speech, began trailing upwards towards her breasts. His other hand slipping behind her back to tangle his fingers in the ends of her hair, while moving closer to stand more truly between her legs. Gabriella bit her lip and made a move to push him away. Troy's grip on her tightened and Gabriella sat as rigid as she could and tried to glare at him. Trying her best not to feel elated by the fact that he'd noticed her.

"You mean you actually noticed me? When every other girl in this school is throwing themselves at you?" She asked her body tensing as his hand came in contact with her breast. Gabriella's mind going blank as whatever had suddenly begun to build between them reached boiling point. Troy watched as she moved slightly and grinned. Leaning closer Troy's lips came within millimeters of her own and his grin turned to a smirk as her legs wrapped around his waist drawing him as close to her as she could. So much for her hating him, he thought.

"How could I not? You're the first girl who's ever walked straight past me and not bothered to glance in my direction." He replied and Gabriella stared up at him trying to desperately gain some control of what her body was doing and how it was responding to Troy. Before she could fully comprehend, or gain control, of what was happening. His mouth was on hers, hot, hard and demanding, the hand tangled in her hair drawing her head back further so he could plunge her deeper into the kiss.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Gabriella found herself gasping as his mouth tore from hers and began to make its way down her neck, the hand that wasn't tangled in her hair, slipping to the hem of her shirt and beginning to push it up. She gripped his hair and gasped as his teeth sank into the tender flesh of her neck and his fingers lingered on the new discovery of a belly button piercing.

"Too late Montez. We already are." He growled as his mouth found hers again. Gabriella sank into the kiss, knowing that her words were a last attempt at sanity.

End flashback

Gabriella sighed as the memory played out. That had been six months ago. Six months ago it had only been a physical attraction that had taken over her when she was in that classroom, nothing more. Six months ago he'd turned up on her doorstep, unannounced with two red roses and a request to go with him. Six months ago, she'd found that the physical aspect of him wasn't the only thing she was attracted to. Six months ago-

"Whoa!" Gabriella cried out as a hand appeared out of no where and yanked her into the classroom that she was walking past. Before she knew exactly what was happening, she heard the click of a lock and was pressed up against the closed door, her mouth captured by one she was all to familiar with. She gripped his shoulders as she felt her legs give way, he must have sensed this and Gabriella found herself lifted in the air and moved to a desk. She gasped for air as he pulled away from her.

"A little eager today Troy?" She asked as he tore off her shirt and kissed up her neck and back to her mouth.

"Do you know how hard it was keeping my hands off you when you gave that little performance this morning?" He demanded and Gabriella giggled at the look on his face, his eyes a mixture of lust, love and want.

"No. I had no-" Gabriella found his mouth on hers again and whimpered slightly as his hand went behind her back and tickled her bra clasp. Her hands went to the hem of his shirt and she tore her mouth from his as she yanked it up over his head. She dragged her nails up his chest and listened to him groan. Gabriella emitted a gasp as she felt his hands slip up her skirt and begin to lightly caress her thighs.

"Troy we can't-oh God Troy." Gabriella cut herself off as he bit her collarbone and his hands continued the feather light explorations of her upper legs. Gabriella could feel her skirt up around her waist and went to say something when her mouth was covered with his again, his tongue plunging in to her mouth with ruthless determination that made her cling to him in a hope of keeping her sanity.

"Troy, we can't do this here." Gabriella gasped and then uttered a low moan as he pulled her more firmly against him, her legs wrapping around her waist and pulling him even closer.

"Too late Montez, besides we've done if before." Troy growled against the curve of her neck, biting her skin and grinning when heard her moan. Gabriella didn't reply to his comment as her hands found his belt and his mouth found hers again.


"I cannot believe we just did that." Gabriella gasped, still trying to get air into her pleading lungs. Troy grinned and nipped her bare shoulder with his mouth, before lifting his head from the curve of her neck where it had been resting for the past few minutes.

"I can." He replied, placing a gentle kiss on her swollen lips. Gabriella muttered something indecipherable and buried her head in the strong column of his neck. Troy closed his eyes and buried his own face in her dark curls. His eyes snapped open when he heard the bell ring and he pulled away from the girl beneath him and picked up his shirt. He turned to look at her and grinned when he saw the look on her face.

"We did not just spend an entire period in here did we?" Gabriella gasped sliding off the desk and bending down in search of her clothing. Troy chuckled as he pulled on his boxers and then his jeans, he snapped his belt on and stood and watched Gabriella move around the classroom.

"I have a strange feeling we did. You know how it works right? I walk out first and then-" He was cut off by Gabriella.

"I know how it freaking works Troy. We've been doing it for the past six months so there's not point in reminding me!" She shot at him, yanking her shirt over her head and running a hand through her dark curls, the obvious annoyance and sudden hurt visible in her eyes. Troy sighed and ran a hand through his own dark locks. Not surprised in the sudden change of mood.

"You don't need to snap at me Brie." He told her quietly as he watched her yank on her shoes. Gabriella stood up and looked at him.

"Then stop reminding me you can't walk out of this classroom with me and announce to the school that I'm yours!" She exclaimed and Troy raised his eyebrows at her, he knew what was coming. It was the only thing they ever really argued about and it was the only thing that ever pushed her to the edge of tears.

"I'm not trying to remind you Brie! I'm trying to protect you!" Troy snapped at her and Gabriella glared at him, her eyes impatient, hurt and frustrated.

"Protect me from what Troy? The school? What everyone else is going to think if they find out that the brainiac and superstar are actually together?" Gabriella shot back and Troy rubbed his temples and Gabriella folded her arms across her chest, impatiently waiting for her answer.

"Gabriella, you can't handle it and I know you can't." Troy said and Gabriella made a frustrated noise.

"You know I can't Troy? You know I can't handle the snide comments, the hatred, the likelihood of every second girl trying to break us up? How do you know that about me?" Gabriella yelled and Troy glared at her.

"Because I see your face every time I walk past you and have a different girl hanging off me. I see your face when you watch me surrounded by people only talking to me because of who I am. I know you can't handle it, because you've never been in the position I'm in!" Troy snapped at her and Gabriella stared at him and then gave a sarcastic laugh.

"Been in the position you're in? How do you know that I can't handle it? I've never been in the position your in!" Gabriella shot back and Troy closed his eyes and exhaled. Opening them again, he walked over to her and uncrossed her arms. Taking her hands in his own, Troy kissed both of them.

"Brie, I don't want you to be in the position I've been put in. I don't want you to be put through the snide remarks, the hate, the talk. I don't want you to deal with that Brie, because I love you to much, to even consider putting you through that." Troy said softly and Gabriella looked up at him, trying to force herself not to melt under his gaze and the way his thumbs were running over her knuckles gently.

"I know. But, I really just want to walk into school with you and be able to turn around and kiss you without consequences. I want to be able to walk into school and show off my ring." Gabriella sighed and Troy smiled slightly, he let go of one her hands and fingered the white-gold, sapphire promise ring that hung on a chain around her neck, which he'd given her a month ago.

"I know you do. But look at it this way, we only have a month left of this and then you can walk around town and show off your ring and me whenever you want." Troy said and Gabriella smiled and he kissed the top of her head.

"But you'll still be you and I don't want to wait another month. I want everyone to know about us before college." Gabriella replied quietly and Troy looked down at her, noting the wistful look in her eyes as she spoke. Making up his mind about something that he'd been contemplating for the past few months, Troy spoke.

"Graduation." He said simply and Gabriella looked at him sharply, her brown eyes sparking with curiosity.

"What about graduation?" She asked and Troy shrugged, the arrogance that she'd come to know and love showing in the grin he'd sent her.

"At graduation, I'll walk right up to you and kiss you in front of our entire year, no more secrets, no more avoidance, just me walking right up to you and kissing you in front of everyone." Troy said simply and Gabriella felt a huge weight lift off her shoulders as he spoke. She didn't know why but she'd needed to tell the school. She needed everyone to know who he loved and she needed everyone to know who she loved.

"You'll walk right up to me and kiss me in front of your friends, family and whoever else is there?" Gabriella asked sliding her arms around his neck and looking at him with pleading eyes, which were telling him to tell her that what he was saying was real.

"Yes Brie, I promise I'll walk right up to you and kiss you the way I always do when I see you alone." Troy promised his girlfriend, wrapping his arms around her slim waist and pulling her more truly against him. Gabriella smiled and then brought his mouth down to meet hers. After several long moments, Troy drew back and looked down at Gabriella.

"Troy as long as you walk right up to me at graduation. I can survive another month with you walking out first." Gabriella said softly, Troy grinned and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I'll always be walking up to you." He said softly and Gabriella smiled as his mouth found hers and she lost herself in the fact that she would be able to kiss him in front of her year in a month because he was going to walk right up to her.

A/N: Hmmmm, I'm not sure about this. I think the ending was lame. But whatever, I hope you guys liked it!