
This is my new story and I hope you'll like it! I just officially finished 'Meet you in the finish line!' and for those of you guys who reads it, I hope you'll like the ending! I'm currently doing the next chapter for 'I love my next door enemy' so it'll be up in a few days! Anyways, enjoy!!


Gabriella had exactly nine relationships that never lasted for a month…

"Look, Gabriella I don't think its really working out for us." James, her ninth boyfriend declared as he covered his unevenly shaved head with a hat.

"I understand." Gabriella replied quietly.

"I hope we can still be friends." James asked hopefully.

All because of Gabriella's 5 younger siblings a.k.a. 'the 5 sweet brats' who secretly didn't want their sister to date…

"Camille, Nicole, Jeremy, Sandra and Rafael!! Sit your butts down right now!!" Gabriella yelled angrily as the 5 siblings obeyed their eldest sister.

"It wasn't our fault Gabi." The 6-year-old Rafael mumbled.

"Wasn't your fault?!! You freakin shaved James' head with a peeler for goodness sake!! Now his hair looks like a lousy made broom!! I don't even wanna know how you guys could possibly do that!!" Gabriella shouted in frustration, throwing her hands in the air.

Gabriella only has one rule. If the guy doesn't like the family or the family doesn't like the guy, its OVER…

"You know Gabriella, no offence but your brothers and sisters are psychos!! Are you sure you guys are related?" Leeward, Gabriella's 3rd boyfriend laughed loudly.

"Is that really what you think of them?" Gabriella asked, getting angry.

"Yeah I mean, come on. Your sister, what's her name.. Carla or something" Leeward said.

"Camille." Gabriella corrected.

"Oh yeah Casey. She dances like a freakin duck!!" Leeward exclaimed, still didn't get Camille's name right.

"We're through Leeward. If you really like me, you'll respect my brothers and sisters and get their names right!!" Gabriella yelled furiously as she ran away with tears in her eyes.

Gabriella's siblings are actually sweet when you really get to know them. The only problem is, no boy wants to get to know them at all…

The Montez' family just moved in the new neighbourhood of Albuquerque and Gabriella was immediately offered a date from the guy across their house.

"I had a great time Gabriella." Mike smiled happily.

"Me too." Gabriella replied as she jumped off the car.

"Wanna come in and meet my siblings?" Gabriella asked hopefully.

"Yeah sure." Mike answered.

As soon as Gabriella opened the door and Mike saw the 5 kids running around the house with balls and clothes flying everywhere, he quickly stopped dead in his tracks.

"Hey Gabriella, I forgot, I actually need to be at home right now." Mike lied.

"Oh ok. Bye." Gabriella smiled fakely for she knew that Mike was the same as the other boys she brought home.

But when Troy Bolton walked in the 'house of the devils', everything changed…

"Troy meet Sandra, Camille, Nicole, Jeremy and Rafael. Guys, meet Troy Bolton." Gabriella smiled.

"How are you guys?" Troy smiled as he shook all of their squishing hands.

"Do they want to break my fingers or something?" Troy thought in pain.

"I just need to get change alright? Be back in a few minutes. Make yourself at home." Gabriella flashed Troy a smile and quickly dashed upstairs.

"So Troy, I heard you play basketball." Nicole said with a fake smile.

"Yeah I'm actually the captain." Troy said proudly but the next thing he knew, a basketball hit his cheek solidly.

"Ow!" Troy exclaimed in pain.

"Opppss my bad. I'm sorry." Jeremy chuckled as the other siblings laughed.

"Its cool man. Be careful next time, you might hit your little brother, Rafael." Troy said as he smiled at the six year old.

"He remembered Rafi's name? No one remembers his name. Guys always calls Rafael - Russell, Raymon and even Rafiki from Lion King!!" Sandra thought as she raised her eyebrow.

Troy's uniqueness from other guys pissed the hell out of the 5 brats…

"This Troy Bolton guy is getting on my nerves! Gabi is actually dating him now!!" Sandra who's 12 years old and the second oldest, exclaimed.

"We can never get rid of him! He's too evil! He's the tenth boyfriend now!!" Camille frowned.

"There was absolutely no guys in our house that ever made it to Gabi's room before but he did!! We have to make more traps!!" Jeremy suggested.

"Agree!!" His twin Nicole smiled evilly.

"We have to go to the extreme. We're breaking Gabi and Troy apart no matter what it takes!!" Sandra announced.

"Are you with us Lil Rafi?" Jeremy asked his younger brother.

"I don't know. I kinda like Troy for Gabi." Rafael admitted.

"Rafi you can't be on the dark side!! We have to destroy Troy Bolton!!" Camille proclaimed.

One day, the kids went completely overboard…

Troy promised Gabriella that he would baby sit for the kids since she'll be doing a very important project with Taylor.

"I can't believe I'm back in this house alone." Troy thought as he stood at the front porch.

"I should ask Chad to give me company." Troy quickly dialled Chad's number and waited for someone to answer.

"Hey Chad can you help me baby sit?" Troy got straight to the point.

"Sorry man, I can't. You can handle it yourself." Chad told his best friend.

"Listen man. The last time I was alone with these kids, I found my wallet getting toasted inside the oven and my 150 bucks turned into glitters and dust!! That's not all, they freakin tried to shaved my head with a peeler too!" Troy almost yelled.

"I really can't go dude. I'm sorry." Chad apologised.

After about half an hour of pure torture from the kids, Troy have had it.

"STOP!!!!" Troy yelled furiously as the siblings finally stopped throwing balls at him. Troy bowed his head and bit his lip, trying not to show weakness or cry. He really couldn't take it anymore.

"What did I do guys? I mean, I tried my hardest but I'm still not good enough. Do you guys really hate me that much? Do I really make that bad of a boyfriend that you guys despised me so much?" Troy took a deep breath while the siblings just stayed quiet.

"You know, I thought of breaking up with Gabi long time ago because of you guys but the thing is, thinking of facing tomorrow without Gabi was just impossible. I told myself, I'd rather be torture than be apart from Gabi. I still keep telling myself that. The only reason why I put up with you guys is because I love Gabriella more than anything in this world. I love her too damn much." Troy said as his eyes started to go red.

"Why are you crying?" Rafael asked worriedly.

"Because it hurts." Troy admitted.

"You should've said that we hit you too much already." Nicole said, feeling a guilty.

"No guys. You can hit me anytime you want because it doesn't hurt me that much. What hurts is that you can't accept me no matter how hard I tried and you don't want me to be with Gabriella. You know the rule, if the family doesn't like the guy then its over." Troy mumbled sadly.

"You win the war guys. Its really over." Troy declared.

They probably won again but this time, they lost their sister…

"Guys how could you do this to me?!!!" Gabriella cried as she once again for the tenth time, pace back and forth in the lounge room as the kids sat on the couch, staring down at the feet.

"We're sorry." The kids chimed.

"The hell you guys should be!!" Gabriella snapped as the kids' mouth dropped open. They have never seen Gabriella snapped like that to them over a guy.

"But--" Camille started but Gabriella cut her off.

"Save it Camille! You know guys, for the first time in my life, I actually fell in love with someone. Troy. He means so much to me. But the 5 brats always ruin everything for me! Did you know that Troy was the only one that stuck up for you when everyone at school teased you and me?!" Gabriella asked the younger kids who were completely speechless.

"No you didn't know that because all you did was torture him all the time. Now what do I do huh? I just lost one of the most important thing in my life. Just mind your own damn businesses!!" Gabriella yelled as he ran up the stairs and cried her eyes out.

Will the 5 brats actually show their sweet side and mend the broken hearts of Gabriella and Troy?…

OR not??


There's the trailer! I hope you like it! This might be a short story but its up to you! Please review.