A/N: I hope I'm not submitting this twice, but the first time I did it nothing showed up. Then I looked back under my stories and it wasn't there.

Pairing: Hinata and Kiba.

Disclaimer: I only own them in my dreams.


They don't know much about her. Neji doesn't know much about her.

She appears timid so it might surprise one that she was actually quite a good fighter. She trains every day to live up to her family name. She might even become a jounin someday. Sure she'll never be as good as her cousin Neji but he was always special. Hinata wouldn't even become ANBU, too dangerous for the head of the Hyuuga household, and she certainly didn't fit the requirement of being crazy.

Hinata was shy. She stumbled on her words when she was around Naruto. Naruto was outgoing and confident, an inspiration for her. She liked him but I like to think 'admired' is better word after all he was the one she would look up to when she needed the will to keep going. I guess I have something to be thankful to Naruto for.

Hinata was quiet and didn't talk unless she felt comfortable. The only conversations she really has are with her teammates, and when she talks she's brilliant. Neji doesn't give her enough credit. He hates her just because now she was his responsibility to protect. She would never need it though. I'd protect her.

Neji wasn't the only one with a destiny he couldn't escape. Hinata never really wanted to be head of one of the most prestigious clans in Kohona. Leadership wasn't her strong suit, but she could do it when asked. She'll learn to speak up in time. However she's great at strategies on the battlefield, probably because of being able to see all with those eyes of hers. They're white but have a purple tint to them; they're mesmerizing, I'd stare into them all day if I could. She's beautiful outside and in. Neji's blind. He can't see that. He's too wrapped up in destiny to see the warm heart of his cousin. She'd free him of the curse and reunite the houses. She told me.

Hinata loves everyone. She's never discriminated against Naruto despite everyone else's opinion. Hinata loved Neji even though he tried to kill her. She's an angel. Neji will get over it and realize that someday.

Hinata is the most amazing person I know. If it were possible to spend every second of my life with her I'd want to live forever. My favorite time is when our team has finished training for the day and Kurenai-sensei and Shino wander home, and it's just her and me. She'll sit down at the base of a tree and fiddle with the grass and flowers around her, kneading them through her soft fingers. When we were younger I'd race around in front of her playing with Akamaru and she'd giggle gently at our antics. Now, I sit next to her and listen to her talk, about her family, about the mission we were just on, about anything. I love the sound of her voice. It's sweeter than any candy I've ever tasted and more addicting.

Today we were sitting in the grass again, as was our routine. The wind blew through my hair as I listened to the girl beside me. I had zoned out of the conversation somewhat, and Hinata noticed.


"Yeah?" I turned to face her, skin lit by the gold of the setting sun. Before I had time to process what had happened her small soft lips gracefully touched mine and pulled away again. I must have been frozen for some time because she called me again.

"Kiba?" Then more timidly she added, "I hope you didn't mind."

I felt warm inside and gave her a heartfelt smile before wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her to lean on me. We stayed there together until the moon was high in the sky.

Love it? Hate it? Reviews please. They make me happy on the inside.