The Road Trip


The Titans decide to take a road trip and get stuck in the middle of nowhere in an abandoned ghost town, but are they really alone? How will the Titan's survive their stay and more importantly each other? Friendships will be tested and relationships taken to new levels. Join them because it's going to be one heck of a trip. RobXStar BBXRae

Yes I'm back with a new story! I hope you all like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans.

Chapter 1

- Suggestions -

The titans trudged into the living room, exhausted from the previous battle which seemed to last an eternity. The past few months had been hell for them. It was like every villain in the world planned on committing crimes one right after another. The last battle with the High Five, which the titans thought she be called High Four since Jinx became good and dumped the losers, but still they put on a good fight since the titans were all beat.

Beast Boy slumped on the floor, not having enough energy to reach the couch. Cyborg supported himself at the kitchen counter not even trying to make it to the couch. Raven had made it to the couch along with Robin and Starfire.

"Dudes when was the last time we had a vacation?" Beast Boy asked from the floor a hand covering his face.

"Beast Boy we just got back from Tokyo six months ago."

Starfire smiled at the mention of Tokyo, since their last out of the country trip her and Robin were now together. Her smiled played on her lips and Robin noticed and smiled back taking her hand lacing her fingers with his.

"Yes we will always have Tokyo."

Cyborg and Beast Boy groaned when Starfire had said that.

"Please no more lovey dovey stuff."

They both blushed and Star giggled lightly making Robin's heart leap out of his chest.

And I'll always have you.

Beast Boy's moaning brought Robin out of his thoughts.

"Seriously we need to take a day or a week off and just relax."

Raven pulled her hood down revealing her violet hair. She crossed her legs and leaned back on the soft cushions of the couch.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think Beast Boy's right."

All heads whipped in her direction with looks of puzzlement. BB grinned from the floor and blushed slightly.

"Thanks Rae."

She shot him a death glare.

"Don't call me that."

He laughed nervously and his blush returned.

"Come on we can go on like a road trip or something!"

Star gave him a puzzled look.

"Please what is a road trip."

Robin turned to her.

"It's when friends all get together and drive somewhere for a period of time."

Star clasped her hands together.

"This seems most fun! Oh Robin way we please take this trip on the road?"

Robin rubbed the back of his neck.


"Come on man this could be fun! Yeah I can make a huge T-RV to travel in and I'll drive." Cybrog said while pointing to himself and lifting an eyebrow.

"Naturally.." Beast Boy muttered.

"What'd you say?!"

He pretend to whistle.

"Who said what?"

Cyborg was about to pounce on the little green guy when Robin stopped him.

"Guys I don't know."


He looked into Star's pleading eyes. He tried to look away, but found he couldn't. Those eyes made him want to say yes to anything.


The three titans jumped for joy and Raven pulled out a small smile. Cyborg ran into his shop to begin working on the T-RV, Beast Boy finally made it to the couch and turned on the TV, Raven pulled out a book and Robin and Starfire walked up to the roof to watch the sun set.


Robin sighed as he watched the sun glisten on the ocean water. Star looked over at him concern over took her emerald eyes.

"Something troubles you?"

He turned to look at her.


She wasn't fooled, she saw straight through his lie.


She placed a hand on his face, he closed his eyes under his mask and felt her hand. He then took it in his own.

Perfect fit.

"I'm just not sure about this road trip. I feel that something is going to go terrible wrong."

She sighed and looked away from him.

"You do not want to go then." Hurt was heard in her words and it cut Robin deeply.

"No! I want to if you want to."

She smiled a sad smile.

"But it would be selfish of me to only think of what I want and not of you."

Robin smiled, she was the kindest, most beautiful thing he had ever seen in this world…

And the next.

"Star I want to go, I just have this feeling that's all."

She smiled and leaned over kissing him gently on the lips.

"As long as we are together we shall be fine."

He nodded and she laid her head on his shoulder quickly falling asleep. Robin felt calm when she was around him, but he still couldn't shake the feeling of something going wrong. He wrapped his arms around the girl he loved and kissed her hair.

Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you.

I know it's short, but I just need to start it off so the next chapter should be longer! So please review!!!

Peace Out!
