This new story is totally different from the others. In the kadaj family, everyone has partners or a parent, mine happen to be Zack and Yuna. So Zack begged me to write a fanfic of him and Yuna, so here it is.

Pairings: ZackxYuna(new pairing yay!), a bit of TidusxYuna.

Summary: After Zack dies in defending Cloud on the Planet, he is tranported to Spira and meets the young summoner Yuna and her guardians. So he decides to become one of her guardians, and discovers many similarites between his new friends and the ones he knew on the Planet. Zack also begins to love Yuna, and finds out new things about himself.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, they belong to SquareEnix. I only own Zack's new weapon.

Other World Guardian


The sun shone down as two people rode in the bed of rusty old truck to the city of Midgar, both boys, one was a boy around eighteen with spiky black hair that went down to his waist and purple eyes, he wore some kind of uniform, on his back was a large sword, a cheerful grin was on his face.

His companion, a younger boy around sixteen with spiky blonde hair and dull deep blue eyes, sat in a corner of the truck bed. He had his arm over his stomach; the black haired boy had crossed his legs, smiling.

'I'll need to tell Aerith about this,' he thought, looking at his companion. Eighteen year old first-class soldier Zack Fair just felt the wind as it blew through his hair, sixteen year old Cloud Strife was probably resting, the two had escaped from Shinra Manor in Cloud's hometown, Nibelheim, and were riding to the city of Midgar.

"Hey, Cloud…." He called to his friend, no reply. "What are you doing once we reach Midgar?"

Cloud still didn't say a word; he just sat there, his arm over his stomach, Zack was a bit worried about his friend, they had been through a lot, but he didn't understand why Cloud was so quiet.

"Well, first of all, we need to get some money," Zack said. "Hey pops, you know any businesses that I'll able to do?"

"What are you saying?" the driver, an old man asked. "You need to try out everything while you're still young. Go through many hardships while you're still young, and find that path of yours."

Find his path, like Zack would believe that, he had a girlfriend in Midgar, and a best friend was training to become a soldier. He crossed his arms behind his head, looking at the sky.

"'Everything', so he says," he said to Cloud. "Not much of a help, huh? Oh yeah, that's right! I have a lot of knowledge and skills other people don't have, right? All right, I've made up my mind! I'll open up a business that does everything!"

"Hey you… were you listening to anything what I've said?"

"Troublesome things and dangerous things… I'm going to do everything depending upon the reward. I'm going to make a fortune! Hey, Cloud… What are you going to?" No reply. "I'm just kidding. I won't do a thing like abandon you. We're friends, right? We're going to open a business that does everything. Do you understand, Cloud?"

Still no reply, Zack just smiled at his friend; slowly he stood up and put his elbow on the roof of the truck, he said, "Hey pops, we're not there yet. This old piece of junk…"

He closed his eyes and in a slip second he ran to Cloud, shouting, "Take cover!"

He covered his friend from a gun shot on a cliff, with his last breath, he told Cloud, "Cloud, get out of here!"

As Zack floated through space, two figures watched him, one said, "He hasn't fulfilled his propose, let's send him where he can fulfill it."

"Yes," the other figure said.

The figures waved their hands in the air and sent Zack to a nearby world; he floated to the surface of a large ocean. When he woke up, he was on a deck, the sun shining brightly on his face. He stood up and looked behind him; there was a village of huts and docks.

"Where am I?" he wondered, putting his hand behind his head.

He noticed his clothes were wet to the bone, looking around, Zack found an inn, he ran to the inn, despite all the stares he got around him. After pushing aside the certain in the doorway, he found a desk.

"Please, give me a room," he said.

The clerk gave a strange stare to him, gave him some clothes and took him a room. Zack took off his wet clothes and put the clothes he was offered, once he was changed, he exited the inn.

"What a peaceful village," he said, smiling.

A group of men wearing purple outfit walked up to him, the leader waved at him, "You're not from here, are you?"

"No, I'm from the Planet," Zack said.

There was a silence between them, the group burst into laughter, Zack thought, 'What's so funny, it's true.'

"You're probably got too close to Sin," one said.

'Sin?' Zack thought.

"What's your name?" the leader said.

"It's Zack," he introduced.

"Well, Zack, we're Luca Goers," one said. "This is Kilika."

Zack nodded, Goers explained to him a lot of things he didn't understand, like the sport in Spira was blitzball, which is played in a large sphere of water, each year the city of Luca held a tournament, when Zack asked about Sin, they said Sin was a monster that appeared a thousand years ago, people called summoners journey through Spira to try and stop it. There were people who protect summoners call guardians.

"Okay, I get most of it," Zack said. "I saw a weapon shop on the way to the inn. Do they have good weapons?"

"Yeah, if you have some gil," one Goer said.

Zack checked one of the pockets, and found a bag of gil, 750 gil. He waved goodbye to the Luca Goers, and ran off to the weapon shop. After entering the shop, he was glad to find weapons hanging on the walls. He picked up a sword, its design was close to a samurai sword, the piece for it was 230 gil. Zack smiled, the scabbard for it was free, so he paid for his new weapon and walked back outside.

The sun was going down as he got out; Zack figured he must have arrived at noon; he walked back to the inn and paid 10 gil for the night. As he lay on his bed, he thought about Aerith and Cloud, Aerith was probably going nuts when she heard of his so-called 'death', and Cloud was probably crying silent. He closed his eyes, confused by this new world he seemed to have entered.

Zack found himself on a beach, the wind blowing through his hair, the sun shining down on the wide blue ocean in front of him. He smiled, everything looks so peaceful, Aerith and Cloud ran up to him, smiles on their faces.

"Aerith! Cloud!" he shouted.

"Zack!" they shouted back, hugging him.

Zack hugged them back, smiling, he saw a woman standing in front of him. She had a small gentle smile on her face. Zack let go of Cloud and Aerith and walked up to her.

"Hello…" she said to him.

"Hi," he said, blushing at her.

The woman took a small step forward, but fell into his arms. She smiled at him, Zack smiled back, what was this feeling he felt with her in his arms like this? For a while, it was only him, Aerith, Cloud, and the woman on the beach.

Next thing Zack knew, the beach was ruined, Aerith and Cloud were unconscious on pieces of lands, and the woman was on another piece of land. Zack got up and ran to her.

"Hang on there!" he shouted as he ran.

He hopped across the pieces of land to reach her, but he couldn't get near for her when the ground began to shake, he fell into one of the creak.

Zack woke with a start; he gasped for air, sweat on his forehead, he thought, 'What a strange dream. Who was that woman? I'm glad it was just a dream and over with it.'

He got out of bed and walked outside, watching the sun rise above the horizon.

Please, R&R. Many are needed for me.