A new Uchiha

By: TheVessel

Disclaimer: I don't own naurato

Authors note: This is my first story so please let me know how it's going



A twenty year old, Sakura ran through the forest, she couldn't let the hunter ninjas find her. She had too much to lose. She paused for a brief moment to catch her breath. Panting, she cradled the wiggling bundle in her arms closely. Hokage Tsunade had ordered that the baby be put away somewhere and never taught the way of the ninja.

"This is sasuke's baby, the baby that he had with me," Sakura thought to herself out loud. She had made the decision to run with the child and find Sasuke. She didn't think he even knew of the child's existence yet. Sakura knew that Sakuke's obsession with killing his brother was the reason he kept himself away from her.

She had hoped that if he knew that she had his child he would give up on his revenge and stay with her. She had made the decision to become a missing ninja. Lady Hokage feared that the child would become a danger much like Sasuke and his brother had become. She herself could feel the overwhelming amount of chakra that the child had. Sakura looked down at her newborn, "This has happened so fast I still don't have a name for you yet. How about Nina" Sakura smiled, the little girl had inherited her pink hair.

"She also had inherited her father's eyes," Inner Sakura noted, "She will have the sharingan, you know" "So what" Sakura snapped back at herself "I know that's why lady hogake wanted her put up, but it's just not fair."

Sakura didn't know where she could find Sasuke but she knew that his brother, Itachi, was known to hang around the stone village. "This is as good of spot as any to start looking, I guess" Just then she felt the ANUBU squad approaching her and she tensed.

"Sakura, Chan we have been assign to bring you and the baby back to leaf village" The squad leader said gesturing to the baby as he said it. Sakura knew they felt the baby's overwhelming chakra and she became afraid. Sakura started to back up slowly cradling Nina protectively until she backed into something, no someone. She turned her head upward to the right to see just who was behind her and her eyes got as wide as dinner plates. "Itachi" She mouthed silently as her color turned pale.

Itachi stood behind her like a wall. He was using his sharingan and his face bore a blank expression. He stared down at Sakura then to the baby then to the ninjas then back to baby Nina. Sakura thought he stared at her child for what must have been an hour. The baby, Nina, finally broke the silence when she let out a hungry cry and opened her eyes.

"Those eyes" Itachi noted to himself. He had sensed a great amount of chakra and him and kisame, his partner, decided to investigate. He suddenly snapped his head upright and sneered, "Kisame" he yelled grabbing a hold of sakura and taking off. Sakura screamed as she held Nina closely to her body. Kisame, the shark man came out of nowhere and proceeded to battle the whole squad of ANUBU who stood in shock at the sight of the famous S class criminal.

Fear hit Sakura hard as she and her baby were being dragged deeper into the forest by Itachi. "Oh god," inner sakura cried "is going to murder us?" Sakura knew their only chance at survival was to rationalize with him "Um, Itachi San can we please stop now the baby needs…" Itachi slammed to a halt and glared at her so hard it broke her train of thought and stopped her mid sentence. "Who is that child's father" He asked curtly. "Shit, he is going to murder us" Inner sakura screamed. Sakura couldn't think anymore "your brother" Sakura said in almost a faint whisper, while looking down at her feet, Nina, anything but Itachi's face. She couldn't stand this. "Please, Itachi, please don't kill her" Sakura looked up at his face now and pleaded. This surprised Itachi, "Why do you think I would kill my niece?"

"You killed your clan, wouldn't she be part of your clan" Itachi looked at Nina, who was growing extremely impatient about missing her meal, and smirked. "Sakura, it is Sakura right" Sakura nodded

"That was different, there would be no point to killing this pathetic infant yet" Sakura grew pale once more and she would have fainted if she had not been holding Nina. She had not eaten in a while and nursing a newborn while running from hunter nins had drained her completely. "Your child is hungry, feed her"

Itachi motioned for Sakura to rest under the tree they were standing next to. Sakura sat on the ground and leaned against the tree cradling Nina in her arms. Sakura started to open up her shirt to feed Nina when she stopped. He was still staring at her. "Um, could you look the other way" Itachi smirked again and turned to the opposite direction.

Who would have thought that that unusual chakra would have been radiating from none other than his own bloodline?


Authors note:

I would like to thank Hajnalmadar for pointing out a few errors in the story to me