Hi everyone, here's an outake of my story Hidden Truth. i just finished writing it, so forgive any mistakes you will surely find, it's past midnight in France and I'm tired. I wanted to give you this outtake before going to bed as a thank you note for still loving this story, adding it to your favorite or putting it on alert. So to all of you who have once loved/read this story, here's my thank you note :)Outtake #1

"Logan could you please stop pacing like that? You're kind of making me sea-sick and we're not even on a boat. I know you're stressed about tomorrow's ceremony but you need to relax a little."

"Veronica, you don't understand the pressure I've got on my shoulders. The press, the studios, the fans, hell the whole world is watching me and expecting me to win."

"You're wrong, the world might be expecting you to win. But I, as your wife, only want what's best for you, what makes you happy. Remember our vows, for better or for worse I'll be right by your side, and it's only a ceremony, there are more important things in the world or our lives."

"I know, it's just the pressure feels like …"

"Feels like you have more important things to focus on than winning an Oscar. Logan, you know I love you, but right now you're getting on my nerves with your pacing. You have a loving family that would do anything for you, after tomorrow's ceremony we'll still love you and that is whatever you win or not and remember you still have an Oscar in your office."

"Yeah I know. Veronica the difference between the Oscar in my office and the one I have to win is the movie. This movie is about my, our lives, Veronica, it's about Lily. Of all the movies I ever took part in, this is the most personal one, it tells our story, how we became who we are today and I directed it."

"Logan it took you years to write it and months to decide whatever to turn it in a movie. At the beginning it was supposed to help you to put your past to rest, but ever since the buzz about the Oscars began after your win at the Golden Globes you've been under too much stress. When was the last time you had a full night of sleep? A night without waking up to check on the children and especially Elisabeth and Joshua."

"Well that's because Ethan is never in his room in the middle of the night…"

"What? How come … never mind, don't try to distract me with another problem, I'll deal with Ethan' sneaking out problem later."

"Why don't you do it now?" Logan asked with a smirk, knowing his son would get a hell of a lecture from his mother. He knew Ethan would take his revenge and make him regret ratling him out. But honestly what could he do when his wife was harassing him with questions? Despite their almost twenty years of marriage, Veronica could still get him to admit his darkest secrets, no wonder she was a good FBI agent. He sometimes felt bad for the criminals or the people she had interrogated in her past life, but he never felt bad enough for them to forget they deserved it and had it coming.

"Logan are you listening to me?"

"Are you going to kill me if I say no?"

"You're unbelievable! I don't know why I'm wasting my time trying to get you to talk to me. I've got to go anyway since I'm not wanted here, Josh is playing in his playpen, don't forget to put him down for his nap in thirty minutes. Elie is next door at the birthday party of the Cullen daughter, Nessie."

"I still can't believe there are parents who think naming their child Nessie is cool and so unique poor kid, she must have done something really bad to piss of her parents before her birth."

"Honey, you know as well as I do it's her nickname. Ok, now listen you've got a whole list of things to do. I'm picking up my dress and shoes for tomorrow as well as your tuxedo and I'm going to drop by Cartier to choose my jewelry with Meg. Any questions?"

"No chief!" Logan said at attention. He grabbed Veronica by the waist and brought her closer to him so he could kiss her. "I already know all these things, I'm just trying to make fun or a not so funny situation, can't blame a guy for trying." He said as he watches her pick up their son to give him a kiss and telling him she'd be back soon, she tickled him a little before putting him down. She walked up to the hallway entrance and picked up her bag long with her car keys. "Hey miss I'm leaving the house without telling my awesome husband how much I love him and how miserable my life would be without him."

"I'm sorry Logan, I sometimes forget I married a five years old little boy and not a forty four years old man."

"Five years old? Like a five years old could could have done what I did to you last night and what I plan to do tonight in our room."

"I hope so." Veronica said with a laugh. She gave him a quick kiss and left the house shouting a good bye to her elder son who was in garden playing ball with his friends.

Veronica was playing with the wine in her drink, not feeling like drinking anything. If Logan was now feeling good about his chances of winning another Oscar, Veronica was feeling stressed over the unthinkable; Logan not

All the way through the evening Logan had shot her worried glances and she had tried to reassure him that she was fine, even if she had not been fine, she did not want to worry. How could she be anything but worried and stressed when she knew how important tonight was for her husband and their family.

Their walk on the red carpet had been stressful for them, having to smile, pose and answer questions about the movies, always the same ones. Why couldn't they remember the answers they had given less than three months ago? Didn't they understand how stupid some questions were? Honestly did they really think they would say, oh no Lily's death was not as important in real life as it is in the movie and no I never almost lost my life when Aaron tried to burn me while I was in that freezer. Journalists, reporters and paparazzi were NOT as smart as they appeared to be on television or in the papers. It was obvious for any sane person that what happened when they were sixteen had forever changed their lives; it would do that to any normal person. Veronica felt Logan's hand on her wrist, she turned her head towards him and gave him a smile, she leaned over her chair and gave him a quick kiss. She put her hand on his cheek before running her fingers through his hair.

"You look hot dressed like that and with your hair look really wild with you passing your fingers through it over and over. You should comb your hair like that more often."

"Well technically I had a hairdresser tame them but you know me, I'm all for wild hair."

"Yeah I do, you look younger with your hair like that, it suits you."

"Thanks honey, I love you Mrs Echolls."

"As I do Mr Echolls, forever and a day, forever and a day." Veronica said with a smile. This time it was Logan who leaned over to give her a kiss. But as it is often the case for them what began as a chaste kiss turned into a real French kiss, something that should not be done on a national TV channel at that time of the evening. Logan felt his agent give him a small tap on the shoulder.

"Logan you're next." He whispered, hoping his client would manage to keep his lips for himself for a minute. As happy as Logan's marriage is, the viewers might not enjoy watching him swap saliva with his wife.

"Okay thanks man, I own you big."

"Oh yeah you do, don't worry about it, I'll be there to remind you of my awesomeness."

"Guys could you please shut up and act like adults?" Veronica interrupted them, not wanting to miss the moment Georges Clooney gives the name of the best actor. She took Logan's hand in her hands, needing to feel connected to him, but she also wanted him to feel connected to her. When she heard Georges Clooney say Logan Echolls, she could not help the tears streaming down her face, her husband did it, and he was adding another Oscar to his trophy collection. Logan put his hands on Veronica's face and brought his lips to hers before standing up, giving her a last kiss on her forehead.

He gave Georges Clooney a hug and took his Oscar in his left hand, admiring this name below the inscription best movie. He walked to the mic and cleared his throat.

"I don't know what to say and believe me that doesn't happen very often, my family can tell you." He said with a nervous laugh. "I've been hearing people say don't worry about it, you're going to win and all I was hearing was you have to win, not you're going to win. Writing his movie was, as you probably know, very hard for me and my family who had to put up with my S*H*I*T for months, especially during the filming process as it brought back many bad memories. Now let's move on to happier things before they cut me off. I'd like to thank above all, my wonderful, amazing wife who's been with me for almost thirty years and who's been an amazing mother to our three wonderful children. I love my wife and children more than you can imagine, I love you guys, even you Ethan, I didn't get you grounded for the next three weeks on purpose, it slipped, you know how scary your mom is." He said with a laugh. He rose his hand, holding tight on his Oscar above his head, "And I'd like to finally say a few words about Lily, this film was made in her honor, to tell the world how great she was, she made a simple mistake that cost her her life, but she was my wife's best friend, my best friend' sister and my first love. To Lily freaking Kane, hope you're throwing a party wherever you are and celebrating this Oscar with us."