Disclaimer: As much as I'd like a couple of Cullens (preferably Edward and Alice) around my place, I don't own Twilight or New Moon; those both belong to the great Stephenie Meyer. BPOV to start.

I was fiddling with the edge of the newspaper I was reading in the Cullen's living room. As crazy as it sounded, I was a mother. I don't think it ever really set in properly, but Edward and I loved our daughter immensely. I watched them playing on the floor, Edward's golden eyes never leaving the baby. I had never seen him so happy.

Our daughter was three months old and had her father's coppery hair and beautiful green eyes, like he once had. She was still too young for us to determine how much of her was human and how much she was vampire. Edward had been persistent that we treat her like a human baby until she proved otherwise. Her name was Hope, or as Edward called her, 'our little miracle', which was quite an accurate description. Carlisle had not thought it possible, and as far as we knew, it wasn't. But the how wasn't terribly important to me now; Hope was still a healthy little girl, although she was on the small side.

Skimming over the health section of the paper, I saw a note for parenting classes. Most were walk-in welcome, but it was a little trickier to find one that allowed fathers. There was one scheduled for tonight at 7:30. I checked the clock; it was 4:45. "Edward," I called. He picked up Hope and sat down on the couch next to me.

"Yes, Bella?"

I slid over closer to him and pointed at the note in the paper. "A parenting class?" He asked with an amused smile and wrinkled up his nose. "It's so… normal. I wonder if they'd let us in,"

"What do you mean let us in? We're parents! They've got to!"

"Bella, we're not even twenty." He reminded me.

"Well we can bring Hope's birth certificate or something." I looked more closely at the ad. I thrust a satisfied finger at a fine print line that read: Parents of all ages welcome. "There,"

Edward sighed. "I suppose if you want to…"

"Well," I started, "Renee emphasized these sorts of things, so it'd make her happy,"

He leaned closer and whispered, "Would it make you happy?"

"It's worth a try," The truth was, I didn't know in the slightest how to be a good parent. Strange as it sounds, having a vampire as the father was one of my biggest bonuses. Edward could be at Hope's side all night and never seem to wear out. He knew her thoughts and what she wanted whenever she cried. Perhaps I wasn't the only one entranced by him, for Hope always seemed comfortable in his arms. Edward's family was a plus too: Jasper could keep the situations fairly manageable, and Alice, well besides seeing if Hope decided to be cranky in the near future, she gladly volunteered to do all the shopping for me.

Hope wriggled around a bit in Edward's arms before getting comfortable and settling down for what looked like the start of a nap. "7:30," he murmured. He scanned over the ad and said, "Bella, this is in Seattle,"

"What?" Sure enough, it was. "Oh, well, then…"

"We can still go," Edward said brightly.

"Who would take care of Hope? We can't bring her with us," It was a Friday, so Carlisle was working. So was Charlie, but he wasn't exactly the one I would call. Emmett and Rosaline were at a concert in Seattle as far as I knew. Esme was out (hunting I guessed) and I had no idea where Alice or Jasper was.

"Alice should be home soon" Edward said, "I'm sure she wouldn't mind,"

After all, Hope was Alice's favorite (and only) niece and Alice was Hope's favorite aunt. "Then that's settled," I said, "We'd better get ready,"

"Why don't you get ready while I put Hope down," Edward suggested, "Then I'll get ready,"
I nodded and we made our way up the stairs.

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