Here's the final chapter. And please read my little note at the bottom. Cheers =]

Lindsay walked slowly through the hallways, and down the stairwell. This was no time to be in a lift, especially with the luck she was encountering at the moment. With each passing floor, the skyline got higher and higher, and Lindsay could see whether any cars were approaching. By the time she was down at the sixth floor window, Lindsay saw a figure on the ground. Without any thought, she started to run.

Lindsay ran to outside the church, her bleeding boyfriend laying on the cold concrete, fighting for his life. This was not meant to happen. They were meant to live happily ever after. They were perfect for each other. Everything was going too well, a kink in the road was long overdue, but not this. This was not supposed to happen. Lindsay leaned down next to Danny, not caring anymore about how her hair looked, or getting her dress dirty. None of that mattered anymore. Only he mattered.

"Baby, can you hear me?" Lindsay whispered between the tears, clasping Danny's hand so tightly, she never wanted to let go.

Lindsay collapsed on Danny's chest in despair. He mousy brown curls stained with his blood. Every tear shed onto his ripped shirt, trickling slowly into his many wounds. Lindsay felt his body lifeless underneath her, knowing he should flinch from the her tears inside him. She felt as though she should be doing something to save him. He came to her rescue every time she needed it, even when she didn't even know she needed him. He was always there. The one time he needed her, and she wasn't there. Lindsay would never forgive herself.

"Don't do this Danny. Don't let them win" Lindsay sobbed, beating their hands gently on Danny's chest.

Lindsay couldn't help the anger she was feeling. Anger at Marc, at Don, at Carmine. Anger at Danny. She shouldn't be angry at Danny, she loved him. None of this was his fault, but the anger still persevered.

Stella stood ominously over Lindsay, unsure of what to do. Never before had any of their lives been in danger. She never needed to rescue someone. She was always rescued. She placed a reassuring hand on Lindsay's shoulder, crouching down next to her. Stella could do nothing except keep her hand there. It was something, and she hoped it helped. Even the tiniest bit of help. But she needed Lindsay to know that she was here for her. Words couldn't express that right now. Words weren't forming, let alone being able to form a coherent sentence.

Danny struggled for breath as he tried to speak for the last time. He wanted so desperately to move his arm. He needed to give Lindsay something. He needed to know that this came from him. From his heart, to hers. His voice rasped quietly, he almost made out a word. Another sound escaped his lips: a gruff 'Puh'. Danny didn't want the last thing he said to Lindsay to be 'puh'.

"Pocket" Danny finally managed to say, without too much pain. Tears started streaming from his eyes now. Danny realised this was the last time he would be alive. The last time he would see Lindsay. He could feel death coming, and there were still so many things he hadn't done. He hadn't married Lindsay. Given her a baby. Made his mother proud of him. Told his mother 'I love you' for the last time. Heard his father say 'I love you' for the first time.

Danny closed his eyes, and tried to hold onto Lindsay's hand so tight that she may actually feel it. He wanted the last thing he ever did was to hold the one person he had ever truly loved, and who loved him back. With his eyes closed, Danny could faintly feel Lindsay breathing on his chest, he tried to mimic her breath, pull strength from Lindsay. He didn't have the strength inside him. His breath slowed down, and with every breath, Danny thanked the Lord for things in his life. His last breath, and the last thought Danny Messer ever had was Lindsay. No gracious thank yous for whoever bought them together. Just the happiness he has when he was with her, and how he would never see her again. And with that thought, Danny Messer's life was over.

Lindsay felt a difference underneath her. Danny felt different. That last motion inside him was stronger than all the others. For a moment, she held out hope that he would survive this. Then, after that, there was nothing. No motion in his body. It was completely still. Her sobs got louder, more violent, until Lindsay was physically shaking.

"Come back" Lindsay shrieked tears, pounding their hands against Danny's heart.

Partly, a desperate attempt for CPR, partly symbolic of her broken heart. Either way, Lindsay was now nothing. Lindsay was Danny. He saved her from her old life. He made her who she was today. Without him, she is nothing. Lindsay felt something cold hit her hand as she finally lay it to rest over Danny's heart. Through blurred eyes, Lindsay could see a silver band laying on Danny's chest. With her free hand, Lindsay scrambled for the ring, and pulled it close. It was Danny's eternity ring, he had it resized to fit Lindsay. She placed the ring in the palm of her hand, and a tiny shadow appeared on the inside. Lindsay pulled it closer to her, still clasping onto Danny's hand for dear life.

'L, I love you, D' was inscribed on the back.

I love you. On Danny's eternity ring. Which was now Lindsay's eternity ring. This was much deeper than a gift to her. Danny would now be with her for eternity. His love, with her until the day she dies. Lindsay struggled to pull the ring on her finger. The same finger Danny wore it on.

"Babe, I'm sorry. He's gone" Stella said from behind Lindsay, gently rubbing her arm in sympathy.

Lindsay turned around and smiled half-heartedly, "No, he's not", she whispered. Falling back onto Danny's chest, and preceding to cry on the still chest of her true love. "I love you too" Lindsay whispered repeatedly between the tears, placing a gentle kiss goodbye on his lips.

So, Young and Rich is finally over, I bet you're glad I finished that. If you have any comments on how you wanted it to end, please tell me in a review. If not, I am so grateful to everyone who's read this story, and encouraged me to write it.

Also, this is most likely going to be my last fanfiction, possibly ever. I've moved into original fiction now, and if any of you would like to read any of my original fiction stories (I only allow complete ones to be read, so no need to worry about long waits between chapters), then please email me. I think my address is on my profile.

Thanks again, so much for you continued support.
