Title: Of the Nightstars
Narrated: TorringMay

Typed by: Sorringmay
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13 / Teen
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: After being abandon by the Dursleys as a baby, Harry is raised by another race. After 5 years of odd dreams and magical power surges, his adopted family is allowing him to go to Hogwarts in an attempt to learn to control his powers.




"Vernon, are you serious?" Petunia Dursley smiled her eyes light with excitement.

Vernon Dursley, an extremely large beefy man, with no neck and a large mustache smiled at his wife.

"Of course I am Petunia darling. Just think of how much Dudders will enjoy the snow." Vernon and Petunia both turned to look at their rotund child who lay in his play-pen belching after his third bottle that hour. "It will be good for him to experience new things."

A frown marred Petunia's horsy face "What about him," Petunia asked nodding her head towards a large cardboard box. Inside laid a small dark haired boy who quietly looked up at his relatives. He was always quiet, as if he knew his presence was unwanted.

Vernon let out a tremendous sigh, "Will have to take the vermin with us I guess. Will just leave him locked in the room while we go out."

"Do you think that's safe?" Petunia asked as she looked down at her sister's child with disdain. She had never much cared for her sister, especially after her sister's abnormality became know. Now that her sister was dead, they were landed with her equally abnormal child.

"We will just leave him shut up in the box," Vernon responded, waving his hand dismissively. "I am not letting that," he said pointing at the unwanted child, "Ruin ours or Dudley's vacation.

Petunia rubbed her hands together smiling at her husband, totally unaware of the malicious gleam in his eye…or purposely ignoring it.

Two days later found there Dursley's pulling into the lodge near the historic Sherwood Forrest. The large resort was first class, Vernon had made sure of that so he could brag when he returned to his office with pictures to show off their elaborate holiday.

He quickly stepped into the main lobby out of the cold winter air. Walking up to the desk he confirmed with the young lady that he, his wife and their small child would be staying for the week. He then ushered his wife and their child into their room, taking quick glances to see if anyone noticed the over large lumpy bag he was caring. No one seemed the least bit suspicious of them, in fact the only looks they got were looks of astonishment as people noticed what looked like a pig in babies clothing. Manners dictated however that they say nothing to this.

That evening Vernon took his wife and child to dinner at the lodge's restaurant, where a very disgruntled server tried desperately to politely deal with the demanding family. They then came back and enjoyed a quiet evening watching the rooms telly.

Vernon smiled down at he watched his chubby son gnaw on his fat fist in his sleep. He then checked to make sure Petunia was asleep before once again picking up the lumpy oversized bag and heading out to the car.

Thirty minutes later, Vernon Dursley made his way back through the snow to his car with a now empty bag. As he slipped into the car he gave a hearty cackle. After three terrifying months they were finally free. Free from the abomination that had been dumped on their door step for them to care for.

Not once had he looked back at the dark haired child he had left in the freezing cold snow bank. He had no concern for the child or what was to become of it, he was elated by the feeling that they no longer housed a manifestation of pure abnormality and freakishness.

Quietly he slipped back into their room with out a single feeling of regret or remorse for the fate he had left the child to. After all those freaks had just left the child on their own doorstep, who is to say that someone or something had not come by and taken to abomination before they found it.

No things were better this way. No his wife would no longer be burdened by her families dark secrete and Dudley would not be contaminated by its freakishness. Things were defiantly better for the Dursleys.




The figure moved silently through the night, slipping from shadow to shadow, movement unseen even by the wild life that moved through the night. Moving quickly across the snow, not even marring the pristine powder, the figure made towards it's destination.

Shkaria Nightstar had much news to report to the High-elders when he returned. The dark wizard that had grown in power so much so that he had even threatened the elven kingdoms had indeed been defeated.

An unnatural sound made the night elf freeze where he stood. Scanning the forest for the sound he watched as a muggle moved through the woods. The man's aura pulsed with ill intent as he scrambled back towards the path the muggle's used.

Shkaria watched the man's motor carriage take him away. Curious as to what the muggle had been doing in the forest at night in this cold the elf traced the deep impressions made in the snow. As he reached the end of the trail he looked over the snow bank his eyes widening at what he found.

Anger and rage radiated off the elf as he realized what the muggle had done. Grinding his teeth the elf forced himself to calm down, not wanting to frighten the child as he reached to pick up the boy.

He watched as deep emerald eyes opened and blink up at him. Shkaria smiled brushing the snow littered hair out of the child's eyes, revealing the lighting scar on his forehead. A peculiar scar, especially for a child, though the child's aura did show that he was definitely of wizard kin. Taking the child safely against his chest Shkaria started once more towards the gates of the night elf kingdom.




"These are interesting reports you have brought back to us Nightstar. You have made efforts to verify the claims the wizards have made?"

Shkaria was bowed to one knee before the High Elven Counsel. "I have my lords and ladies. All does appear to be as they claim. They are even pursuing the followers, though I fear that they will not do an adequate job of this."

"Do you believe that there are those amidst the former dark wizards regime that will now take his place?"

"No my lord," Shkaria nodded to the elder that had spoken. "It would appear that while this dark lord has been defeated, he will rise again."

There was murmurs among the high counsel over this.

"And who validates this," enquired one of the ladies of the counsel.

"A prophesy made by a wizard kin, verified by the centaur."

There were more murmurs before the counsel quieted again.

"And who Nightstar, do the wizards claim the prophesy depicts?"

Shkaria gave a sad smile was he looked up at them. "A child, the very child who defeated him will also rise to face this dark wizard once more."

"And what do we know of this child?"

"Not much, the wizard kin are being very quiet regarding him. The criers of their lands call him Harry Potter and it is said his family has passed on."

"Is there a away that we may assist this child?"

"No my lady," Shkaria shook his head sadly. "The wizard kin claim they have him well protected. I however tried to locate him to put basic spells on the child, but with so many that have had parents pass on, I was unable to locate him."

"Very well Nightstar, if there is nothing else?"

"Actually my lord," Shkaria pulled back his cloak revealing the child to them. "I found him in the forest, a muggle had abandon him there."

"He is wizard kin," one of the lords replied. "We must send him back to them."

Shkaria frowned as he looked down at the child. He did not want to give the child back to the wizard kin if they were going to hand him over to muggles again.

"Nightstar, this bothers you, giving the child back to the wizard kin?"

Shkaria looked up at the Counsel's High Lady and nodded. "I fear that with all that has happened in the wizard world that they can no longer deal with all the children left behind."

"And what would you have us do," snapped one of the lords.

"If the counsel will allow it – "

"No he is wizard kin, he must go back – "

The High Lady raised her hand for silence. "Nightstar you said the child was abandon by a muggle?"

"Yes my lady."

"And if we were to keep the child here, who would you propose to look after him?" The High lady enquired with a knowing smirk.

"My Lady, though there are many who are better fit to do so, I would request the honor if it were to be allowed."

A smile spread across her face as she listened to the arguments against keeping a wizard child amidst the elven kin. "I think Nightstar," silence feel as the rest of the counsel waited for their lady's decision on the matter, "That you have well earned the honor of raising this child." With that she rose from her position leading the other out of the court.

Shkaria Nightstar looked down into the face of the child that was now his, a broad smile lighting his handsome face.




Authors Notes: This is TorringMay's first Harry Potter (though not her last if I have any say) fanfic. It is being written specifically for me (SorringMay her sister). However if you enjoy it, please feel free to review.

Also any typing errors or spelling errors are mine not TorringMay's and please feel free to point them out to us.