Disclaimer: All WWE content is owned by Vince McMahon and is used here purely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: Jeff Hardy has got a lot more then wrestling on his mind lately, and it all centers around a certain WWE Diva. Will he admit his true feelings in time or will he lose his chance forever.

Distribution: The places that have the rights to this fiction as of its inception are The WWE Fan Fiction Library Open/Selected Archives, Fan Fiction Dot Net, and my own personal site, whenever I get my butt in gear and update it. If you would like to host this fiction or any of my work, please email me with a request.

Authors Notes: Over the weekend I was hit with the fiction bug big time, So much in fact that I actually entertained the idea of writing a Randy Orton fiction. It has been pulled down and will never see the light of day again, unless there were people that liked it, then they can tell me. I have since gone back to my comfort zone with this story about Jeff Hardy and a yet to be named WWE Diva. As always with my work, just knowing it is being read is enough, but I will accept any and all reviews that you chose to give. But remember they are not mandatory.

God she is beautiful and I bet she doesn't even know just how much. He thought to himself as he watched her stretching in the hallway, oblivious to any and all people around her who might just be admiring the way she looked.

She might be oblivious to what was going on around her but he wasn't. He admired this woman working out before him. She had long since gotten past the views of the others in the locker room about her and had decided instead that she would show them just what she could do in the ring.

But right now, the ring was the last thing on his mind. All he could think about was what it would be like, could be like if he could get her alone for just a minute and tell her just what capacity he was thinking of her in.

What it would feel like to run his fingers across her face, taking the feel of her skin in, inch by inch. He would be hard pressed to find a flaw on this woman and he had certainly been staring at her for enough weeks to know if there was one.

But she had no idea the way he would stroll out in the middle of the hallway at each and every arena just to see her work out. She had no idea how much he admired her for not giving in to the politics and backstage ramblings and for just remaining to be her.

They were friends, in passing anyway because in some ways, everyone in the locker room these days was, but he couldn't help longing for it to be something more then just the casual relationship they had now.

On more then one occasion he had allowed himself the pleasure of basking in her scent after she had walked by him, craving so much to have that scent wrapped up in his, in more places then just the ring.

He knew it was wrong, to sit here and watch her this way, when she had no idea she was being watched but he couldn't take his eyes off of her. The way even with her hair tied back in a ponytail she still looked as feminine as she could get. With the clothing she wore to the ring, tightly wrapped up in her curves, of which she had many. He had tried to shake her, the way just watching her made him feel but it had fallen on deaf ears. He just couldn't shake it. At least not when he was alone like this and she was just steps from him.

No one knew he did this and if they did he would surely be thought of as even more strange then he was now, but he also found that he didn't care that much. The only person he cared about finding out about this was the woman before him now, and his brother.

God help him if his brother knew the un pure thoughts that took over his brain every Tuesday night when they filmed Smackdown. It would surely cause nothing but grief, something Jeff found that he had gotten enough of through the entire drug scandal and his leaving the WWE years before.

Matt had let him have it then and would surely even more so let him have it now. There was no way his brother could find out about this girl, and the feelings that erupted in him every time she was near.

But what he wouldn't give to just for one night have her all to himself, in a hotel or at home in Carolina, so that he could show her just what he felt for her, mind body and soul. It pained him so much to think about, the pulsating in his chest and the hum in his heart that he had to turn away from the view.

It had been too long since he had shared the company of another woman, especially another woman who seemed to get him like no other. As he walked back to the locker room to meet up with his brother, who was surely done his tag match now, he tried to put those feelings out of his mind.

It was time to put on another show, a show that only he could do. And that was the show of the very doting brother. The brother that would never let a woman come between them. It was a shame that as good a show as he was now about to put on again, he didn't believe in it for one second.