When the helicopters landed on the roof of the hospital Garret was rushed into surgery. Everyone else was taken to the ER to be cleared medically. Woody had to practically hold Jordan down while the doctor examined her. Once they were both given the clear, they joined the others in the waiting room to get news on Garret's condition.

Lily rushed in with Madeline in tow. She burst into tears the moment she saw Bug, who jumped up and hugged Lily tight.

The longer they all sat there the more nervous everyone seemed to get. The doctors had told them all to go home and sleep, insisting that they needed it. The gang knew they needed to sleep but they all also knew they wouldn't get it until they knew Garret was okay.

Jordan was going crazy. She would sit down, only to stand up again and pace, then go get some coffee only to let it sit untouched and get cold.

Nigel was constantly going to find doctors to get updates on Garret's condition, only to be told they would be informed as soon as there was any news. He stopped as he was about the reenter the waiting room and observed the scene. Bug was sitting with his arm around Lily looking down at Maddie who was in her mother's arms. Kate had fallen asleep her head leaning against the wall. Jordan was pacing again. As she passed Woody he reached out and grabbed a hold of her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. He gently tugged her down into the chair next to him. She sat down and slowly lowered her head to his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. Nigel sighed he didn't know how their "family" would survive if anything happened to Garret. Though he knew they would have to get through it like they always did; together.

Hours later Woody woke up with a jolt. He had slipped into a dream; they were back on the mountain but this time there were no helicopters. His heart rate began to settle as he observed the scene around him. Everyone had finally fallen asleep. The hospital was quiet; it was starting to get late. What finally calmed Woody down, though, was feeling Jordan leaning against him. Her head was resting on his shoulder and she was finally fast asleep. Woody took a deep breath and settled back down, pulling Jordan close to him. As worried as he was about Garret another part of him was thrilled that he and Jordan were finally on the same page.

Jordan began to stir. She looked up at Woody and smiled, running her hand over her eyes. As if it took a minute to remember where they were and why they were there, her face dropped and she frantically looked around.

"There hasn't been any news," Woody said.

Jordan started to get up. "I have to go find something out."

"I'll go check, you keep resting," Woody said standing up and kissing Jordan's cheek.

Jordan watched Woody wander off towards the nurse's station. She was so relieved to have him with her; she didn't think that she could handle what was happening with Garret without him.

She looked back towards where everyone was sleeping, to find Lily looking back at her. "I thought you were sleeping," Jordan said.

"I was until a while ago, you are going to have to fill me in on what happened up there on that mountain," Lily said with a smirk her eyes looking at the hallway Woody had just disappeared down. "Looks like it might be an interesting story," she added with a smile.

Jordan just smiled back and said, "Timing finally seems to be on my side."

At that moment Woody came back into the room. "The doctor is going to come fill us all in, he'll be here in a minute."

As if on queue everyone began to wake up. Woody sat back down next to Jordan, who reached out and grabbed a hold of his hand. Nigel sat up from where he had fallen asleep on the floor. "Is there any news?" he asked sleepily.

"The doctor is going to be here any moment," Jordan said squeezing Woody's hand again.

As everyone woke up they remained in silence until the doctor came into the room. Dr. Johnston was quiet and somber when he walked into the waiting room. "Macy?" he asked looking at the exhausted group scattered around the waiting room. Everyone stood up and looked hopefully at the doctor. "Dr. Macy made it through surgery without sustaining anymore injury. However, because of the amount of blood lose he will have a long recovery ahead of him. I believe he will make a full recovery in the end."

The whole group breathed a sigh of relief. As the doctor continued, "Dr. Macy regained consciousness a little while ago. He has been asking for a Jordan." The doctor's eyes scanned all of the men in the room and looked a bit surprised when Jordan stepped forward.

As the doctor began to lead her to see Garret, Woody's grip tightened around her hand. "Do you need me to come with you?" he asked quietly.

She smiled up and him saying, "No, I should go alone. It will be fine." She saw his face drop a little bit.

Woody nodded, "okay, I understand." He was afraid, now that they were safe and Garret was okay maybe she was going to push him away again.

As if she could read his mind she leaned in and said, "Just make sure you don't go far I'll need you here when I come back."

Woody smiled a little and watched her walk away towards Garret's hospital room.