Synthetic Hearts.


AU, Yaoi, artificial people, and so on.

Me, own? Whatever.

OMGLIKEITPLZ. No, that was lame.



It was a thought on everyone's mind as to why Kuchiki Byakuya was so cold, so silent, so him.

Of course there was a fair share of the amount of rumors as to why he was that way. And of course they were spread around by neighbours of his. There were mentions of him formally being apart of a noble family, but was kicked out for defing them. Oh, and there was the one about him killing his own wife and fleeing to another city to escape persecution. Another one, and more believable of them all, was just that he just hated people and others around him weren't worth his time.

In all reality, all of those rumors had some truth to them.

He was once apart of a noble family, but left on his own will. He couldn't take all the pressure of being an heir and his family disowned him for that. But that was ages ago and many seemed to forget about it, so it wasn't that much a big deal.

His wife was dead, but he didn't kill her. He skipped town to get away from the city that the majority of his family had lived in.

He didn't hate all people. He always seemed to be surrounded by idiots, so of course he didn't want to talk to them!

It wasn't his falut he was this way. He blamed everyone else for it.

With that in mind, the real reason for Byakuya's coldness was quite a simple one.

He was just absolutely lonely.

Now stop there. Some couldn't possibly believe that could ever be the reason! With his stunning good looks, proper up-bringing, and cool attitude, well, he was just every (other) wo(man)'s dream come true!

Well too bad for them that he didn't believe that for a second. Ever since his wife's death, he doubted himself that he could ever find someone that could take place of her and please him the way she did. Well okay, he didn't go as far as to reject every person to come at him, but he still couldn't seem to find that one person special for him and he started to think he never would.


One day as Byakuya was walking home from a wonderful day at his lovely job where the people absolutely adored him there, he spotted a flyer on a lamp post next to him as he was waiting to cross the street.

His eyes squinted as he read the contents of it. The paper read,

"Has your spouse left you? Are you alone? Do people not want to be or go around you because you seem like such a cold person and they think you've probably done bad things in the past? Do you not like other people as much as you should? Are you, to put it bluntly, a loser? Then come on down to the Urahara store and we'll fix that right up for you!"

Byakuya stared blankly at the poster, not bothering to look at the rest of it, "It's like they know my whole life story..."

"That's because I do, Kuchiki-san!"

Byakuya quickly turned around at the sound of the voice. His eyes widen and he held his chest at the sudden shock of someone being behide him. He soon came face-to-face with an over smiling figure, with flipped out blonde hair, and a hat.

The darker haired man frowned, "Excuse me, but do I know you?"

"No, probably not," the other replied, "But I do know you..sorta."

"And how would that be?"

The blonde sighed, not answering his question, "Anyway, it seems you've found my flyer, I'm glad, so I would like you to come to my store!"

"I'd rather not," Byakuya stated back taking his gaze away from the other man, "plus I don't have time."

"I beg to differ." Urahara mumbled under his breath which caused Byakuya to raise a brow at him.

"What exactly are you selling or have anyway?"

The storekeeper giggled, "Well, I guess you're just gonna have to come by and find out, ne?"

Byakuya sighed and rolled his eyes, "No thank you." he said bluntly then walked away to finally cross the street.

"Suit yourself then. It's not my falut if you die from loneliness."

The comment wasn't meant to be heard by Byakuya, but he heard it loud and clear. He clenched his fists and the thought and fought back the urge to just hit something (You know, 'cause that would REALLY help his reputation around there). He was more angry at the fact that he's curiousness was started to set in and he was slightly interested in what the weird storekeeper had that apparently could "cure loneliness". Well, he assumed that's what it could do considering the comment he made to him.

He growled slightly. He was going to have to make time to vist the store the next day.


All for me continuing this, say I!

If not then say, "ZOMGYOUSUCKDIE!"


So please be so kind to let me know, thhhhaaanks.