A.N: Okay…I hate Highschool fictions, yet I don't know why im writing one…

Disclaimer:I Do not own.Don't sue. Che!

Summary: Uchiha Sasuke, famous ace player of the Konoha Gakuen Basketball team, has been assigned to train the Female division, was now currently pissed with the transferee Haruno Sakura who was trying out for the Female Basket ball team.

Chapter One: I hate pink. (A.N not me…I love pink.)

Five people swiftly ran on the other side of the court and evaded each other's blocks, Sasuke then passed the ball behind him without even looking, his speed unmatchable, his dark locks following his every move, his stare was fixed with only two things, he ball and the basket.

A blonde caught it "Gotcha! Baby!" and dunked it as fast as he could, indeed they were the famous Konoha Gakuen Basketball team, with its stoic captain who just reached puberty-according to the coach, they have been reigning the court for two years now, the team had been famous all over their district, who wouldn't if you have an Uchiha heir for a captain?and extremely talented players, having Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Neji,Nara Shikamaru and Inuzuka Kiba completes the pretty boy squad, and of course the team is famous specially when it comes to the cheering squad, when you have pretty boys for players, you'll have a cheering squad in an instant, specially when the cheer leader is led by a walking Barbie doll, Yamanaka Ino,- who started to be strict in hiring new members, since the girls only join to have free time ogling over the guys, She find it way to over rated to let them stay since she was up for being famous and to win, and not by some fanatic of the basketball team.

"Show off." A boy with a spiky haired pony tail spoke as he passed by behind the blonde.

"Lmao!! Bet you can't do that!!" The blonde hollered as they stopped running.

"Yeah…coz I can do better! Lmao??"

"I thought youre the genius here, its Laughing My Ass Out, duh."The blonde said as he grinned.

"Isn't that for chick flicks?" A long haired white eyed lad spoke as he stopped just right behind the two, who shove a hair strand and smirked at the blonde's remark.

"Chick flicks! Ha! Naruto's watching Chick flicks!!!" Kiba laughed as held the ball in his arms, and burst out laughing in front of Naruto.

"I DO NOT!!!!"He hollered as he stomped his way to Kiba, No Naruto doesn't watch chick flick movies, he was just addicted with chatting these days, and that's why he's always late for training, well- not as late like the coach,which cost him 20 laps around the court, add up some laughing Kiba on the sidelines, and speak of the devil who was now arriving with his orange perverted book in his hands.

"Let me see….your late for 3 hours 15 minutes and 20 second, congratulations you have beaten your record." Shikamaru said sarcastically glancing at the giant wall clock above the bleachers.

"Why thank you for reminding me Shika-kun, I was hoping to do more improvement thank you." The silver haired man grinned at this and looked at Naruto who was still bickering with Kiba.

"Yo! Chick flick! Come over here-." Kakashi called with a smirk on his face.


"Moving on,"Completely ignoring Naruto's statement, he closed his book and placed it behind him, he hand the five out some envelopes.

"As you all know, the district preliminaries is about to come," Kakashi spoke as he shoved his hair aback, his gorgeous face exposed and his lone lazy optics looked fixed on his team, he sighed, of course they're one of the best teams in Japan, he knew that, but there's one problem that's holding them back.

"Boys...i know this will break your hearts, but please try not to shed a tear."He spoke again, only to earn some glare from the boys.

"Break our what?"Neji raised his eye brow in disbelief, break their hearts? And heck! They were being chased by girls only to have their hearts broken?that was ridiculous, Hyuuga Neji?! Oh please!!

"Nah!! My heart belongs to the game!!LOL!!"Naruto said with stars shining in his eyes as he eyed the basket.

"Ugh. Stop it already, you're giving me a headache, you bloody blonde."Kiba said as he massaged his temples. (a.n: I don't have anything against blondes!!! Im a blonde myself!! Lol! Just kiddin im asian)

"Say that again, and I swear you won't be able to play until the next lifetime."Suddenly Naruto turned into the 'Serious Blonde' mode, and glared at Kiba who just shrugged.

"Just say it."Sasuke said with a demanding stare at his coach, and laid his back on the bench, yes this is one of the most prestigious team, and yes, Kakashi is their coach, and no, they don't idolize him, and another yes, maybe it doesn't seem like it, but Kakashi is one of the most promising basketball player in his time, believe it.

"Tsunade-sama won't let us join, happy?"

"SHE WHAT??!!!!!"Kiba and Naruto said in unison.

"imatalktothatoldladyrightnowandstrangleherforgood!!" (ima talkto that old lady right now and strangle her for good.)

Naruto spoke as fast as he could and started to make his way out of the gymnasium, not until Kakashi grabbed his shirt, and having the other four tie him up to a mono block chair.

"lemmegoiwannagiveherapieceofmyshit!!!" (let me go I wanna give her a piece of my shit.)

Shikamaru shrugged, and held his neck in annoyance and yawned, and looked at his captain for some reaction, and all he got was the infamous Uchiha glare from the captain to the coach.

"But why?"Kiba broke in disbelief, yes it broke his heart to hear this news, -sobs-

"God question Kiba-kun, because we had left the female division behind, we concentrated more on the male team that we forgot the female team."Kakashi said in as-a-matter-of-fact-tone, as he gave Kiba a good pat on the head like a lap dog.

"Isn't that your fault?"Neji said as he glared at the coach, who just pretend that he didn't hear anything and started to whistle.

"Moving on…the try-out for new members for the male and female will be tomorrow, don't worry, I heard they had some new hotties this year."He glanced at his team who just grunt in response, ah!! The wonders of female hormones! Ever since Sasuke,Neji,Naruto,Kiba,and Shikamaru had been proclaimed the official team, girls started to quit on the female club and started joining the cheerleaders club, to cheer for the five, and that's how the female division sunk low into the school reputation, and every year the cheerleading club has been doing obvious progress,and the five,specially Sasuke and Neji get's the worst,with the thoughts of the opposite sex, like when they open their lockers, a flood of female sports bras that could supply almost all of the female population in Japan, flowed out from it, and sometimes chocolates, and letters, and marriage proposals, you can't blame them if they started to disdain them, well who knows, much less- its their fault why they couldn't join the District prelims, for now.

'Its not my fault Im hot." Neji thought as he scowled at the thought, yes, his ego soared thanks to his fangirls.

'Curse all females.'Sasuke thought, as he gripped his can of cola into trash.

'Troublesome women.'Shikamaru mentally noted himself.

'Females are hot…rofl'

'Eeew…Naruto, you're such a girl.'Kiba interrupted.

"Sorry to burst your bubbles my ever so beloved team, But as much as I hated to tell you, you will supervise the female division as of now, do not fear!! I will help you with them." Kakashi finished with a reassuring smile on his face.

"Yeah right..handle them pervert, you sound like that ero-sennin"Naruto said.

"oh! but Naruto, didn't you just thought a while ago…Females are hot?" Kakashi said as he peaked over the blonde.

'Wha! He can read minds?!'

"Nope,don't read minds."Kakashi shrugged.

'Oh my god!! He's a psychic!!'Naruto screamed in his mind with disdain.

"Nope…apparently not..but something in between." The silver haired man said again.

'Then he read my mind too…' Neji thought.

"Yes Neji-kun…its not our fault, we males are just born with powerful charm." Kakashi said as he shived his hair and strike his underwear-supermodel-pose…. (insert-drools, squeals, and marriage proposals here!)

"Then why does Kiba doesn't have any?"Naruto asked innocently.

"Oh? Really? Then why does Chiharu wants to be my girlfriend?" Kiba smirked, yes, Chiharu, the girl at the library, who Naruto crushes on from the past week.


"Che."Neji said as he crinkled his face.

"Yeah, right whatever, so tomorrow morning we'll get over the male screening and the afternoon, we'll be in paradise! So long! Cha!" Kakashi then, in snap he was at the doorway.

"How did he get there?"Kiba muttered.

"Wouldn't I like to know..."Shikamaru said in response.


I'm bringing sexy back Them other boys don't know how to act I think you're special whats behind your back So turn around and i'll pick up the slack. Take em' to the bridge

dirty babe,you see these shackles baby im your slave, I'd let you whip me if I misbehave-

She opened her eyes and groaned at her cellphone as she shut the alarm off.

'I don't remember myself ogling at Justin Timberlake..ugh.' She thought bitterly, she stared at her ceiling, and averted her gaze at her calendar.

JUNE 4 (you're reading this becoz you freakn forgot that today is school day…jerk)

'I didn't wrote that do i?' she crinkled her face, and sighed and closed her eyes again.


"Oh crud."

With a jolt, she stood up from her futon, and went to the bathroom to start her day with a bath, and dressed up hurriedly with her black and white school skirt, white long sleeve blouse, with black bow tie, and Black coat with the school logo at both arms, she sighed.

'Same old Same old…' and smirked at her idea.

She unbuttoned three of the coat buttons, and rummaged her drawers for some socks, satisfied, she launched herself into her futon and started putting on her knee length black and white striped socks, she adjusted its length to half of her limbs making its puffy, she grinned and took her chucks from her shoe drawer, and her Black cap with a pink kanji of "Sakura" logo at the back, she looked at the mirror, she put on her cap, she splitted her pink hip length hair and let it rest on both sides of her cheek, with the logo of the hat on her forehead letting some bangs hung over her face, she smiled and took her bag, and left her empty house and head to the train station.

She whistled her way to the station, and looked at the sky, and back at the road again, busy people, another typical day for her, go to bed. Wake up. Go to school. Then back to bed, then over again, yeah there were some details like a little fight here and there, no, she's not a trouble maker, its people who hates her who started it, she left with no choice, and No she didn't transfer school because teachers hated her, or got kicked out or killed someone 'That was ridiculous.' (a.n: pinkie im the writer here) okay…not killed someone, she was one of the nerdy students in her school 'Im not a nerd.' (a.n: im not listening.), okay…not nerdy, she's teacher's favorite student and at the same time, they hate her for being such an ass, when she find something wrong she would point it out in front of your face, and she always sleep in class, and snore.. 'I don't snore' (a.n: shut up okay?), okay…don't snore.

She was just another typical ordinary high school girl who loves playing Basketball, and a little bit of Go, and some people hated her for being so cocky, and laid back, but hey that's just she is, Sakura Haruno, the girl with peculiar Pink hair, the girl who kicks like a man, had sarcasm as a talent and sleeping for a hobby.

She waited there until the train arrived, she looked at the people around her, sometimes it made her think like she wanted to be other people, to knows how it feels like to walk in their shoes, and live their life, to live their dreams, to know where they're going…she frowned, why is it that she knows for a fact she had everything, her parents works abroad, giving her good fortune, she had high grades…but there's a piece of the puzzle that's missing…people strive to live everyday for a purpose…and hers…

'I don't know'

She stepped out of the station, and started her ten minute walk towards her school, she didn't notice the streetlight suddenly went red when she was in the middle of the street, but she didn't care, she walked confidently until she heard some car hit its break making an annoying sound, she glanced towards the car who just stopped beside her.

'Sleek…nice car.' She thought and then she stared at the driver

Onyx orbs glaring at her, she just stared at him carelessly, then she proceeded with her walking, she heard some of them say.

"She's pretty isn't she? lol…good thing you didn't hit her ne? teme-buchou?"

"Naruto!!stop that 'lol' thing!! You're such a girly!"

"I AM NOT!!!darn it! Kiba!ima rip your head of right about..NOW!!!"

'Chick flick huh…'she thought, too focused on her own thoughts, she didn't feel his glare plastered on her back.

'I hate pink.' He thought bitterly.


a.n: soo what do you think guys? I mean I just wrote this while I was watching SD! Then idea popped into my mind and I can't get rid of idea so I wrote it, its mainly SASUSAKU, then other pairings like SHIKAINO NARUHINA NEJITEN. I don't know about Kiba though.. xD lol!! And do not forget to leav some R E V I E W S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!if I should continue this or not.