The Brothers Strange, Sons of the Sorcerer

A Harry Potter and Marvel Universe crossover

Prologue – A Reluctant Favor

Albus Dumbledore cursed Murphy's name far more than was probably healthy. It wasn't that he had anything personal against the shadowy specter, but the old wizard was simply tired of Murphy being right. Murphy, of course, was famous for an ancient adage that proved, time and again, to be accurate: anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time. This had certainly proven to be true where the Potter's had been concerned because, despite his best efforts, they were very much dead. He'd hoped that, when their son had been spared their fate, the boy would escape the long spell of bad fortune that had plagued the family, but deep in his heart he knew that young Harry would never be so fortunate. If the boy could just make it to his eleventh birthday, though, Dumbledore felt that he could secure the boy's future.

Which, of course, meant that disaster struck well in advance of Dumbledore's expectations. And, of course, it was the worst possible time, as the Ministry of Magic continued to root out the last of the Dark Lord's supporters. Now was not the time for such unsettling events to come up, not when the wizarding world was finally escaping the long shadow of the Dark forces. Once again, Dumbledore found himself forced to consider what to do about young Harry Potter. No, he had to correct himself. He now needed to decide what to do about Harry and his cousin Dudley.

It had all happened rather suddenly, the orphaning of the two boys. From what the police and aurors had determined, Vernon and Petunia Dursley had simply vanished on Halloween night, leaving the two boys to fend for themselves for almost three days. By then, their cries had alerted the neighbors, who had naturally phoned the police. The boys had been taken into the custody of the muggle child welfare authorities and the search for the parents began. Within hours, the Ministry of Magic had been informed, and they had quickly taken over the case. Even after two weeks, the combined efforts of the aurors and Dumbledore had yielded no results.

And so it fell to Dumbledore (after a considerable struggle with the Ministry) to provide for their futures. Despite his considerable resources and intelligence, he'd nearly run out of ideas that would keep both boys safer than they'd apparently been before. Then, they'd been secure under blood wards, or so Dumbledore had thought. Since this very powerful and ancient magic had been breached, their adoptive parents would have to be exceptionally powerful to prevent any further problems. It was paramount that the boys stay together and that they be as secure as possible. With Harry being who he was, and Dudley being a muggle, it was literally impossible to find someone that could keep them safely. Or, more accurately, impossible to find someone in Britain who could do the job.

There was someone with more than enough power to shelter the boys, whom Dumbledore could trust without reservation, and who, most importantly, owed him a rather large favor. Still, he was hesitant to make the call. If this person agreed to take the boys in, they would be separated from Britain and the wizarding world for years. He could also not count on the person's parenting skills, seeing as they had no children of their own. Mostly, though, he hesitated because, despite having a healthy mutual respect, they could not stand one another. Being between a rock and a hard place has a profound affect on what one can tolerate, though, and Dumbledore found himself ringing the bell at the door of a great mansion in Greenwich Village, New York City on a cold night in late November.

Dumbledore noted with some annoyance that the house was even more layered with magic than it had been the last time he'd visited. It almost seemed to be flaunting the capabilities of its owner by radiating magic so thickly that he could literally feel it in the air. Within moments, the door was slowly opened, revealing a short, middle aged Chinese man who looked over him appraisingly. He resisted rolling his eyes and instead gave the man a pleasant smile. "Hello, Wong, it's good to see you again."

Wong bowed and gave an equally pleasant smile that did not reach his eyes. "Headmaster Dumbledore, you honor us with your presence. May I ask the nature of your visit?"

"I believe your master is expecting me. I sent an owl a week ago." Dumbledore replied.

Wong frowned. "Very odd. I don't recall the master mentioning this. No matter, please come in. I'm sure the master can spare a few minutes."

Dumbledore ignored the none too subtle jab and followed Wong into the house. Behind him, the door shut of its own accord. The mansion hadn't changed all that much, but he could definitely feel more magic than before. Considering the circles Wong's master traveled in, the house no doubt housed many new magical items in addition to a multitude of new enchantments. One of the older enchantments that he remembered was in action as he followed Wong, bewitching him to completely forget the way they'd come from the front door. It had taken him several visits to the home before he'd given up trying to break the enchantment.

Dumbledore could feel the magic becoming more oppressive as they approached the end of a hallway. At the end was a normal looking door, but he knew better, and he didn't need the strange swirls of light bleeding out from beneath it to tell him that. Before Wong could even get within ten feet of the door, a disembodied voice spoke. "Thank you, Wong. I'll see the old man now, alone."

"As you wish, master." Wong said, bowing at the door before gesturing towards the door, which had slowly swung open.

Dumbledore ground his teeth at the insult and swept through the door. Inside was a room that was, to put it mildly, impressive. High, sweeping wood beams held up a vaulted ceiling. On the far walls were bookshelves that reached nearly to the ceiling and were filled with books. Obviously magical items were scattered about the large room along with a few items of furniture, making the room seem even larger than it was. A large, circular window with four curved, decorative cross-braces centered the room and looked out over the street.. Directly in front of it, sitting on a potently magical chair that looked almost like a throne, was the person he'd come to see.

"Dr. Strange, I'm delighted you were able to see me today." Dumbledore said with a nod. "It's been some time since we last met, almost two years, I believe."

"It's just Stephen, Albus. We're old friends, after all, no reason to have you calling me by my professional name." Dr. Strange replied amiably, though he looked over his guest with shrewd, piercing blue eyes.

Dr. Stephen Strange had not changed a bit since last they'd met. He was still moderately tall and slender and he still wore his hair, beard, and mustache neatly trimmed. He even wore the same adventuring outfit as always, a thigh-length blue robe, dark trousers, and enchanted white gloves. The ensemble was accented by the powerful Cloak of Levitation, which was held in place around his neck by the even more powerful Eye of Agamotto. "So, Albus, what brings you to New York?" asked Strange.

"Rather pressing business, I'm afraid, and I was hoping you could help me." Dumbledore said with a sigh. As he spoke, he produced his wand and, pointing it behind himself, he twiddle it slightly. He then proceeded to fall backwards onto the floor in a most undignified manner.

Strange seemed to be stifling a grin. "Oh, my apologies. I usually ward against others doing magic on the property. I've found it to be a wise protection to employ over the years. Please have a seat, though." And with a small wave of his hand, a comfortable looking chair appeared next to Dumbledore.

"No harm done, Stephen." Dumbledore said cheerily, though inside he was seething. "And I do believe I will have a seat, thank you."

The chair, he found, was quite deceptive, since it was not comfortable at all. He pretended not to notice. "As I was saying, I have a rather difficult situation on my hands, one which I believe you are uniquely suited to handle."

"Really? Are you telling me that there's a problem that the great Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin First Class, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards can't solve? I'm astounded." said Strange sardonically.

"Even the great and powerful can sometimes recognize and admit when they need help." Dumbledore said coolly.

"Yes, on occasion, when they've failed miserably, I suppose they can." agreed Strange with a nod of mock earnest. "But Albus, what would the wizarding world say if they knew you were here? Consorting with and seeking the aid of the most hated muggle alive. Imagine the scandal if word were to get to your precious little enclave."

Dumbledore sighed wearily. "Stephen, must we really do this? There is no cause for unpleasantness. I merely wished to ask your assistance."

Strange's face darkened slightly. "That's funny, because the last time I saw you, I thought I'd made it abundantly clear that the wizarding world was on its own. Did you think I'd roll out the red carpet when you came calling?" He rose from his seat and walked slowly over to the window, hands clasped behind his back. "Your kind made it quite clear that they didn't care for a non-wizard meddling in their affairs. For all I care, the wizarding world can go to hell and say hello to Mephisto for me while down there." He turned back around sharply and looked straight into Dumbledore's eyes. "You've wasted both your time and mine, Albus. I'd say I was happy to see you, but that would be a lie, so I'll instead say good night. Wong!"

The abrupt dismissal wasn't entirely surprising to Dumbledore, but it did jolt him into quick action. "Stephen, please, allow me to explain-"

"There's nothing you have to say that I want to hear." the doctor replied as the door swung open and Wong stepped into the room. "Wong, please show Mr. Dumbledore the way out."

The Chinese man nodded and proceeded to lift Dumbledore to his feet. "It's a life or death matter, Stephen, concerning Harry Potter!" Dumbledore blurted out desperately. Wong had almost ushered him out of the door before Strange called out to them.

"Just a moment, Wong." He approached them with a guarded look. "Harry Potter in mortal danger? I thought you'd taken steps to ensure his safety."

"I...I was wrong, and you were right. He was not safe." admitted Dumbledore, his shoulders slumping visibly.

"Will wonders never cease? Albus Dumbledore admitting he's wrong." Strange said, waving off his servant. "Wong, we'll take tea, and please include extra lemon wedges for Mr. Dumbledore."

After they'd settled into much more comfortable chairs and Wong had brought the tea, Dumbledore explained what had happened at the home of Harry Potter, as well as the investigation into the incident. Strange silently considered what was said for several minutes before responding.

"I did warn you that the blood magic had a weakness, Albus. Was there any indication of abuse or neglect? No, don't answer, I can see it clearly in your head." Strange nearly spat the last bit. Dumbledore looked shamed at both realizing his mistake and knowing that, even with is formidable Occlumency, Strange could still manage to read his mind. It was quite true that there'd been abundant signs of abuse, all directed at Harry. "Well then, what do you need of me, Albus? Scrying for them would be a waste of time, as you seemed to have done a thorough job of it already. How exactly do you expect me to help you with this situation?"

Dumbledore seemed to gather himself up before responding. "Yes, well, tragically, Harry and his cousin are now orphans, and it has fallen to me to arrange for their futures. You may not be aware of it, but these two boys represent the last of their maternal bloodline. This is the blood that should have ensured Harry Potter's protection under his aunt's roof. I still believe it to be a viable and powerful protection for Harry, so long as he and Dudley Dursley live together as a family."

"And I suppose you'd like me to strengthen that protection?" Strange said with an uncharacteristic snort. "Why don't you ask a brain surgeon to put a Band-Aid on a knee scrape while you're at it?"

"A brain sturgeon?" Dumbledore looked confused. "I'm afraid I don't know what a fish-"

"By the hoary host of Hoggoth, it's a doctor, not a fish!" Strange nearly shouted exasperatedly. "I mean that it's, once again, a waste of my precious time. You're a perfectly capable wizard for such a simple task."

"I'm sorry, Stephen, but I seem to have given you the wrong idea about what I'm asking." said Dumbledore, only just fighting back the self-satisfied grin that threatened to take over his face. It wasn't often that he could rile Strange, but he also couldn't afford to have the man reject his request. "While you're certainly welcome to strengthen the blood protection, the favor I would ask is much more involved."

"I highly doubt that."

Dumbledore paused, gave Strange a significant look, and dropped the bomb. "I want you to raise those boys as your own."

There was a moment or two of shocked silence. "You want me to what?"

"It would only be until Harry is old enough to go to magic school, after which I will have made other arrangements for their care." Dumbledore added quickly.

"No. Absolutely not. They're your problem, you take care of them."

"Stephen, you know I have neither the time nor the inclination for child-rearing. Teaching has been the closest that I've ever been to parenting. Besides which, I should think I'm rather too old to be changing nappies and such." Dumbledore said in a slightly amused tone.

"You don't have the time? I'm the Sorcerer Supreme! It's not all tea and meditating and floating auras. My activities would make your schedule look like a vacation." Strange said derisively. "And just because I'm younger than you doesn't mean I want to or can raise children."

"No, Stephen, it does not." said Dumbledore, nodding in agreement. "Please understand that I ask this favor reluctantly, knowing your view of wizards as it is. But also understand that I ask this because Harry and Dudley are in grave danger. Their guardians vanished, leaving not a trace that even I, with my considerable skill, could follow. Weakened though it may have been, the blood protection is an ancient and powerful magic that should have thwarted any attempt on the lives of that family, and yet it proved to be insufficient."

Dumbledore took a deep breath and sighed even more wearily than he had earlier. "I will be honest with you, Stephen; I do not trust their safety to any wizard save myself, and I am simply unable to care for their needs at this time. And while I realize that your time is valuable, it is your own, and you are not required to maintain any official or public offices, as do I."

Strange gave him a look of exasperation. "Then the answer is simple: retire."

"That I cannot do. I must maintain my position in the wizarding world and remain vigilant. Voldemort will return, and when he does, I must be ready to counter him."

"You seem very sure of that. I thought Harry Potter took care of him."

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment. "I fear that it only appeared that way. There was a prophecy. Voldemort will return, and when he does, he will target Harry. We cannot afford to lose him." Strange seemed conflicted, so Dumbledore pressed on. "I'm not asking you to save the wizarding world, I'm asking you to take in and protect two little boys until such time that I can provide a safe place for them. You are the only person in the world I know powerful enough to keep Harry and Dudley safe. They're only three years old, Stephen. They do not deserve to be struck down like dogs in the street."

Strange had jumped from his seat and started pacing, muttering darkly to himself. Dumbledore remained quiet and studied him, noting the magic that seemed to envelope the most powerful magic wielder on Earth. They did not see eye to eye, nor did they particularly like one another, but Dumbledore knew that Strange was a man of good and just intentions. He only hoped that Strange could see past his animosity towards wizards to help.

Strange had stopped pacing and had wandered over to look out the large circular window again. "I'll help you, Albus, but on my terms." He faced Dumbledore and walked back to his seat slowly. "First, consider the favor I owe you returned. Second, I'll keep them until you find a safe place, but don't think that means you can sit back and wait until Harry goes to Hogwarts. I want monthly updates on your progress."

"Very well, Stephen, I-" Dumbledore began, but Strange cut him off loudly.

"Third, since you're entrusting them to my care, you will not interfere with the way I raise them, unless of course you want to regain their custody. Fourth, any contact you or other wizards have with the boys will be through me, as a safety precaution. I'm sure you understand." He sat down once again and stared pointedly at Dumbledore. "And finally, I want you to tell me everything you know about Harry, Voldemort, and that prophecy."

He had gotten what he wanted. Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, had agreed to become foster parent to perhaps the most important boy in British Wizarding history. And he had little doubt that, in eight years' time, Harry Potter would be more than prepared to re-enter the wizarding world and, one day, face his destiny with Voldemort. But as he reluctantly told Strange what he wanted to know, Albus Dumbledore could not shake the uneasy feeling that the carefully planned life he'd set for Harry Potter had just slipped completely from from his grasp.

Disclaimer: These usually go at the top, but since I'm such a rebel, I put it down here. Of course, if I were a real rebel, I wouldn't put this here at all. Actually, I put it here to not spoil who the "only other person powerful enough to keep them safe" was. At any rate, JK Rowling and Marvel own these characters, in case you've been living in a cave and didn't know that. I'm pretty sure they won't sue me, but you never know these days, so a little CYA never hurts.

Author's Notes:

Not much to say here. I got this idea while working on Chapter 2 of Hooligan and it wouldn't go away until I wrote it down. It was originally going to be an Iron Fist story, but it didn't make as much sense and I wasn't as excited about the premise. In case you're wondering who Dr. Strange is, take a look at his wikipedia page for enlightenment. It should probably give you an idea of where I'm gonna go with the story. Yes, he is a muggle. That's going to play quite a bit into the development of the story.

And in case you're wondering, I'm not going to be going my usual route of going through all the books. I just don't have the patience for yet another story like that. Instead, I'll take a page from other fan fics and skip some years. The first book or three are not as interesting anyway, so we won't miss much, trust me.

Let me know what you think and be on the look out for the first chapter.