AN: Please R&R and special thanks to Raven who was my beta for this chap. See my PS for French/Spanish translations.

A soft breeze whispering was the only sound heard as the circle of men waited silently. The harsh darkness was softened by the torches that lined the walls. In the middle, a fire roared devouring the remains of a body that had been wrapped in a black cloak with a mask covering his face. A man turned and lifted his mask, showing his identity to the rest of the cloaked men.

"Gentleman, a traitor lies dead." Mazarin paused as he eyed the group suspiciously. "We have taken care of one man who would put plans into motion without the consent of this council." A few men shifted uncomfortably with these words. "We have a time table to remove the king from power and transfer it to us. We must wait for the correct time or all is lost." Nods followed this last comment. "Anyone else who chooses to not be patient will suffer the same fate." He gestured towards the ashes that were on the stone slab, all that was left of the man. "Dismissed!" The men dispersed in a hurry, exiting through the gates into the mysterious fog that had settled over the city. Mazarin stepped over to his guards. "Where is Edward?" One man stepped forward.

"Your Grace, he has gone on a secret mission, something to do with the musketeers. He said it was for you." Mazarin was silent for several moments.

"Yes, yes... Send him to me when he returns." He turned and pushed a stone in the wall to reveal the tunnel that lead to his office. The smoke from the ashes still glowing behind him suddenly went out.

"D'Artagnan!" Duval's shout echoed across the garrison. Jacqueline raised her eyebrows at him. D'Artagnan shrugged giving her an I-don't-know look.

"You go on, I'll be right behind you." He said dismounting and heading over to Duval. Jacqueline rolled her eyes but turned her horse and trotted off leisurely to the cottage.

"The King requests a report on the investigation right away." D'Artagnan looked back over his shoulder at Jacqueline's disappearing figure frowning.

"Does it have to be me?" He asked impatiently. Duval raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes, Edward said you were helpful on the mission and might have something to add. In fact, The King was most insistent on speaking to you directly." Duval gestured towards the door. D'Artagnan sighed and left. He pondered why Edward would tell Louie that he was helpful. The man seemed to pretend he didn't exist most of the time. He only ever spoke to Jacqueline and Ramon. D'Artagnan thought it was all very suspicious sounding.

"Ah! Musketeer D'Artagnan, his majesty wishes to see you right away." The footman turned and led the way into the king's private quarters.

"D'Artagnan, thank god!" Louie said with relief. He then turned to the footman. "Leave us, all of you." The servants bowed and exited the room quickly, leaving the two alone.

"I am surrounded by idiots!" Louie whined at him. "Mazarin, he thinks I don't see how deceptive he is, but I do." D'Artagnan barely kept his jaw from hitting the floor. The King was getting some backbone at last. Louie paced the room. "I have known for a while that Mazarin can not be fully trusted, that he is attracted to power." Louie fisted his hands and made a face, turning back to his trusted musketeer. "I also know there is little to be done about it right now." D'Artagnan nodded in agreement with his king's assessment of the situation. " I need the help of my musketeers, particular my most loyal ones." Louie explained. "Now, I have papers to sign, clothes to pick out, lessons to begin." Louie said changing the subject rather abruptly. D'Artagnan stepped aside as Louie started pacing again. "It is all very tiring you understand." D'Artagnan pretended to understand to pacify him, hoping his king would get to the point of this interview quickly. "I am going to need some sword practice, I have basic understanding, father saw to that, but I need more."

"You want me to tutor you?" D'Artagnan asked stunned. Louie nodded, brushing the question off as unimportant.

"It will be our little surprise." Louie added eyeing D'Artagnan.

Jacqueline pulled on the reins and stopped her horse just beyond the cottage. She jumped down and pulled out her dress. It was a soft velvet in a deep, green color. Her hand lingered over the fabric, sighing to herself, before she looked carefully around and changed into it. She bent forward and fluffed out her hair, free from it's tie. The view from where she stood was beautiful. And the day would only get better, as she taught her haughty friend a lesson in manners with regards to the women he hoped to one day win. Her face turned pale as Edward Devonshire stepped out of the cottage and gave her a long, slow perusal.

"Ah ! Le beau Jacqueline Roget, je vous rencontre dans la personne enfin ! " He said smooth as any courtier. Jacqueline had never been the swooning type, but if there was any chance of it, now was it. He reached her side and pulled her hand to his mouth. "My lady, shall we go in and dine?" Jacqueline finally regained her senses and pulled her rapier from the bag at her feet, fear griping her heart and causing her thoughts to run wild.

"Je combattrai à ma mort avant que je me fie un d'hommes de Mazarin Cardinaux." She snarled at him. Edward sighed and pulled his rapier out.

"Ma dame," he started and then it took most of his concentration to block her attack. His opinion of her grew as he saw her talent and determination. He did not attack her, merely blocked her attempts to kill him. Finally, he saw his chance, he blocked, then thrusted up, while grabbing her arm. Her rapier landed with a thud on the ground and she straightened and closed her eyes, waiting, bravely for him to kill her. She was not afraid to die, but her work was not done, and she had not had a chance to tell D'Artagnan what he really meant to her.

"Ma dame, I know who you are, and what you are accused of. I also know you masquerading as the musketeer, Le Ponte. I wish only to speak to you, you have my word." She opened her eyes and starred now, surprise showing, but also weariness. He guided her into the cottage and gently urged her to sit, handing her wine and some of the bread and cheese she had brought earlier. He poured himself some wine and drank a sip, knowing she was watching and waiting to see if it was some trick. He then tore off a piece of bread and used his dagger to cut a hunk of cheese and he ate them, only then did she start to eat as well. Silence reigned for several minutes, before she sat her wine down and addressed him.

"If you have not told Mazarin about me, what do you intend to do?" She asked nervously. He smiled slowly, making her stomach roll.

"I intend to win you." He stated boldly.

D'Artagnan pulled his horse to a stop suddenly, nearly causing himself to be unseated. He starred at the scene before his eyes. Jacqueline, his beautiful lady, was talking to Edward, Captain of the Cardinal's Guards, his heart almost stopped. Jacqueline's secret was out, her life would be in danger. He grabbed his rapier, but stopped as Edward leaned forward and captured Jacqueline's lips with his own. The kiss seemed to last forever. Finally, he stepped back and smiled at her.

"Until next time, Ma dame." D'Artagnan reined his horse around and galloped away, furious. She had shared her secret with this man. She, who closely guarded everything, who didn't even tell him till she was forced to. D'Artagnan felt his heart break into hundreds of tiny pieces. He was so involved with his pain, he did not hear Ramon shouting his name at first.

"Mi dios, what is wrong?" Ramon asked him. D'Artagnan dismounted and stalked off to Siroc's lab. Ramon was on his heels, he grabbed him and spun him around. "Mi amigo, talk to me." Siroc looked up curiously.

"She was with Edward, he knows." Siroc just waited, as Ramon gasped.

"Mi dios, we have to help her!" D'Artagnan shook his head.

"No, she told him, he was," he paused making a face. "kissing her, and she let him." Siroc frowned.

"That doesn't sound like Jacqueline, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation." D'Artagnan plopped down.

"Yes, she likes him, and everything I've done for her, for us, was for nothing. She made it clear, she prefers him to me." Ramon patted him on the back.

"What will you do?" Ramon asked him.

"I will ignore her as she once did me, I will pretend she means nothing to me." He stopped and thought of Louie. "I have a duty to my king, once that is finished, I will leave, leave her to him." Siroc and Ramon exchanged a concerned look as their comrade stood and exited the room, both knowing he was probably heading to the tavern and would more than likely return drunk.

Anps: I used the free translator. Edward tells Jacqueline that at last, he meets the beautiful Jacqueline Roget in person. Jacqueline responds with she will fight to the death before she trusts a man of Cardinal Mazarin. Ma dame is French for My Lady, and Mi dios, is Spanish for My God. Just for your reference.