100 words written for the Summer 2009 "Perfect Drabble" Contest at katara_zuko [dot] livejournal [dot] com

#018 Truth
(June 2009; G)

"Fire Lord Zuko was NOT my boyfriend!"

The rumor had persisted for three years, exploding when the sovereign's ex-girlfriend married an Earthbending peasant from Omashu.

"I can't believe I'm still answering these questions," Katara fumed, blue eyes stormy as the hapless fruit vendor inched away.

"They say I grind metal with my teeth." Toph shrugged and bit into her peach. "Why is the idea repulsive?"

"Because. Zuko. Zuko and me." Katara laughed. "Can you imagine anything more ridiculous?"

Toph chewed silently.

"It would never work."

Toph swallowed.

"Right?" asked the waterbender in a small, troubled voice.

Toph took another bite.