Chapter One

"Five more minutes," Kaoru moaned loudly as she flipped on her back curling into the silk sheets. A soft chuckle resounded through the dark room.

"It's time to wake up, koi," the deep voice purred. Kaoru's eyes snapped open at once at the unfamiliar voice. She sat straight up, her back rigid, and began to take in her surroundings. It was clear; this wasn't her bedroom.

The curtains looked to be a thick velvet, a deep burgundy shade, it completely blocked out all traces of light. The only source of light at the moment in the room was a small candle on the bedside table, flickering endlessly. The giant four poster bed she was currently sitting on was layered with silk sheets, obviously high quality, as well as all the other furniture she could make out. They were all dark shaded, but beautiful in their own way. But what attracted Kaoru's eyes the most was the figure sitting on the end of the bed.

"Who are you?" she questioned suspiciously as she brought the sheets protectively up to her chin.

The amber eyes gazed at her with obvious amusement.

"I'm not joking! Tell me who you are, and why you're in my bed!" she ordered, her eyes narrowing into slits.

"On the contrary, you are in my bed," the voice answered coolly, amusement lacing his every word.

Kaoru huffed indignantly and turned her face away.

"Get out, right this moment! Out! Out! Out!" she yelled tossing a pillow at the man she had yet to find the name of.

In a split second he moved to be on top of her. His body covered hers completely. He created an unmovable cage above her, and placed a soft kiss at the nape of her neck.

Immediately, her body reacted. There was a burning sensation at the location and she arched her back up to the mysterious man's advances.

"Who are you?" she breathed, she held back a moan as he gave her neck a gentle nip.

"Battousai," he answered coolly.

She let out a moan involuntarily as he began nuzzling her neck again, in the exact same location.

"And you, my dear, are my mate."

Gathering up all her strength and will power she struggled beneath him.

"Let me go!" she cried uselessy.

"Never, Koi, never," he replied as he swooped down for kiss.

A couple of hours later…

Kaoru shot up in the bed.

'Dear lord, how long have I been out?' she thought sluggishly.

"Five hours," Battousai answered, coming in with a tray that was covered in food.

Kaoru eyed the food hungrily, before she realized something.

"You can read my thoughts?" she asked, eyeing the red headed man.

He nodded, distracted.

"Eat," he ordered as he set down the tray of food before her.

Kaoru looked at all the dishes set out, and decided on the sliced apples. Her delicate fingers began to reach out for them, but Battousai's were faster. He nimbly grabbed a slice and placed it at the opening of her mouth.

She took a bite hesitantly, and looked at Battousai oddly.

"What am I doing here? How did I get here? What are you going to do to me?" she asked rapidly after finishing another slice, also fed to her by Battousai.

He gave her an attractive smirk, and leaned in closer to her.

He placed two fingers at the nape of her neck and before she knew it she was writhing on his lap in ecstasy.

"What did you just do to me?" she asked, still out of breath.

He shrugged indifferently.

"You were talking too much. I much prefer you moaning," he smirked.

Kaoru glared.

"So, you're not going to answer me then? I guess I'm going to be taking my leave," she said determined.

Battousai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"No," he said.

"No? You can't stop me from leaving, I'm my own woman!" she said, fire blazing in her eyes. She stood and started to make her way to the door, but the moment she did a strong arm wrapped itself around her thin waist.

"Wrong, you're my woman, and I didn't say you could leave," Battousai whispered in the ear right before he gave it a gentle nip.

"Let me go, you chauvinistic bastard!" she cried as she felt him near that damned location again.

"No," he answered before biting into the nape of her neck causing Kaoru to go over the edge.

Her knees buckled and she leaned on him completely for support. He brought the two of them over the chaise and settled her comfortably on his lap.

"What did you do to me?" she asked, breathlessly, leaning against him because of her lack of energy.

"I wanted to show you the power I wield over you, as your mate," he replied nuzzling against her.

"Mate?" she questioned, mind still dazed.

"Yes, you're my mate, the one I've been searching for," he said, his voice soft and gentle.

"Just what are you?" Kaoru asked, she willed herself to stay awake.

"Why, my love, I am a demon," Battousai answered, a smile gracing his features.

"Dear lord," Kaoru moaned as she fought off exhaustion, "What do you want with me? I can't be your mate; I'm just an average human girl. I have a family waiting at home. I have to go to school. I have a boyfriend. I have.."

"A boyfriend?" Battousai questioned darkly, his eyes flashing crimson.

Kaoru hesistated.

"Yes, a boyfriend," she confirmed worry and concern lacing every word.

Battousai snarled furiously, gripping Kaoru tighter against him.

"I'll kill him," Battousai said, "I'll enjoy making him bleed."

Horror was evident on Kaoru's face,

"No, you can't!" she exclaimed as she grasped his hand, lacing her own fingers through his.

"Why the hell not? He touched what was mine, and the price for that is death," Battousai said darkly.

Kaoru placed her cheek on Battousai's chest and replied.

"Because, I'm here with you now. He's not."

Battousai's inner unruly demon calmed slightly at their mate's pleasing actions.

"Will you promise to stay here, with me, of your own free will?" he questioned, hiding his inner glee carefully.

Kaoru debated this for a moment.

"Yes, I shall stay," she agreed.

Battousai gave a grin, and wrapped his arms completely around his beloved mate.

"Battousai, I do have one request though," Kaoru murmured softly.

"Hmm?" he questioned, quite distracted as he began to run his fingers through his mate's luxurious mane of ebony tresses.

"Can you move? I can't breathe."

Battousai laughed at this. His mate was everything he wanted and more. He thank the gods for sending her to him.

The Next Day…

Kaoru woke up early and looked beside her to her ..mate's (gosh, she was going to have to get used to this) sleeping form.

Carefully maneuvering her way, she climbed out of bed and started her way to the door.

Gently opening it so as to not make any sound, she decided to travel around her new home.

The corridors were lit with intricately designed candle chandeliers that left Kaoru awed at their beauty.

After about five minutes of roaming Kaoru came face to face with two giant glass doors that headed to a gorgeous garden. Letting her curiosity get the better of her, Kaoru made her way out side.

She gave a carefree laugh as she felt the fresh night air hit her skin for the first time in what seemed to be forever.

Her thoughts wandered back to the possessive red head as she settled herself on the soft patch of grass under the large towering tree in the corner of the garden.

She smiled slightly as she recalled all that had happened in the recent past.

'I went from average high-school girl to the mate of a demon in one day,' she thought disbelievingly.

As the time past, Kaoru began to fall asleep forgetting entirely of the red head that was currently in their bedroom.

Battousai awoke with a start as he could no longer feel Kaoru's presence in the room.

Looking at the open doors Battousai snarled angrily, his inner demon furious at Kaoru's blatant display of disobedience.

"Punish!" it roared loudly.

Battousai agreed as he went immediately to look for his missing mate.

Running through the hallways, he cursed himself for being so ignorant.

Looking in all the rooms and through all the stories, worry began to invade his mind until he felt the gentle aura of his beloved at last.

"Kaoru," he called as he stepped onto his veranda.

All the concern and worry flooding out as he discovered her petite form under the giant sakura tree, sleeping soundly.

Coming over he bent down and immediately swooped her up into his arms.

"Battousai?" she questioned, still under the daze of sleep.

He smiled and nodded.

"Yes, koi, it is I," he answered.

"Hmm, where are you taking me?" she asked yawning cutely.

"To the room, I think we need to set some ground rules," Battousai answered.

Kaoru looked at him curiously.

As the couple made their way back to the grand master bedroom, they remained silent.

Battousai placed Kaoru on his lap as he took a seat on their large bed.

"What ground rules, then Battousai?" Kaoru asked.

Battousai sighed and looked Kaoru straight in the eye.

"One, you are to never leave my side unless I give you permission," he began. Kaoru glared at this.

"Two, you are never allowed to be dressed indecently outside of our room," he continued eyeing Kaoru's scantily clad body.. Kaoru got even madder at this.

"Three, you are not allowed to talk to anyone other than myself without my given permission," he said.

Kaoru exploded at this.

"Who do you think you are?!?" she yelled projecting herself of his lap easily.

"You want to ban me from doing everything, that doesn't include you!" she cried glaring at Battousai all the while.

Battousai sighed.

"Koi," he began.

"Save it," she said, "I don't think I can do this."

Battousai's demon began to whine in its mental cage.

"Mate is distressed. Comfort." It called.

"I think I need some space," Kaoru said, wring her hands together.

Battousai's eyes flashed crimson.

"No! Must stay," a deep growl called. Kaoru's eyes widened as she came face to face with a crimson eyed Battousai.

"Battousai, what's going on?" she asked, fear gripping her as Battousai's feral eyes gazed upon her with a look of hunger.

"Battousai, I'm serious, you're frightening me," Kaoru uttered quietly.

In a flash Battousai tackled her to the bed and forced into a submissive position.

Baring his fangs and leaning toward Kaoru's unprotected neck, Kaoru whimpered softly.

"Say it, say you'll be mine," the demon purred.

"Yes! I'm yours!" Kaoru cried trying to inch away from Battousai's open mouth.

"Only mine."

"Only yours!" Kaoru replied.

The demon grinned wildly before sinking his teeth into Kaoru's tender flesh sealing her fate forever.

A.N. Let me know what you think.