The bright, white light filled the city in a flash. Hikari and Taichi were still under shock from the events that had taken them by surprise that day. Before them stood a large crater in the street they were standing on, caused by what seemed as two monsters from a different dimension. Hikari was still shouting out to the monster with orange skin who protected them.
"Koromon! Koromon! Where did you go?!" Hikari constantly shouted. Tears started to form in her ruby-brown eyes.
"Hikari-chan...I don't think Koromon is coming back." Taichi said with the while staring at the Krater the two digimon created. With that said, Hikari instantly stopped shouting and hung her head low. "Hikari-chan...I'm sorry...we should get home," finished Taichi.
"Iie...He must be here somewhere!" shouted Hikari and she ran off circling the area where the two digimon fought.
"Hikari-chan! Matte! Tomare!" he shouted after he started following his little sister. "Lets go home! I'll bring you back here tomorrow!We can look for him then! Okaa-san will be worried if she goes to our rooms and finds out were not there asleep! Hikari-chan!"
Hikari just gave up. "H-Hai, onii-san." She finally stopped in her tracks and turned to walk up to her brother and lean her head into his chest.
"Its okay Hikari-chan, I'm sure we'll see him again," assured Taichi as he comforted his sister. After they did a slight sibling embrace, Taichi gave Hikari her whistle that they had used to help what was known to them as Koromon. Taichi heard her whisper a low thank you to him. They broke their moment when they heard the sirens of the police cars coming towards their direction.
Meanwhile, the other six children who saw what happened went back to bed, hoping that what they saw was all a dream. Though nothing they thought would keep them from the truth. What they saw was definitely real. Thoughts went on through the other six's minds all night. What were those monsters? Where did they come from? What did that boy and that girl know about them?