Disclaimer: I do in fact own the characters of Robin Hood. They were in my Christmas stocking. (Actually they are owned by someone richer than me, I just like to have some fun every now and then.) :D.

Authors Note: Ok, so here in Aus we are up to episode 8 or 9. This story is set straight after the episode about Gisbourne's tattoo, and so will possibly be AU compared to the actual show.

Italics thoughts.

For example as you read this story a little italics bubble should pop up near you with things like wow, this story is really good. I'd better leave a review. And other such ideas.


Hope you enjoy.

They were meant to be moving the camp.

Moving the camp frequently had become more necessary since Gisbourne had been held captive by the outlaws. His anger at being caught, compounded by his humiliation at being traded back had been translated into a more concentrated attack against the outlaws than had previously been employed.

The forest had been saturated with soldiers, marching back and forth attempting to seek out the location of the secret camp. Nottingham was more fortress-like than ever before, and guard numbers in the villages had also increased, particularly in Loxley.

And so, in a valiant attempt to avoid being caught by the patrols they had taken to moving camp every two days.

The camp they were currently occupying was at the bottom of a fairly rocky hill, with a number of rocky outcrops nearby that Robin had designated excellent hiding areas in case of an emergency.

Alan was snuffing out the breakfast fire. He had been last up, and so had been given the duty of minding the camp while everyone else disappeared around the forest looking for a new location. The rest of the group had split up into two groups, Robin, Much and John had headed north, while Will and Djaq went south along the river, trying to find a new area for a camp that was as defensible as their current one.

Alan paused for a moment to consider that tibbet of information. Since when had Will 'loved' Djaq? It had all come out rather suddenly last week, and though the rest of the group had sort of shaken it off as a reaction to the fear of having her in captivity (or at least appeared to so that Will wouldn't stop looking so embarrassed all the time) Alan couldn't stop thinking about him saying it.

He knew his best friend well enough to know he had been serious when he said it. Perhaps a little unsure as to how exactly he knew he loved her, Will was always a bit confused about that sort of thing, but sure nonetheless that he had some feelings, and that they were most easily explainable as love. Alan couldn't quite work out why this irked him so much. Sure he liked Djaq, she was unlike any woman he had ever known, but the emotion he had blurted out the week before was more part of a desperate attempt to get Robin out of loony land and back into the real world.

Or was it?

He shook his head, and threw a stick across the camp.

Maybe other outlaw groups had been right not to include women.

He was just about to ponder his next thought for the morning, namely why Will hadn't seen fit to confide in his best friend his Djaq issues when he caught a flash of movement out of one eye.

Something (or someone) please let it have been a something had just moved between two sets of bushes at the top of the hill.

There was a rustle and Alan caught a flash of silver.

Definitely a someone then. Damn it.

He went for his sword, lying on the ground near where he had fallen asleep, aiming to grab it and dive towards the rocky cover to his left.

But of course just as he was executing this move Gisbourne's voice was heard.

"I wouldn't if I were you outlaw. There are a dozen arrows trained on you at this very moment."

Smug smarmy git.

"My men may not be as well trained as your little band of misfits, but I like to think that quantity is just as important as quality."

The outlaw froze in mid-movement, hand clasped around his sword. He was staring at the hill, and sure enough, the number of bows pointed at him did not fill him with confidence in his ability to avoid all the arrows.

"I suppose your also in the 'size doesn't matter camp' then Gisbourne?"

Really should learn to watch that mouth of mine.

"I'd watch that mouth if I were you outlaw." Yep, knew I'd be in trouble. The only thing keeping you alive right now is that the sheriff has politely requested that I bring this band of miscreants to him, still breathing, so that some very public hangings may take place."

Oh dear. Lots of trouble. Where the hell is everyone else?

"I'm sorry to disappoint you my lord" Alan said, with a rather florid and highly unnecessary bow, "but I'm the only miscreant around. Everyone else seems to have heard you coming."

He could see Gisbourne's smile glinting evilly even from his position trapped at the bottom of the hill.

"You outlaws seem unnaturally fond of each other. I'm sure if we all just wait a while dear Robin will return to us soon, and attempt something to save your life that will ultimately end badly for the lot of you. This time the heroics will not be enough to save you."

Will and Djaq had only been walking for 20 minutes when they narrowly avoided being seen by a patrol of the sheriff's men, and decided that the direction they were headed was even more saturated with soldiers than their current location. Will was most definitely enjoying himself, it was a nice morning to be wandering about in the forest, even with the danger, and spending time with Djaq, well, an amazing bonus.

He had been excessively relieved when none of the other outlaws had said anything to her after his little…brain explosion… a week before, preferring to enjoy the relationship they had than to burden it with awkwardness. He was fairly certain she wasn't interested, or at least, wasn't interested in him. That hurt, actually a fair bit, but Will was a practical man, and so decided he'd just enjoy her company for as long as he could, savouring every moment, until she chose someone else and moved beyond his reach.

They were within a few hundred meters of the camp when Djaq stopped suddenly beside him, gesturing for him to be quiet and looking around herself furtively. She frowned and dropped to the ground (soundlessly he noticed, quite an achievement in the leafy foliage of the forest floor) pulling him down with her. She pointed forwards and they crept noiselessly to the rocks on the edge of the campsite, knowing that no matter what was going on in their base they would be hidden from sight, even from those on the top of the hill. They were handy rocks.

It took maybe ten minutes for them to work their way to the front set of rocks, and Will peeked out, determined to see what had Djaq so spooked. Sure, he couldn't hear Alan singing or whistling (which was often how you cam across him when he was alone), but maybe he was just tired?

Was all this secrecy really needed?

As he poked his head above the rocks he saw maybe 7 soldiers sitting around their base, Gisbourne one of them. Alan was tied to a tree off to the side of them, only one side of his face visible from the angle Will was on. He noticed, to his horror, that there was a thin trail of blood dribbling down from his hair line. It also looked like Alan's nose was bleeding. His head hung tiredly, and it was clear that his hands were hurting from being tied in a strange position.

He shifted backwards so that Djaq could have a look for herself, and then began a whispered conversation of what they should do to help their friend.

"One of us has to circle around and go for Robin." He murmured, knowing that it would be impossible to take Gisbourne's men without help.

"They went north. The river prevents us from circling around that direction by going back the way we came. We have to move out from the cover and go up the hill or through the camp to find him."

"Well that spoils the plan slightly doesn't it." Will huffed, annoyed. Stupid geography.

"Maybe one of us could make a diversion, you know, like a loud noise? And the other try and cut Alan free while the guards look the other way?"

She shook her head, "I think that they have learnt from their mistakes. They will not fall so easily for that plan."

There was a brief silence.

The pair's dilemma was broken by the distant sound of laughing.

The others were returning from the north. And walking straight into a trap.

Ok, so, I do have more. But, there you go. Ending this chapter there. Please leave a review if you think its any good, and I'll try and get a new chapter up, sometime in the near future.