-says quite forcefully- ENJOY!


Sasuke's POV ish


Oh finally. Sasuke thought. It had been the most boring class ever. I mean seriously, did the teacher even know what he was doing? He was glad it was over.

Sasuke got up from his desk with his books and bag, and was out of the classroom before anyone else was even out of their seat.

He wandered through the empty halls that would soon become crowded with students. Walking around aimlessly, he wondered where and what his next class was.

Genjutsu. He read on his schedule he had just gotten out. He groaned. Genjutsu wasn't really his thing. He wasn't terribly bad at it, but he would prefer, say, Taijutsu over it.

The halls had gotten more crowded now, so when Sasuke finally stumbled through the genjutsu classroom, it took him a while to realize what was wrong.

There were no desks or chairs in the room.

He sighed and knew it must be a genjutsu. Why else would there be an empty genjutsu classroom? He put down his books on the floor so he could free his hands to make a hand gesture.

"Kai," he said rather lazily. Immediately, 30 chairs and desks and a teacher's desk appeared.

Sasuke picked up his books, and positioned them on a nearby desk. He sat down in the chair and slouched, with his hands in his pockets. He took this time to notice that he was the first one in the classroom. Tch. How slow can these people get?

Since this was the last period before lunch time, Sasuke was naturally hungry. So to satisfy his hunger, he got up to get a drink of water from the water fountain. (A/N Lot's of logic there, eh?)

On the way out though, he didn't notice the sliding door open and a girl walking through. Before he had time to think, he crashed into her. (A/N By accident, believe me! …Omg I'm sounding like Naruto! …Sorta)

Oh damn. Just great. I'm thirsty, you know! …Err hungry. He looked up to see the girl who he crashed into rubbing her head muttering, "Itai…"

Weird… she has pink hair? I've never seen anyone in high school who has pink hair. Is it natural…?

"Oh my gosh, gomen gomen!" the girl said, cutting into his thoughts. Of course, she had to be like another one of his fan girls. How annoying.

She was also trying to pick up all the books that had fallen from her arms. Since Sasuke had left his books on his desk, he didn't need to pick up anything. He stood up and waited for her to move out of the way so he could get through.

Finally she also stood up with her books in her arms, and stared up at him. Wow, is she short or what? He was almost four or five inches taller than her.

She did look kind of cute, even with pink hair, and emerald green eyes that were still staring at him. No! This girl would ruin his image if they were caught together, staring at each other like that!

He glared at her for tempting him (A/N I know, such a crime.), and muttered a "Hn" before walking past her and down the hall.

He knew she was glaring back at him as he walked. He could almost feel her heated gazes bore into his back. He felt very much relieved as he turned the corner.

He spotted the water fountain and glared at it. It was its fault that he bumped into that girl, who probably hates him by now because he was so rude to her. He quickly took a drink of water before he looked like an idiot just standing there. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and walked back to class before he was late.

He got back to the classroom, which was more or less full with everyone, and realized the girl he bumped into was sitting in the desk in front of him. He couldn't change seats now since his books were already there, and the other desks were already taken. She didn't notice him walk past her and into his seat behind him. Well you couldn't blame her; she was staring aimlessly at the ceiling.

Finally, class had started. No more thinking about this weird pink-haired girl. He took out a piece of paper to jot down some notes. But since class had just started, there was nothing to jot down yet.

He stared at his piece of blank paper, or rather glared at it since he had nothing else to glare at besides the back of the pink-haired girl's head. And, personally, he didn't really want to glare at the back of someone's head. Especially when what he would be glaring at would be pink. So he settled for staring… glaring at the piece of paper in front of him.

All of a sudden the pink-haired girl turned around. He was tempted to look up and stare at her back, but remained his focus on the paper.

He then noticed that he was unconsciously kicking the back of her chair with his foot. That was probably why she turned around to look at him. He immediately stopped the kicking. Don't want her yelling at me for that, now.

The girl withdrew her gaze from him and turned back around. Sasuke almost let out a sigh of relief, but that would actually draw attention in the nearly drop-a-pin-and-it-would-echo-throughout-the-whole-classroom silence.

After a little bit, literally only around 10 seconds, Sasuke unconsciously started kicking again. He also noticed that the girl had started writing something now. What's there to write about?? The teacher's barely said anything! He thought wondering what on Earth there was to write about now. (A/N Dun dun dun. Sasuke's getting curious. How very OOC)

"Stop that," he heard a very harsh and deadly voice and realized that she turned around again. This must mean that he was kicking her chair, and stopped straight away. What's wrong with me?!

They met each other's gazes for what seemed like ages to Sasuke, but were really only a few milliseconds. He decided to break the contact before anything serious happened, and looked down to… Oh great, the paper again. But she had turned around once more.

A few seconds later, Sasuke had an idea. He put on a mocking grin, and started kicking her chair on purpose. Hm… why not just tease her with this once more? I'll tell her it's my nervous habit lat–

"Do you mi-" she turned around again, but cut off the last word of her sentence. At first she looked furious, but it soon melted into a mix of confusion, curiosity, and then fear.

She was staring at him for quite some time now. Exactly ten seconds! (A/N Sasuke time moves very slowly, as you can see) She can really stop now. It looked like she was having a fierce brainstorm of thoughts or something because she started making different faces. Most of them looked pretty scary to go on such an innocent little girl.

"…Mind" she finally finished, turning a bit red. Hah she's blushing now! He smirked. This was getting more entertaining by the second!

She started glaring now. He could tell that she was just trying to copy him. Hey! The "Deadly Glare" has the Uchiha copyright on it! Not like you could do it anyway. You just look like a wannabe Uchiha who got their money stolen and their shoes thrown into a lake. (A/N LOL Ahaha… -Ahem- Carry on)

He widened his mocking smile, just to tease her some more. But she turned around again after looking rather pouty.

The rest of the class wasn't as fun, since she didn't turn around anymore.


The bell for lunch rang. I should leave before she has a chance to unleash her fury on me. Sasuke gathered his books, almost as fast as he did in the last class, and dashed out of the-

Aaaaahhh! he yelled. Of course he didn't say that out loud. That would be very uncool of him. But a kunai had just flown by, barely missing his face, and hit the classroom door with a Thud!

All of a sudden, someone grabbed him by his shirt collar and shoved him to the side. Aah What the hell??

"Listen," the pink-haired girl said in a dark voice that freaked the hell out of Sasuke. Of course, he would never show it. "I don't know what your problem is, but do you mind not kicking the back of someone's chair? It's rude, annoying, and I could name a hell of a lot more words to describe it!"

Sasuke thought someone should've come over by now, but realized that everyone had left, leaving the two alone in the classroom.

Finally, she let go of his collar. He just stared at her. Man, you almost choked me!

After a moment, she turned on her heel and headed out of the classroom. But she stopped, and turned to walk back in.

"I didn't catch your name," she said to him. What, are you gonna tell on me now or something? Wait a sec'… I've got an idea!

He threw on the mocking smile that he had on before, trying to scare her again. She took a step back, clearly intimidated by him. Hahaha this is gonna be so fun!

He leaped forward into the air, crashing into her for the second time that morning. His plan worked as his lips met, well more like crashed into, hers and they both fell over.

Of course, he wasn't surprised when all she could do was stare in shock at him on top of her.

Oh yeah, I never answered her question. He broke apart so he could say his answer, "Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke."

They both got up when she said, "Haruno Sakura." He smirked.

Eh, screw my image.


This was a bit longer than 'Sakura's POV'. Sasuke thinks too much. Probably why he never says anything. xD

And thanks so much to the people who reviewed 'Sakura's POV'!
