A/N: I don't own House. This is my first ever House fanfiction, so be nice.

"Who're you?" I asked, sitting up in my hospital bed. A scruffy looking man had just limped into my room. He glared at me with piercing blue eyes.

"I'm Santa Claus." He said sarcastically. He walked with the aide of his cane over to a chair set apart from all of my medical equipment.

"Wow! I've never met Santa before!" I said with false cheer. He smirked.

"You caught me, I'm doctor House." He hooked his cane behind the chair.

"I haven't seen you around." I sat up straighter in my bed.

"That's 'cause I haven't felt like being around."

"Why're you here now?" I asked.

"Well, someone has to make sure you don't up and die in the middle of the night." House replied in a well-duh sort of voice. I smiled. He leaned back in his chair.

"So, do you know what's wrong with me yet?" I picked some dirt out from under my finger nails. House leaned forward again.


"Any ideas?"

"Some. Most of them involve Bigfoot and UFO's." He smirked at his own joke.

I glared. "You know, that wasn't very nice. Foreman told me you were an ass, but I didn't believe him. Guess he was right." As I continued to glare sharp, pointy daggers at him he just stared at me with his creepy blue eyes. I felt like he was staring into my soul. I tried to return the favor, but failed. "Your eyes are fucking scary. Anyone ever tell you that before?"

House's eyes smiled. But only for a second. "Actually, no."

After a few silent minutes I asked House what time it was.

"Just after ten thirty." He answered.

"Where's your team?" I asked. He flinched slightly.

"Gone for the day."

"What'd you do?"

House was quiet for a moment while I tried to telepathically make him answer me.

"I was rude," was his answer when he did finally give one. I smirked.

"You?! Never!" House sneered at me while grabbing his cane off the back of the chair. He began to tap it lightly on the tiled floor.

All became quiet again until eleven o'clock when my door opened and a neatly dressed man stepped inside. He was younger then House and certainly looked nicer. I noticed a sparkling gold wedding band on his left hand.

"I'm sorry," the man said, looking from House to me and back again. "I didn't know you where up."

I turned from the new arrival to House. He had a twinkle in his eyes. They looked pretty.

"Whatever," I said. "Pretend I'm not here."

"What can I do you for, Wilson?" House asked, leaning his upper body against his cane.

"I only came by to say goodnight, and that I'll see you tomorrow." Wilson said.

"Why are you still here? Didn't you have dinner plans with Julie?" House asked with real concern in his voice.

"Oh, shit! I did, didn't I?" Wilson slapped his palm to his forehead. "I am in so much trouble."

"When Julie kicks you out my couch is waiting with open arms."

"Thanks." Wilson mumbled, then composed himself. He reached for the door handle. "Bye."


For a few minutes I watched Houses eyes change from the sparkling orbs they were around Wilson, back to the scary rays of death they were normally.

I took a deep breath. Chase finally broke down and told me earlier how long I was going to live. Even though they didn't know what was wrong with me, I was still very ill. He said, unless they figured it out I probably had one, two days tops.



"You love him." I stated was as steady a voice I could. He glared at me. "You're lonely and he's married and you're in love with him."

He continued to to glare at me.

"You can glare at me with your scary fucking eyes until the cows come home, but that wont change a damn thing."

House used his cane to get to his feet. "There will be a nurse in here to watch over you shortly." He said tersely.

"Where're you going?"


"Yeah, that's right, go home and find your friend sleeping on your couch. You'll help him through his divorce and help him start dating again. Then he'll get married and start all over again. But where does that leave you?"

House stopped at the door, paused, then continued on his way.

Three minutes later the nurse showed up.