Serenity Sea
Serenity Sea

How About a Cup of Coffee?



Author's notes:

This came to me while I was at the beach yesterday, sipping my Caramel Frappachino from Starbucks. I love Starbucks. I love Frappachino. I think I have a caffeine addiction.

DISCLAIMER: I own only the characters that you've never heard of. Danyelle and Alison belong to me. The obvious people do not. I don't own Starbucks or any of the drinks, but if anyone wants to give me a lifetime supply of Frap's, I'd be more than willing to accept.

I'm using dub names because I feel like it. Just as I like to write Rei as Rei, not Raye.

On with the show.


The door swung open again, and Serena Cohen heard her co-worker, Danyelle, sigh beside her. She knew exactly what Dany felt—she was new to the job—and at Starbucks Coffeehouse, life was never dull.

Or at rest.

Serena remembered when she was new to the job—trying to remember the difference between a Venti traditional and a Grande was pretty tough—and that was only plain coffee in different sized cups. Yes, the drink aspect of the job was tough.

A freshman in collage, Danyelle Ricechek was tall, about 5'7, and only 19 years old. But with her medium-brown hair, and teasing brown eyes, she had the smarts. And Serena knew she would make it, unlike the line of blonde bimbos who'd been before her.

Serena, on the other hand, was the total opposite. Very blonde, with highlights nature promised every summer, and deep blue eyes that simply drew you in, she was more than a knockout. She was out of collage; after trying it our with her cousin and best friend, Mina Fuentes, they decided all the studying wasn't for them. Mina had gone on to be a model.

But that was another story.

Serena was full of life, and had a feisty personality that was hidden by her 'blondeness.' But she was also utterly unaware of the spell she cast over the men that walked through that door in the morning.

Well, all except one.

Mr. Darien Shields.

While some men came in and bought the over-priced coffee for a sight of her, he had a heart of ice. Not that the fact Serena even noticed, for Danyelle's obsession for the 6'2, raven-haired, midnight-blue-eyed man, had become so great that she forced Serena to make the drinks while she took his order.

In about 2 years though, Serena and Darien would meet, and all hell would break loose. And Dany would be powerless to stop the chemistry between her supervisor and her greatest obsession.


End Prologue