Chapter Two

Going Back

I returned from hunting about an hour later. My nerves were killing me and, of course, Edward noticed.

"Bella, are you okay?" He asked as we looked around the house for anything else we might want to take.

"Yes, I'm fine." I lied through my teeth.

I was surprised when I became angry with him for asking. Usually after hunting I was always in a good mood. Jasper would probably have to leave the room from all of the emotions I was feeling.

Wow, I missed them already…

Edward still looked at me with concern in his eyes. And I felt terrible for making him worry for no reason at all.

Poor Edward.

I sighed, giving up. "I'm nervous… But that's all. No need to worry so much, okay?"

He looked at me with disbelieving eyes, but still did not say anything.

"Edward, really, I'm fine." I tried again.

"No, you're not. What's really wrong?" He asked me finally.

Hmm, what was really wrong? How about the fact that I haven't spoken to my father in ten years? Or that I'm worried about what the pack might do if they throw the treaty to the wind? Not that I could tell this to him though.

"I just told you. Why can't you except that?" He was such a pain sometimes, and my voice showed it. I had stopped searching to look up at him.

Edward did the same. He sighed, "Bella…"

"Edward…" I said in a mocking tone.

He was so damn stubborn! Why couldn't he just let it be?

We stared each other down for a few moments before he said, "It's so frustrating- not hearing your thoughts."

"Yeah, so I've heard."

He looked up at me and gave me his wonderful crooked smile. Then began to chuckle softly.

Stupid rapid vampire mood-swings.

Sometimes, they were just too much to bear. Even I, as a vampire, do not have such a huge problem with them. I rolled my eyes at him and turned away.

In half a second, I felt stone cold arms around me. I tried to turn around to face my angel, but Edward held fast. He began kissing me from my throat to jaw. I moaned with pleasure, which made him chuckle again.

"Did I make you angry?" He whispered in my ear.

I tried being defiant, but to no avail. He was such a cheater sometimes.

I sighed, "No, I'm really just worried about what Charlie will say… And what the pack might do."

Edward nodded somberly.

"I know, but just remember that I'll be there, okay?"

I smiled at him fondly before checking my watch. "We only have 15 minutes to get to the airport!" I exclaimed.

"Then we might have to push my Volvo a little more than normal." He replied calmly, giving me his crooked smile.

"Ah, so 250 miles per hour, then?" I rolled my eyes as I hurried out the door.


The ride to the airport was uneventful. We both sat in companionable silence, safe in our own thoughts. It was peaceful.

We reached it in record time – making an hour car ride in only five minutes. When we reached the ticket line, all eyes were on us. I was pretty much used to it. What never got old were the thoughts coming from most of the women in the room centering on my Edward.

There were also thoughts from men on me though, so Edward grabbed my hand, claiming me. Like it helped any, I thought bitterly.

We received our tickets and ruche quickly to the plane, which was about to take off. My stomach was in knots; I couldn't believe I was about to pay my father a surprise visit.

Edward rubbed soothing circles on the back of my hand in a vein attempt to calm me. Finally! We were taking off.

Thanks for waiting. Sorry it's short, but I felt like I had to get something out. Please review! Thanks.
