The Call

Edited and updated

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS or any of its characters. The town and all other characters are my invention. Being an Aussie I am not very familiar with American geography or slang so I am sorry for any mistakes I make or confusion caused because of that.

McGee's hands swiftly passed over his keyboard, typing faster than most people think. It had been a slow day so far, no cases, just paperwork. He stretched his back and stretched his arms up, fingers interlaced. Only 10am and he was already extremely bored, and so was Tony, if the quickly mounting pile of scrunched up paper balls around his bin was any evidence. "Maybe I'll go see Abbs", he thought. Just as he was pushing his chair back his mobile rang. He picked it up, looked at the screen- no id, strange- and answered it.

"Special Agent McGee" He said, wondering who it could be.

"Hey Uncle Tim", said the young female voice on the other side.

"Kat?" answered McGee, hearing the tired and frightened voice of his niece- Katrina. "What's wrong?"

"Umm, Dad showed up early this morning. Mum's in hospital, he got her pretty bad." She said the faintest evidence of a sob in her voice.

"Shit!" McGee became vaguely aware of his team mates turning to stare at his at the sound of unadulterated anger in his voice "Is she alright, what about yourself, your sister? I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?" The sound of the Boss' phone ringing seemed worlds away as he processed his nieces' words, his two main thoughts being 'I should have been there to protect them, I am going to kill my brother- God help him if he's hurt little Izzie!'

McGee noticed that Gibbs was staring at him, writing things down- they probably had a case, he'd have to ask for some time off, go up to be with his girls, take care of Vicki- his sister- in- law, well ex-sister- in- law.

"Okay. We're fine, he just got Mum- Mum got us to clear out as soon she saw his car. " Said the 17 year old. McGee's heart broke as he heard the pain in her voice, the girl was holding back tears, being strong- for Izzie, otherwise she would just breakdown- wouldn't be any use to any one. "Uncle Tim, Izzie wants to talk to you, hold on a minute, I'll put her on."

"Hey Daddy" said the gorgeous- at least to her father's desperate ears- voice of the 4 year old.

"Izzie, hi sweetheart. How are you?" He said; the love and concern seeped into his voice as he talked to his lovely daughter.

"I'm fine, but Mummy is very hurt." She answered, sounding scared. McGee wanted to just run out of there and go to his family without any delay- instead he paced, without even realising he had stood up.

"I know sweetie. I'll be there soon, okay. Can I talk to Kat again honey, please?"

"Ok Daddy." There was a short shuffle as the phone was passed to her older sister.

"Hey Uncle Tim."

"Kat, I have to hang up now, and get going, I'll have to get some stuff done, and then I'll be up there soon."

"Okay." They hung up at the same time, they always seemed to.