Title: For your love

Author: Angel Shinigami

Warnings: Fluffy, SAD, DEATH, Yaoi, X-over

Summery: This is something new I'm trying. Thanks to Kyuubi, Naruto has an unimaginably long life span and because of this, he watches as his friend grow old and die. Unable to deal with it, the young blonde seals himself into a state of sleep until he his needed once more, Who could've thought that when he woke up there would be giant machines controlled by men and that the ninja arts would have all been lost?

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. I am only using them for my own evil purpose.

A.N. This is the story of Naruto, this is the story of Duo, this is the story of undying love and the amazing powers that come with a soul connection.

Chapter 1



Bright blue eyes filled with tears their owner had been trying to push back and ignore.

"I-I'm here Sasu-chan, don't talk…"

A soft, yet weak chuckle filled the large room as a pale, winkled hand lifted off the dark blue counter pane it had been laying on.

"Come to me, let me see your beautiful face once more before I leave you…"

"No please Sasuke, don't!"

Naruto Uzumaki, a beautiful tan boy that looked no older than sixteen with bright blonde hair that had grow over the years and big blue eyes that were now spilling over with heartbreaking tears, slid onto the bed next to his dieing lover and gently took the fragile looking hand into his own warm youthful ones.

"Baka," Sasuke murmured, the effort of the simple word making him cough and gasp his chest on fire. "Shhh," Naruto soothed, running his hand over his lover's sweaty forehead. "Calm down Sasu-chan, don't over excite yourself…" Feeling his fox's strong, cooling chakra tingling his skin, Sasuke has finally able to take a steadying breath as he allow himself to be lain back down and fussed over for a moment. "Baka," He pushed the boy's hands away, "I'm dying, not crippled."

Blue eyes twinkled sadly at the reminder that he would soon be all alone in this world, Sasuke being the last remaining friend he had left. Even his fellow demon carrier, Sabuku no Gaara, had sub come to old age. Shukaku not being as powerful as Kyuubi in the long run.

"I know, Sasuke, I know, I'm sorry…"

Silence settle over the room then, the oppressing aura of impending death seeming to close in on the couple, no matter how much they had run and hid from it.

"You know," Sasuke's soft voice pierced through the silence, staving off the unseen inevitability. "I don't regret it," He reached out and took his lover's hand. "Not for one moment have I ever regretted this. I love you Baka…"

Naruto let out a strangled bark of laughter, to choked up to force anything more.

The moments passed and still unable to say anything, the blonde leaned forward and pressed his lips to the pale hand that was hold his own, and then he moved up and pressed his lips to Sasuke's dry ones.

"I love you," Sasuke breathed again, allowing a rare smile to grace his face. "I'm not scared…"

Naruto looked up at the odd statement and tilted his head lightly.

"I'm not," Sasuke said again. "Because I know this isn't the end, I'll be seeing you again, if not in death, then in another life…"

The once black haired boy, slowly let go of his fox's hand and reached up to once more trace the long whisker like scars he had long ago memorized the texture of, before he moved on to run his fingers through his Naruto's long spiky blonde bangs that curled under his chin. "Are you ever going to cut this mass?" He asked lovingly, not meaning his words for a minute. "It is troublesome and useless…" "Never," Naruto answered, bringing his mate's hand to his cheek again. "I'll never cut it, ever again…"

"You are so stubborn…always have been…baka…"

Naruto nodded, his tears splashing down onto the hand he held in his tightly.

"But I'm your Baka," He said beggingly. He could feel the chakra draining away from his beautiful lover. "Oh Sasuke no, please…"

"This isn't the end…" Sasuke murmured softly, his deep black eyes falling closed as he breathed out once more. "Naruto…"

Naruto let out a deep pain filled howl at the loss of the familiar chakra flow. His mate was gone, his friends were gone, his world was slowly being modernized around him, not knowing what else to do, Naruto lay down next to the shriveled body of his beautiful Sasuke and just closed his eyes.

The fox within the blonde blazed with energy for a moment, enveloping the room in a intense instant flash fire that touched nothing but the body next to him, turning it to ash.

'I don't want to be with out him….I want…' A large yawn made its way out of the small blonde due to the massive energy usage, causing Naruto to nod in decision. 'I'm tired, I want to sleep…'

So with a final look at the place the other half of his soul lived and died just seconds before, he slowly set his head on the same pillow and let one last tear slide down his cheek before he fell into a sleep that he wouldn't wake from anytime soon.


What do you think? It is my newest fic and soon with turn into one hell of an odd crossover. But this can be read as a stand alone.

I'd love to hear your comments
