A/N:Hey! I know i owe you a big apology for not updating when i said i would, but i had my History and Science Physics final.. and i was just soooooo stressed because i sorta suck in history. Anywho, I want to thank you for the positive feedback, and the most heart-warming reviews. Really, you guys motivate my lazy ass so much to keep on writing. In this chapter, nothing really happens, and there's not much humour, which is WHY I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT! Hopefully, you won't, and i promise there will be much more humour in the next chapter, and it will contain more IchiRuki-ness.Though, this chapter is long, a solid 1,708 words. So if you read, PLEASE REVIEW, because i really need them... they are my source of life... can't make it run low!

Disclaimer: Damn...i only wrote 6 chapters, and i'm sick of this already. I DO NOT OWN BLEACH! (but the things i'd do if i did..)


-Rukia- some time later…

All the girls were giggling. What was wrong with them? Since I had nothing better to do, I just giggled along. Is this what they do at sleepovers? Ludicrous! It kind of reminded me of the shinigami's women association.

"Anyway," Mahana said, reaching for some more popcorn. Fortunately, I had learnt about popcorn a while ago. "Mizuiro told me to spread it round, there's going to be a party at Asano-san's and he invited the whole class."

"Even Ishida-kun?" Orihime asked seriously.

Mahana shrugged. "I guess,"

"Ahh, that pervert, do you really think any girls are going to go?" Tatsuki asked.

"Hey girls, why don't we go? It'll be fun to crash the party!" Michiru giggled.

"Kuchiki-san, are you going to go?" Orihime asked.

"Ahh, maybe,"

"C'mon, Rukia, it'll be great!" the rest of the girls egged me on, even Ryo.

"Okay, I'll go with you guys then." I smiled. I felt a bit happy that the girls wanted me there.

Later we watched a romance movie, which bored me to death, it was just too unrealistic. Then we watched ju-on, the grudge. That was better, but it was a bit frightening.

"AHHH!!!" Tatsuki and I screamed the loudest when the creepy little boy popped out of no where, and we instinctively reached each other. Grinning nervously, we let go.

The rest of the evening was amusing as well, and I came to realize nobody actually slept in a sleepover. The girls kept chattering, and even though I was a part of it, I felt sad because it would never really be this way…

-Ichigo- In the morning…

I woke up and felt strangely relaxed. I looked at my alarm clock. It was eleven in the morning. Karin, Yuzu and Rukia should be on their way back from their sleepover about now. I sat up in my bed and found Rukia in front of me, grinning.

"GAAAA-" she covered my mouth.

"Shut up!" Rukia hissed. "What's with you? Have you forgotten that I live here or something?" She let go of my mouth.

"Uh..heh. No, I just thought you were still at Inoue's" God, I'm such a loser. Why'd I yell like that?

"Did you know that no one really sleeps at sleepovers? All the girls did was talk!" She sounded annoyed, but looked happy.

"Yeah, had fun pranking people?" I asked viciously.

"Well, if you must know, I warned them, but they all said you were too wound up and needed to get pranked."

Me, wound up? "Yeah, whatever. Hungry?"

She giggled. "No, not really. I'm just going to sleep a bit."

Suddenly feeling bad that the midget had to go in my closet, I offered her my bed.

"Really? Thanks!" and she hit my bed with a bounce and pulled the covers over her head.

Smiling slightly, I went to the bathroom and started showering.


Snuggling in the bed, I was thinking again. Was Ichigo going to go to Keigo's party? The bed smelled like Ichigo, spices and musk, and another thing I couldn't really place.

I started nodding off when suddenly I heard, "KARIN! YUZU! My favourite daughters are home!"

"Shut up, dad!"

This was useless. I forgot the idea of sleeping, and just lay in the bed thinking, when a flash of orange jumped on me.

"Nee-saaaan!" Kon yelled, trying to bury himself in my chest.

"KON!" I yelled while throwing him to the floor and continuously stomping on his face.

"Nee-san, please! I need sympathy, the twins were evil enough!"

We were already making a lot of noise, and to make matters worse, a dripping Ichigo came in to the room wearing nothing but a towel. I tried my best not to stare.

"Gah! Rukia, weren't you-KON? What the hell happened to you?!" What? What was the matter with Kon? I guess I hadn't really taken a good look at him. I observed Kon. He was wearing a pink skirt, with a red shirt that said 'Hot Stuff'. He looked totally feminized. This had to be Yuzu's work.

Ichigo and I started laughing about the same time. Unfortunately, Ichigo was doing a bit too much laughing and accidentally let go of his towel.



Shit. Still chuckling, I bent down to pick up the towel and re-wrapped around my waist. Rukia squealed and rushed into the closet. I'm the one naked and she's the one who's embarrassed. Ignoring Kon's yells and insults, I quickly put on some clothes and yanked the closet door open. Rukia didn't even notice, because she had her hands wrapped tightly around her eyes.

"Ichigo! Ichigo, are you listening to me?" Kon yelled. I looked behind me, and grabbed Kon. Then I stuffed my hand in his mouth and pulled the mod soul pill. Finally, some silence.

Looking at Rukia, I grinned. "S' matter, Rukia?"

She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, her cell phone started beeping.

"Hollow, let's go!" She jumped out the window, and I ran downstairs out the door.

Nearing the local park, Rukia smacked her forehead. "Shit, you're still in your body!"

"Whatever, pull me out now!" I stopped. She pushed me hard with her red glove and then caught my body before it fell down.

I ran inside the park and found the Hollow. Was it just me, or did it look a bit pig-like? It had porky legs and a curled tail.

I took out my zanpakutoh, I slashed pretty hard, but it dodged. It swung its massive arm at me, but I stepped on it and pierced its mask. The hollow started de-materializing, and I ran back to my body and found Rukia trying to lift it up.

"You're… really…heavy," she said, panting for air.

I took my body from her and slipped into it. Damn. There was the walk home now…

Rukia was peering at the park.

"Ichigo, what is this place?"


He scratched the back of his head. "It's a place where kids go to have fun," Ichigo emphasized the 'kids' part.

"What do you do? Why is it full of weird things? What's this?" I said, walking near a bizarre seat that was lifted from the ground by two chains and held by a pole.

"It's a swing. You sit on it and try to… try to get really high by pushing your legs,"

I shook my head. "I don't get it."

Ichigo shrugged. "It's alright, idiots don't really get anything."

Five minutes later, a bruised Ichigo sat on the swing and demonstrated. He stood up on the seat and held the chains on either side of it with his hands. I stood back, fascinated.

"It looks kind of idiotic," I said.

"Well, that's because I didn't do anything yet!" He looked angry. Well, why wouldn't he be? Getting beaten up by a girl is by all means a thing to get angry at.

He grumbled and started pushing his legs back and forth. Wow, he really was going high. Ichigo had a scowl on his face, but it looked like he was enjoying swinging. I was mesmerised. His legs were pumping much harder, and even though it was my first time seeing one of these things, I knew that Ichigo was going way to high. His clothes were blowing wildly against him. The next turn he was going to go a complete 360 around the pole! Apparently, he thought so too, and jumped off the swing at the moment it was going to wrap itself around the bar.

He stumbled a little while landing, and got up to face me. His face was flushed from all the swinging he was doing, and he looked excited.

"Woah, it's been a long time I've done that…"

Not wanting to be outdone at something, I yelled, "I want to try!"


That was going to be a bit problematic. The swing I was on was stuck up on the bar it was being supported from. Who cared, there were still four undamaged swings. I explained to Rukia she shouldn't try the swing standing up because she wasn't really ready.

Rukia ran up to one and sat down, waiting for the magic. She pushed her legs around crazily and only succeeded at swinging from side to side.

She looked at me. "It's not working!" She said impatiently.

"You're the one not working," I replied, walking towards her. "You're doing it the wrong way, you gotta push your legs forwards, and then push them behind you. Lean your back a bit."

She tried again, and was swinging slowly. "It's still not as fast as you!" she complained.

I chuckled. "Want me to push you?"

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes!"

I grinned and started pushing her. "AAHHH! Ichigo, stop, you're pushing to hard!"

I pushed a few more times and stopped. Then I quickly took a seat next to her on the swing and started pushing my self. Only, I was higher than her in less than a minute.

"How do you that?" she said, frustrated.

Ha, the midget was jealous of my swinging skills… "Being short is not really an advantage."

"Shut up Ichigo!" she fumed.

She slowed down and stopped, clearly agitated that I was better than her.

"I'm bored."

"Aw, Rukia, don't be such a sore loser." But I got down from the swing too.

"Hey, Ichigo, are you going to Asano-san's party?"

Why, was she going to go? "I don't know. If I don't, he's probably going to eat me."

"I'm going. You should come too, it'll be fun!"

I frowned at her. "Which idiot told you that?"

"C'mon, you'll get to have a break for once! Plus, I promised the girls I'd be going, and I don't know where he lives…"

"Trust me. You don't want to know. Whatever, fine, I'll go." Why, why? First the stupid amusement park, and now this. I could picture the scene playing in my head. Keigo flirting with Rukia, me trying to stop him and just end up sulking in a corner.

I groaned in my head. Why couldn't I ever just say no to Rukia? Because she'd persist until I bled from my ears…Or probably just beat me up until I said yes…


Yo! so how was it? i know nothing really happened, forgive me! The next chapter will be better. (I hope.)

But PLEASE Review anyhow, because my life depends on it.

A/N: If any of you have a short, really scary story (I mean VERY SCARY. very very scary. Not cheesy, scary!) could you please pm it to me, i really need one for the next (or after next) chapter, so if you do... Thanks! Don't worry, i'll write it as yours, i don't want to steal it. Because when i try to think one up, i just suck, or when i look for one online, it's just soo...cheesy.

The next chapter will be up VERY soon, if you review!

P.S-I'm sorry if the title of this chapter was totally random, i had nothing else.