Your Darkness Is My Darkness

Chapter 2

Gaarakoi: Sorry, guys, for being gone for so long. My mom won't let me keep the lappie at home, and keeps procrastinating so she won't have to buy me a flash drive, so I have to settle for the little time I get when she's out... Oh, well, here's chapter 2, and it took me a long time. Right now, I just had enough time to get it edited a little better, but still not the best. Just work with me here.

Gaara groaned as his snuggly heat suddenly disappeared. He blindly reached out in front of himself and groped around for that source of warmth, but all he felt was blankets. Cracking his eyes slowly, he squinted as the bright sun temporarily blinded him. Looking around, he sat up, but fell back down as a slight pain sparked up his back from his ass. When he reached around behind him to massage it, his hand brushed another. Slowly turning around, the redhead found himself looking at the sleeping face of none other than Itachi. Gaara screamed.

This all started the day before that.

Shortly after Satoko kidnapped Gaara, everyone else followed the two outside. "Guys?" Naruto asked, half worried that his red-headed friend had killed his best friend's cousin and hidden the body somewhere. A hand shot up and waved the gang over toward the other side of the plastic tube on the playground. Two empty bowls with spoons sticking out lay on their sides next to the two red-faced teens. Satoko had a deep red, circular mark on her cheek and a chunk of cookie on her nose. Gaara was trying to catch his breath, so as to not look like he had over exerted himself. Satoko had a smile on her face, and an arm wrapped around her stomach as she, too tried catching her breath.

"Waa?" Kiba asked, over-thinking what the two must've been doing. "Do you have some closet, kinky food fetish or what?" Gaara growled, but turned an interesting shade of red, while Satoko fell over laughing. "We-we were talking," Satoko tried explaining between laughs, "And I stole some of his, of his ice cream, a-and he flicked a spoonful at, at me, th-then, he-"

Gaara clamped his hand over the girl's mouth, effectively shutting her up. "I chased her down when she wouldn't shut up," Gaara growled, grinding his teeth together. Sasuke raised an eyebrow as Naruto and Kiba looked at each other. The blonde and brunette suddenly burst out laughing, rolling around on the ground. Hinata looked at them worriedly, but Shino just looked away. Temari was shocked that her little otouto was acting like this at all. He usually would've lashed out at anyone that came within a 20 feet radius, save for Naruto and her, but here he was, actually touching someone else. And willingly!

Gaara slowly took his hand away from Satoko's mouth and stepped back. After a few moments, Satoko finally caught her breath, and the girl burst out laughing and rolled off the equipment, joining Naruto and Kiba on the ground. "Shut up!" Gaara ground out from his clenched teeth. No one, but no one laughed at Sabaku no Gaara! Satoko took a deep breath and laughed harder, her hands clutching her sides. "A-are you, you gonna stop m-e like before?" she laughed. Eight pairs of eyes looked questioningly toward the redhead, whose face now almost matched his hair. "And how exactly did you stop her before?" Itachi asked, raising one perfect Uchiha eyebrow.

Gaara's fingers balled into fists as he glared down at the rolling girl. "Stop laughing at me!" he yelled, avoiding the eldest Uchiha's question. Satoko finally got control of herself and rolled on her belly as she looked up at Gaara's angry face, a small smile on hers. "You know, Gaa-chan," she said breathlessly, "I have to say, you are way cuter than Tachi-koi when you're angry." Everyone deadpanned. "Someone doesn't know when to quit," Shikamaru commented quietly, shrugging his shoulders. Sasuke's eye suddenly started twitching, but it wasn't in the direction of Gaara and Satoko. "What's the matter, Sasu-chan?" Satoko asked, sitting up and looking at him. He raised his finger and pointed toward the other side of the playground. Peeking around him, Satoko fell back to the ground and started laughing again, followed by Naruto. "NO, Akamaru!" Kiba yelled.

"I still can't believe that Gaara actually sat down with someone else, let alone a girl, talked to her, and she managed to come out of it unscathed," Kankuro said, shaking his head. Temari looked like she agreed wholeheartedly. "Yeah, but I'm afraid that Satoko actually likes him," she said worriedly. "And if he starts liking her back, Gaara's going to be in trouble," Kankuro finished. The blonde nodded and sighed sadly. "Father won't like this very much," Kankuro said, trying to sound like he didn't care. Temari gave him a look that promised death. "Father doesn't need to know," she said, her voice dripping with venom, daring her brother to argue. Kankuro shrank back and took the hint, muttering, "Why did I get stuck with two psychotic siblings?"

Temari's eyes flared up. "What was that?!" She growled, but fell silent as a dark-haired man walked in. The man looked around the room and frowned deeply. "Where is that thing?" he asked, hatred coating the word 'thing'. Kankuro shrugged and Temari said, "I think he went to a friend's house for the night." The man slammed his fist against the wall, making Temari flinch and Kankuro swallow hard. "That monster is going to pay when he gets home. He never asked to leave. Maybe while he's out, someone will kill him for me," the man said, not a hint of guilt in saying he hoped his son would die. As he walked into the kitchen, a tear ran down Temari's cheek, but she quickly wiped it away so her father wouldn't see. "What have I done?" she whispered. Kankuro put an arm around her reassuringly, but she shrugged it off. "Now he's gonna get in trouble and it's my fault!" She exclaimed, more tears falling down her cheeks.

Taking out his cell phone, Kankuro dialed his brother's number and held it up to his ear. After two rings, a small click was heard as the other line was picked up. "You better stay away for a few days," Kankuro told his little brother. "Father knows you're gone and he's pissed." Gaara growled a little on the other line. "I'm at Uzumaki's. I'll see if I can stay." After a short pause, Gaara said simply, "Yeah." Kankuro looked at Temari and nodded, smiling slightly. She breathed a sigh of relief, but one final tear fell. Kankuro replied, "Alright, I'll have some clothes brought over. I guess I'll see you in school then, okay?" Gaara 'hnn'ed and the other line went dead.

"Don't beat yourself up, Temari. You know he won't get mad at you," Kankuro said, flipping his phone shut and sliding it into his pocket. Temari sniffed one last time and looked at her brother. "I didn't mean it," she mumbled. "It's not his fault Mother died. I wish Father understood that." She turned around and walked silently up to her room, leaving Kankuro alone. With a sigh, he followed behind her toward his room, hoping his father would forget about Gaara for awhile.

Gaara hung up the phone with a sour look on his usually impassive face. The bastard wasn't supposed to be home from the business trip for a few more days. Looking normal again, he turned back around toward Naruto, who was on his phone with Hinata. "And she started screaming!" he exclaimed. Noticing Gaara was off his phone, he told his girlfriend to hold on for a moment, before putting her on mute. "Hey, later, Mikoto-san said we can go over to their house for a while and watch some movies. Plus, you can take that time to try to get into Satoko's pants like I know you want to."

Laughing, he hopped over the banister to the bottom of the stairs, just slipping out of Gaara's grasp, almost landing on another blonde. "Hey, Gaki, watch where you're going!" She exclaimed drunkenly. Naruto frowned. "Does the perv know you're drinking again? Where is he anyways?" Tsunade wrinkled her forehead trying to remember. "He said something about a new book," she said, scratching her head and hiccupping. Naruto sighed, followed by a yelp as he was hit in the head and knocked over with a large, and very pointy picture frame. He leaped up, a large welt appearing on his head, and locked himself in the downstairs bathroom.

"N-Naruto-kun?" a small voice asked. Naruto remembered he was talking to Hinata and unmuted her. "Sorry, Hinata-chan. Gaara was being defensive about his feelings for Satoko again." Naruto's eyes went wide as a kitchen knife pierced the wood of the door next to his head. "Next time, I will aim for your head," Gaara's quiet but scary voice promised through the door. Naruto gulped and laughed nervously. How does he know exactly where I am through the door? Naruto wondered to himself. "Hey, Hinata-chan, I gotta let you go, but I'll see you tomorrow," he said, stepping away from the door, just in case Gaara decided to throw more sharp objects. "I know, kisses," he said, hanging up.

"Are you ready to go?" He yelled though the door, still not wanting to risk getting skewered. After a moment, he cautiously opened the door and saw Gaara pouting again. "I'm not going," the redhead mumbled, crossing his arms across his chest. Naruto's phone started ringing and he sighed, picking it up. "What, Teme?" He asked. "No, he doesn't want to go." A smile broke out on the blonde's face. "Okay," he said, holding the phone up to Gaara. "It's for you," he said, making Gaara more wary than he usually was. "What?" He grumbled into the receiver.

The cheery, not-Sasuke-as-he-expected voice on the other line made him frown. "Aw, Gaa-chan, why don't you want to come over?" Satoko asked. Gaara grunted. Satoko whined quietly on the other line. "But we had so much fun today, don't you want to have more?" Another grunt. "But, Gaa-chan, if you can't come over, I might just accidentally tell everyone about the ice cream thing." Gaara growled, cursing her for blackmailing him. "You wouldn't," he said. Satoko's smile could practically be heard through the phone. "Oh, Tachi-koi," she sang. "I wanna tell you something about Gaa-chan." She whispered to Gaara, "You have no idea how possessive he is." She giggled and Itachi's masculine voice asked, "What is it?" Growling again, Gaara had no choice but to give in. "We'll be over in a bit," he mumbled, hanging up the phone as he heard Satoko say, "He's even cuter when he's angry!"

When they arrived at the Uchiha manor, Sasuke opened the door and stood to the side to allow Gaara and Naruto entry. Closing the door, he led them downstairs and into another room with a plasma screen television. Itachi was sitting on one end of the couch directly in front of the screen in the middle of the room. He didn't even turn his head as they walked into the room. Shino sat by himself in front of the same couch in the floor and he looked at them. "'Bout time you got here," he said. "Sato-chan was getting antsy waiting. It was never her strong suit." Gaara raised an invisible eyebrow and sat down on the short couch. Naruto headed toward the bathroom and Sasuke put the DVD in.

As he moved back toward the couch and sat at the opposite end as his brother, Satoko walked in with a few bowls of popcorn and a box of Hot Tamales. "Hey! Gaa-chan, you made it!" she exclaimed, her eyes becoming upside-down U's and her smile growing. "But where is Naruto-kun?" Said blonde walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder, making her jump a bit. "Right here, Satoko," he said, taking one of the bowls of offered popcorn. Handing one of the last two bowls to Itachi and surprised everyone by seating herself not next to her 'adored' cousins, but next to the redheaded psycho. "Really, Naruto-kun," Satoko said, dumping some Tamales in her bowl of popcorn. "Call me Satoko-chan. As long as it's alright if I call you Naruto-kun." The blonde nodded and plopped down next to Shino.

The previews of the movie started and Satoko scooted closer to Gaara, causing him to frown. One look from Itachi had his not-there eyebrow twitching. How dare that blank-faced pansy think that Gaara would actually try to pull something with this…this…walking abomination. Yeah, that was it. Abomination. It was totally beside the point that he actually enjoyed her company quite a bit. And that he actually sucked ice cream off her cheek and tickled her until she almost passed out. Beside…the…point.

Satoko lifted her box of candy in the air and asked if anyone else wanted any. Sasuke shook his head, but Naruto nodded. He handed his bowl to Shino and grabbed the thrown box. He grabbed Sasuke's bowl and poured a bunch in it. "Shino can share with Itachi," he said, throwing the rest of the candy back to Satoko as Itachi's eye twitched. She caught it and emptied the box in her bowl. "Want some, Gaa-chan?" she whispered as the movie started. He gave her a look that clearly said no. "Have you ever tried Hot Tamales before?" He shook his head and she gasped quietly. "Try them," she said, handing him the bowl.

Knowing from experience that she wouldn't stop until he did, he picked one up, looked at it a moment, and gingerly placed it on his tongue, Satoko following his every move. As he rolled the spicy candy around his mouth, his eyes watered a little and he chewed the candy slowly. He gave the girl a small smile in his approval and she beamed, pleased that he enjoyed the treat. Satoko set the bowl in his lap and snuggled up to his arm. Itachi looked at them with a blank look and Sasuke turned his head away so they missed his smirk. Naruto sniggered quietly and Shino frowned at them.

Turning their attention back to the movie, they all watched the screen as the movie started. The letters from the words popped out and formed the words 'Epic Movie'. Satoko giggled quietly and Gaara looked down at her, shifting slightly so he was more comfortable. "What?" he asked her softly. She smiled up at him and closed her eyes a moment. "My friend Hiroto-chan told me this movie was really funny," she said.

Gaara frowned, suddenly finding himself experiencing a strange feeling. His stomach tightened and he felt angry for some reason. He furrowed his non-existent brow and stuck out his tongue a bit as he thought about her friend. Gaara felt liking killing him more then any other person he ever met, and he didn't even meet this guy before. Especially when he remembered Sasuke saying how promiscuous Satoko was. After all, she jumped on and started making out with Itachi when she got through the door and commented on how hot Sasuke, Naruto, Kiba, and he (Gaara) was. Growling lightly, his hand unconsciously tightened around her arm. She looked up at him with an expression of innocence. "What's the matter, Gaa-chan?" she whispered.

The redhead looked back down and his anger melted away. Still not wanting her to know that she didn't completely disgust him, he put his blank mask back on. "Nothing," he murmured, turning back toward the tube, loosening his grip. Satoko sighed and let go of his arm, also turning back to the TV. Gaara bit his lip and tried to concentrate on the movie, and not the arm that was slowly cooling from loss of her touch.

Halfway through the movie, just as the White Bitch showed Edward her rack and Ashton Kutcher wouldn't stop 'schwamm'ing , Gaara felt a weight on his shoulder and a soft sound. Looking over, he noticed Satoko had fallen asleep and leaned over on his shoulder. He cleared his throat, hoping to wake the girl up without confrontation. She murmured something about pandas and snuggled more against him, wrapping her arm around his stomach. Gaara looked over to the guys on the other couch, silently pleading them to help him.

Naruto covered his mouth to stifle the laugh threatening to erupt. Shino was still watching the movie, with a less-than-delighted look on his face. Itachi and Sasuke both had a look only the male Uchiha's could possess. It was one that said they were amused, but refused to show it openly. Gaara glared at the boys on the couch and silently promised them each a different long, painful death.

Accepting the fact that Satoko wasn't going to move, he settled in to watch the rest of the movie, the weight of the warm body on him somewhat comforting. Unconsciously, Gaara wrapped his arm around her back, pulling her closer to him. She made a content sound and the redhead smiled a little bit, glad she was as comfortable as he was.

By the end of the movie, Gaara was out, too. Naruto sniggered quietly as he snapped pictures of the two. Satoko had her knees bent on the couch and her head was resting on Gaara's chest with both hands wrapped firmly around his waist. Gaara's head was tilted to the side, resting on the top cushion of the couch with his legs angled in the opposite direction of Satoko's. One hand rested on the arm the girl wrapped around his stomach and the other was behind her, locked on her waist.

Itachi walked into the room, head covered by the blankets he was carrying, but being an Uchiha, managed to walk perfectly normal. Sasuke grabbed a few of them and walked toward the two sleeping teens, smacking the back of Naruto's head, who was still taking pictures. "Sasuke! Don't be such a bastard! I need blackmail material," he exclaimed quietly. Sasuke just rolled his eyes and walked up to the two curled up. He gently put a small, rainbow-colored blanket with the ends tied together over Satoko's body, and a gray one on Gaara. Smiling softly at his cousin, he ushered the other's into the next room, so as not to disturb the sleeping ones. Naruto poked Shino in the arm. "Hey, Shino. So, what's the deal with you and Satoko?" Shino let out a small sigh. "I'm not sure it's my place to tell you," he said. Naruto whined. "Aw, but come on! Please?" Shino sighed again. "Alright, but please don't think any differently of her after I tell you."

With Gaara and Satoko

Gaara awoke suddenly, feeling something struggling in his lap. Opening his eyes, he realized he must've fallen asleep while watching the movie and the others went into a different room. He assumed that Tsunade and Jiraiya gave Naruto and him permission to stay at the Uchiha's for the night. Looking down, he noticed Satoko was struggling. He held her arm and tried to gently shake her awake, but that only seemed to make it worse. She started thrashing even worse. "Please! No, please stop! I'll do anything!" she cried, tears slipping from her closed eyelids and running down her face. "Don't hurt them! I'm begging, take me!"

Gaara did the only thing he could think of doing. Shifting, he pulled the girl up and hugged her to his chest. Satoko drew in a deep breath and let out one more cry before relaxing. That didn't stop her from sobbing quietly, "Let them go, it's my fault. All my fault." Gaara was worried. Even the nightmares that plagued him of his father weren't this bad for him. The redhead rubbed soothing circles on the girl's back for a few minutes until her sobs stopped. Tilting her head up, he used his thumb to gently wipe the tears from her face. Smoky gray eyes slowly opened and shifted around, as if taking in surroundings for the first time.

"G-Gaara?" she whispered, her lower lip trembling. A soft look settled on the boy's features. "Are you alright?" he asked gently. Her lip trembled more and she buried her face in his chest to stifle the new sobs, hugging the redhead. Gaara didn't know what to do again, so he did what he had done before, and rubbed her back gently to soothe her. When Satoko stopped crying, she sniffed once, looking up at Gaara. "I-I'm sorry," she whispered, looking away. "Usually, I can control it. I'm sorry." Gaara swallowed the lump in his throat and he continued rubbing her back. It seemed to be calming to the girl.

"Control what?" he asked, an unusual show of his curiosity. "The nightmares," Satoko said quietly, shuddering. "The memories." "Can you tell me about them?" Gaara asked after a moment. "It might make you feel a little better, Satoko." Satoko smiled softly up at him again. Not the smile everyone else got. The real Satoko's smile. "I just realized," she said. "That was the first time we ever called each other by our first name." She turned her head and gently placed it over Gaara's chest, listening to his heart beat.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly as she started speaking quietly. "It was my parents. I loved them so much. My mother was just like Mikoto. Always smiling, happy, loving. If I had a bad day at school, she would always let me make cookies to cheer me up. One time, when I fell and chipped a tooth, we even made a whole cake! My father was the most positive role model I could've asked for. He worked hard, but he always had time for me. We used to dress up together and play house when my mother was out."

With the boys

"Wow," Naruto said. "Her parents sound really nice. What happened to them?" Shino shook his head a little bit. "I'm not entirely sure, but I know a little. It seems that her father was the secretary to the CEO of a big-name corporation. His boss was in a meeting with a man who was selling illegal things to the company and helping the CEO launder money. He accidentally pressed the intercom button and Sato-chan's father heard the whole conversation. Of course that meant a big scandal for CEO if he was found out, so he had to tie the loose end. That was her father."

With Gaara and Satoko

Gaara frowned as Satoko explained about her father's discovery slowly, pain filling her voice as she went along. "My father was a very trustworthy man, but his boss and the other man didn't want to take the chance of a scandal. His entire company was started on his illegal business funds. Before Father got home one night, someone called and I answered the phone. It was a man claiming to be his co-worker and he needed to pick up some papers. I told him exactly when my father would be home, and that my mother was cooking supper. I was only five years old." Satoko's eyes filled with tears and her voice cracked a bit.

"When Father got home, he no more than walked in the door and he was sh-shot in the back, but still alive. My m-mother went to greet him and a man grabbed her and t-tied her up with my f-father." Gaara wrapped his arms tightly around her back as her words almost slurred together. "I w-went with my mother to s-see my father, b-but when he was sh-shot, I hid. A b-big man with some o-orange hair noticed me a-and grabbed m-me and lifted me up b-by my n-neck. 'What should w-we do with this runt?' The man asked his par-partner. His skinny, pale partner smiled sadistically and tied me up separately. 'Let's m-make her choose,' he said, 'h-how they a-are killed'. I-I couldn't do it," she sobbed, biting her lip in an attempt to stop the crying. Gaara's heart tore.

"I'm sorry," he murmured softly in her hair. "Please don't cry." She looked up at him and wiped her face with the back of her hand, sniffling loudly. "They didn't kill me be-because they said I wasn't worth it. I-I haven't even told S-shino this. P-please don't tell him. He worr-ries enough about me already." Gaara, remembering the same thing being drilled into his head growing up, was suddenly angry. No one was truly worthless. "Satoko, you're not worthless," he said quietly, his cheeks a little pink. Satoko also blushed a little.

"Gaara…" she murmured. Gaara looked into her ashen eyes as she slowly closed the distance between their lips. Satoko gently pressed her lips to Gaara's, letting her eyes close. His arms tightened again around her back and he tentatively pressed back, going purely on instinct. Satoko moaned a little bit into the kiss. Between that and the feeling the kiss gave him, Gaara also let out a moan. Satoko gently parted her lips and slid her tongue into the other's warm mouth. Gaara's eyes widened, but after getting over the initial shock, he let them roll shut, his own tongue shyly twining with Satoko's.

The girl pulled away a moment later and they both blushed, looking away. After a moment of awkwardness, Satoko put her head back on Gaara's chest. "Sorry," she mumbled. "I guess I just got caught up in the moment." Gaara shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Don't be sorry." Satoko smiled again, reaching on her lap to gather the blanket in her hand. "My mother made this for me," she said quietly. "It's one of the only things I have left to remember them by. That and the disk my father left, telling about his boss." Gaara looked thoughtful. "Did you ever give the disk to the police?" he asked quietly. Satoko shook her head. "I don't want anyone to get hurt," she said, nuzzling Gaara's chest with her cheek. "The people I care about could be targeted. And I don't want any of you getting hurt."

Gaara smiled and gently kissed her hair. "So, I'm one of those people?" Satoko's cheeks heated up, but she nodded, lifting her head up to look into his eyes. "You're really important to me," she whispered shyly. Gaara leaned closer, his breath ghosting her lips. "This side of you is different than the one this afternoon," he said. "I think I like it." With that, he kissed her softly. Pulling away, he blushed a bit, smiling serenely. "I consider you important, too." Satoko smiled, yawning loudly.

Smacking her lips together, she gazed up at him. "Maybe we should go to sleep, Gaa-chan," she said, laying her head back on his chest. "If you want me to move, it's okay." Gaara shook his head, even though she couldn't see. "Let's go up to my room," she decided as she sat up, yawning again. "The bed is probably more comfortable than the couch." Gaara nodded and stood up to follow her. Grabbing her blanket in one hand, Satoko slipped her other hand into his and surprisingly, he didn't pull it away. Hearing some laughter from the room next door, Satoko poked her head in. "Guys, we're going to my room. Night." Naruto whistled and Itachi didn't look too pleased. "Don't do anything I wouldn't," Shino said, making Satoko blush. "Shut up you guys! We're just going to sleep."

With that, she slammed the door. Seeing Gaara's pink face, she blushed more. "Let's just go," she suggested, pulling Gaara up the stairs. The redhead wobbled a little bit and gracelessly fell down three steps, landing hard on his butt. Pulling Satoko with him. "Oof!" she groaned, landing softly on his lap. She blushed, yet again, as she scrambled up, extending an arm. Gaara took it and allowed her to help him to his feet, twining their fingers together again. Satoko led the boy to her room, flicking on the light and letting go of Gaara's hand.

"Georgy must've brought up the rest of my stuff this afternoon," she said, turning on a blacklight above the bed. She walked to the closet and pulled out another pillow and threw it on the bed, signaling Gaara to turn off the light. He flipped the switch off, casting the room in an urethral glow and walked to the bed, sitting on the end. Satoko threw her blanket up, letting it flutter down, part over Gaara's head. She giggled a bit and pulled it off, crawling underneath it and grabbing Gaara's hand, pulling him down. The silverette wrapped her arm around the redhead's waist and tucked her head underneath his chin. "I hope you're comfy," she said, reaching above her head to turn off the light and turn her CD player on low.

At that moment, Sweet Dreams by La Boushe was playing. 'Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing. Sweet dreams of passion through the night. Sweet dreams are taking over. Sweet dreams of passion through the niiiight,' the female singer cooed. Satoko smiled at the irony of the song and hoped she had sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing. As long as it was with Gaara. Said boy wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him, sighing in contentment. "Goodnight," he murmured gently to the girl curled up near his chest. "'Night, Panda-chan, my Amai," she whispered groggily.

Gaara smiled at the silly nickname. "I can deal with Amai, but Panda-chan?" he asked, amused. "You are soft and vicious like a panda, and your eyes make you look like one," she explained softly. "Now, this will probably be the only time I tell you to shut up, but sweetie, go to sleep." The redhead smiled, and allowed sleep to over take him.

As she awoke, Satoko could smell man. Very good, natural smelling man. Opening her eyes, she smiled at Gaara's sleeping form. Slipping from his arms, she rose to take a shower, noticing Itachi laying next to Gaara, out cold. He must've gotten drunk and fallen asleep in her room. Again. This had happened a few times before when the girl had only stayed for a few days, and Satoko was good at not bringing it up to anyone else.

She loved her cousin dearly and knew he had ways of dealing with his stress and pain. As long as it didn't hurt anyone, she didn't mind. Itachi was a smart drinker, too. He didn't get wasted and knew when to stop, and get his Designated Driver to take him home. Sometimes he just didn't quite make it to his room. Satoko shrugged and headed for the bathroom door in her room, starting her shower.

As she heard a scream, she jumped out, slipping a bathrobe on her nude body and opened the door quickly, wondering who screamed. Seeing Gaara's shocked face from the floor on the other side of her bed, she laughed heartily, throwing her head back. "Good morning, beautiful," she said. Gaara looked up at her smiling face and blushed, seeing that her laughing had caused her robe tie to loosen a bit and open some at the top, exposing a good view of her breasts.

Satoko had the decency to blush and turn around quickly, tying her robe firmly before looking back over her shoulder. "Don't worry about him," she said, cheeks pink. "He's just passed out. Sometimes he just comes in my room, although he usually comes in Sasu-chan's room." Gaara sighed in relief, glad that he didn't get raped by the older boy. Satoko walked back to the bathroom door, and paused, her hand on the handle.

She turned around slowly, facing Gaara with a cute smile on her face they both knew he wouldn't be able to resist. "I'd like to do something fun today," she said, with finality in her voice, also knowing he wouldn't argue. She headed back into the bathroom, just missing a groan. "Where am I?" Itachi asked, sitting up and looking around. Gaara pouted and stood. "Why does this happen to me?" he asked aloud. Satoko poked her head out of the bathroom and smiled. "Because you're so kawaii," she explained, ducking back to finish her shower.