A Day to Remember

Chapter 6

A John/Ash Fic!

I'm BACK! :D Here's a new chapter and is it filled with drama or what? If you think it went overboard, just know that there's plenty of more in the upcoming chapters. It really begins here.

Enjoy. Hopefully.

Italics are for thoughts.

WWE fans definitely received their money's worth each and every night. They were entertained by the most talented performers the company had to offer, who would sacrifice countless weeks away from their families and physical and mental health, pretty much performing with every blood, sweat, and tear their bodies' could generate, just to hear the sound of admiration and excitement raging from the onlookers. It really was a spectacle to witness.

Tonight however, that line may have been crossed. Crossed by two superstars who had tried to outdo the other's performance.

- Don't do it kid! Think about your career and what you could achieve! - Michael Cole was heard pleading.

- This is really difficult to watch...what could possibly be achieved by this? - Jerry "The King" Lawler stated with a low tone.

The two superstars closing out the show that evening were involved in a match that would determine the number one contender for JBL's WWE championship. - Jeff what' re you doing? This is suicide!. Randy won, it's over! - screamed an official to the enigma who now stood atop the 30ft stage crane, overshadowing an unconscious "Viper".

He just stood there, deep in his thoughts. "I'm the high-flying risk taker. This. Is. What. I. Live. For. The thrill." As much as he attempted to reassure himself of this, a chunk of him was also fearing the consequences of what would happen if he were to go through with this. With a whiff of deep breathe, he let out a a scream, and attempted a 30-ft Swanton Bomb right onto the lifeless body as the crowd went insane.

Orton managed to gain some consciousness, only to open his eyes to see an object ready to crash right onto him with raging speed. He was too weak to even attempt to roll away and decided to shield his chest with his arms. "Fuck."

Silence filled the arena as not one, but two bodies now lay against the unforgiving, cold concrete. It was now, that everyone truly realized the severity of the reality of what just happened. Some cried, while some applauded and started chants for the two warriors, who gave it their all. Paramedics and EMT' s were now scattered around the two superstars and frantically checking up for signs of movement. A short while later, they were carried out on stretchers backstage, towards an ambulance.

- Its…Ra...Randy….and...J.. Jeff - she could barely speak words after recalling the events that had just occurred in her mind

- What happened? - questioned Ashley anxiously

- They…. they're both in the hospital... - at this point, she was crying hysterically. Ashley quickly wrapped her arms around the emotional diva, reassuring her the two superstars would be okay.

John Cena on the other hand, just stood there squeezing the arch of his nose. - Maria, stay strong. Those two are tougher than most people believe. We need to stay calm. Can you find out what hospital while me and Ash quickly finish packing?

- ...Sure...

- Alright, I'll meet you in the parking lot in 5 then. Everything will be fine. - With that, the usually bubbly, now upset, redhead made her way out of the locker room. The two superstars then turned to each other as John sighed.

- You think they're both okay? - The punk diva asked, fidgeting with her nails with a genuine look of concern on her face.

- Honestly, I don't know...

With nothing else, the two began packing their belongings and headed to the parking lot where they met the diva and headed over to the hospital.

45 Minutes Later

The three finally arrived and were surprised to see Mickie, Chris, Matt and Trish all sitting out in the waiting room with Trish comforting a devastated Mickie who was curious to know how here boyfriend and close friend were both doing, while Chris sat there attempting to calm the fuming Matt Hardy. What surprised them a bit more was seeing the Chairman of the Board himself there, speaking to one of the doctor's with a stern, disappointed look, hands stuffed into his pockets.

-This does not look good. - John whispered to Ashley

- Guys how' re they doing? - questioned Maria to the group frantically as the three ran in.

- The doctor's haven't been really telling us anything, all we know is that there in ICU. - Chris softly replied

- Oh my god.. - was all that Ashley could say as she rubbed her temples with her hand while Maria took a seat next to Trish in aid of comforting Mickie.

John on the other hand, paced his way over to "The Boss", who was now left alone, in hopes of uncovering something.

- Vince, we came here as soon as we heard.

- As I expected you would John.

- I saw you speaking with a doctor just now. How' re they holding up? - Vince really had a lot of favoritism in John. He really was confident in his honest abilities, raw talent and could always count on him to deliver.

- There still running tests, but both are said to be in rough shape. This isn't what I hoped for. - the chairman declared as he cleared his throat.

- We can only wait, I guess.

A few short seconds later, another doctor made his way out, with a folder. The group stood up as the doctor approached them and the Chairman.

- Well we seem to have received mixed news.

- Go on - Vince nodded with a knowing look as he anxiously awaited the update.

- It seems as if Mr. Orton was able to absorb most of the damage from the impact but has suffered a severe anterior shoulder dislocation in which the humerus is knocked out of the shoulder joint to the front of the body. It is quite common, and he should expect a well recovery in about 5 weeks.

- I'm guessing that's the bad news. - Vince stated curiously

- Unfortunately that was the good news. The bad news is that Mr. Hardy was not as lucky in the crash landing. He has suffered 3 herniated disks and one fractured cervical vertebrae. What this means is that his neck has indeed suffered heavy impact causing a crack in one of his vertebrae responsible of connecting his head and spine together, while a couple of the cushioning in between the discs in his spine seem to have shifted. I can't give an recovery period but with the looks of it, Mr. Hardy won't be able to compete for anywhere near, 7 months to a year.

Silence persisted the waiting area.

- God damnit!.. - Vince had heard enough as he stormed off to make some phone calls. Meanwhile the entire group, stood there with heavy disappointment.

- Can we see them? - asked Trish

- At the moment I would suggest you come back tomorrow, but for now, Mr. Orton seems to be in a healthier state. So you may see him. He just down the hall to your right.

- What about Jeff? - asked Matt anxiously. - I'm his brother, I don't give a damn! You let me see him right now!

- The doctor's are still running tests Mr. Hardy. I understand your upset, he just needs some time right now... But he is your family, so I can only take you to him for a few moments.

With nothing more, Matt had gone in to visit Jeff while the rest of the group headed over to visit the Legend Killer.

Once they arrived, the 3rd Generation Superstar lay their motionless, with bruises all over his face, wearing a supportive sling around his arm. - Well, well. The cavalry finally arrives. - he said barely audibly with a light smile.

Mickie ran over and gave him a huge, careful hug as she cried tears of relief. - Randy...you had me so..worried.

- I'm honestly sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to put you, I mean all of you, through any concern, really. - he was visibly in a lot of pain.

- We care for you Ledge. And Jeff as well. We wouldn't be here if we didn't - Trish informed as she rubbed his ankle

- That and since you owe me for our bet, which you lost. Just thought I'd see if you were well enough to pay - shrugged Y2J a smirk - Can't wiggle out of this one y' know...

- Consider this your pay.

- Oww what the hell Ashley! - The "Sexy Beast" exclaimed as he held his sore neck.

- Had it coming blondie. - grinned the 3rd generation superstar - But anyways, you guys, it's nice for you to come and see me, but I'm fine. I've been through much worse.

- After seeing that Randy, I'm pretty sure your talking out of your ass right now - stated Maria, who was now a bit relieved to see one of the two victims doing a slightly better.

- No honestly, we had everything planned out. It went perfectly doing our rehearsal. I don-

- Wait, what? It was rehearsed? - John spoke, shocked out of his mind. - and you didn't think it was worth mentioning before?

Randy was ashamed at this point. That little detail was enough for everyone to become a bit agitated, as scoffs filled the room.

- I don't get what the big deal is? Yeah we practiced it before. You know, safety reasons?

- You don't get it Randy do you. You decided to go out and do something like that intentionally, didn't tell us, or your girlfriend for that matter, knowing that when I would find out, it would kill me deeply.. - Mickie was visibly upset and annoyed. She slowly backed away from him.

- Micks I -

- No Randy, that's just the story of this relationship. You purposely pull these stunts and put me through the pain of watching you suffer. Well Randall Keith Orton, I too have been suffering. And deep down, you enjoy doing that to me.

- ...Can you let me -

- No! Enough is enough! - Mickie screamed as she left the room abruptly. The room fell silent as Randy sucked his teeth and shook his head. Trish and Maria stormed out after Mickie.

- You should' ve seen that coming you jackass. - criticized the Fozzy vocalist as he took a seat on one of the chairs with his hands folded and legs crossed.

- Chris don't provoke him. Karma definitely got to him already.

- Whatever John. I'm just glad to know that there 'little rehearsal' has caused a man to be in a life-threatening state. Hell, if Jeff is able to recover from this, it'll be a miracle. And not to mention what you put his brother through. Jesus Christ...

- Chris if you can't shut up, then leave. I get it! It's my fault. I should' ve stopped it. But I can't do anything about it now...so just fucking stop. - he spoke up strenuously .

- Fine. Look. We're just really worried man. I mean sure, things like this happen. But we also expect a line to be drawn. If not by Jeff, then by you. That's all I'll say.. - Chris sighed and closed the door behind him.

- I screwed up you guys...

- Randy, as much as I want to lecture you as to why you are a world-class bimbo, I'm not going to. - Ashley said sitting at the edge of his bed, and squeezing his hand. - You've been through enough for one day - she assured with a light smile.

- Thanks Ash..I really hope Micks is okay..I feel terrible. - he worried.

- She just needs time. She has a lot on her mind. Just give her some space for now. She'll be back. I can promise you that.

- Let's hope so. - he paused before taking a look at the Doctor of Thuganomics who seemed pretty quite as he leaned near the door with his arms crossed - Hey Justin Bieber you okay over there? You look like your about to cry after getting hit with a water bottle. (*wink* :D) - he grinned as Ashley sat there laughing.

Truth of the matter was that seeing someone in such a vulnerable and painful state was something the former champ could never stomach. Especially if it were his closest friends. It hurt him deeply. But seeing that his best friend needed encouragement at this point he spoke up, ignoring the joke, as he moved closer to the injured man.

- How' re you holding up?

- Well, the arm is in a shit load of pain man. - he stated pointed to the injured shoulder. - My neck creaks like a wooden floor, and the nurses here are as unattractive as the cast of Jersey Shore. Except that one nurse, what's her name...Lucy I think. Oh man the things I would do to her.. -

- Uhh still here Randy - Ashley matter-of-factly pointed out. As she bought her feet up onto the bed now and bought her knees into her chest with her hands.

- Oh right.. Hey wait a minute! You should' ve let me finish Ms. "Dirty Diva" - he tried to reason

- What was that Randy? The slings' too loose? Here let me tighten it for you. - she smirked as she reached for his injured arm.

- No don't touch it! - he quickly begged, backing up on the bed as far as he could, which was like an inch.. - I haven't even told you the worst part.

- Ash maybe you should leave him along. He's pretty serious about his pain. - John stated with a light chuckle.

- You have 3 seconds.. - Ashley giggled

- Oh come on.. - he pleaded

- 2 seconds..

- You know what? I dare you.

- 1 second..

- It itches okay! - the injured man finally admitted the worst component of his grueling injury. The itchiness.

- your kidding... - John grinned surprisingly. - Unbelievable.

- I wish I was - he sighed as he attempted to scratch through the sling - Fuck I can't reach it!

- Aww little Wandy has a wittle itch? - joked Ashley in a baby's voice.

- Actually I do. Mind getting it for me Ash. - he tried to grab her hand to itch the spot but she quickly leaped off the bed and stood a bit behind John. - Eww Randy! That's gross... - she exclaimed with a laugh.

- I'm a guy. What'd you expect? - he smirked.

- Yeah well this guy needs some alone time now. Let's go Punkie. - The 9-time WWE champ strictly informed as he glanced at the watch, noticing that visiting hours ended 10 minutes ago.

- Alrighty. See you later,... "Gay Lover"

- What the hell do you mean Ga- wait a sec...JOOOHN did you tell her about -

It was too late. John closed the door as both him and Ashley burst into laughter.

As they headed back to the main hall, they found Matt Hardy talking to Vince McMahon. The two seemed to be in a heated argument.

- I swear to god Vince, give me Randy in a match next Monday. You saw what he did to my brother!

- Matthew, for the millionth time, the man is injured! He CANNOT compete! It cannot happen!

- If you don't make this happen I'll go break his neck right now - Matt stormed off towards Randy's room.

Luckily John caught up and held him back. - Matt don't do this now. He's pretty banged up too.

- John get off of me! He deserved it and MORE for what Jeff is going through!

- How's he doing? - quizzed Ashley

Matt was nearly tearing up at this point. As he ran a hand through his jet black hair.

- The doctor's are saying he's temporarily paralyzed because of the trauma he suffered in his spine...It'll be some time before he's able to recover...

Silence fell upon the group after hearing the rainbow warrior's current status. It was difficult to think about what he was going through.

- My god... Matt, I'm so sorry. - Ashley quickly comforted the older Hardy with a tight hug as he cried into her shoulder as he closely hung onto her.

John's on the other hand was just speechless, only shaking his head as a hand cover his face.

- John

- Yeah Vince?

- I need to have a word with you.

- Sure.. - they both made their way outside

In the Car

They had been driving for 20 minutes and it was awkwardly noiseless the entire time.

- What. A. Day. - the 2005 Diva Search winner finally broke the tension.

- Tell me about it.

- I don't want to believe Jeff is paralyzed... I pray he gets well soon. - she softly said as she took off her hood.

- Yeah...it sucks. - the two were driving to the hotel room as John kept his eyes glued to the road ahead, while Ashley slouched into her seat as she played with her over-sized sleeves..

- John are you okay?

- I'm fine...

- Look I know your upset. I am too. But you seem a bit...distant.

- I'm just..tired. - Ashley knew him too well. After all, she was always open with him. Was it any different vice-versa? Well if he wasn't ready to open up, she was going to insist further.

- Alright...

They finally arrived at the hotel minutes later as John wheeled in their luggage while the Punk Rocker got the room key from the receptionist. The entire way up, silence persisted.

Once they entered their hotel room, John took off his shoes and shirt and turned on the T.V.

- I'm gonna take a shower. Cool?

- Yep. - Okay, she finally had enough of these short responses he insisted on replying with like a stubborn teenager. Something was DEFINITELY up.

- John... I understand your pain. Believe me, I do. I mean your best friend and good friend were involved in a serious stunt. I understand that. I can relate to your pain.

- Yeah I know. I just..I just have a lot on my mind.

- Well, there's no need to keep it all bottled up. If you need anyone to talk to, I'm here for ya, roommate. - she smiled pleasantly.

- Glad to know - he smiled. The next minute he heard the shower go on, and synced back to his deep thoughts.

He decided to go out to the patio and gaze upon the city which seemed to be in a completely peaceful slumber, as faint sounds of the wind were the only noise present. Life can be so fucking unpredictable.

Moments later the punk princess came out all fresh, in her yellow tank top and pink pj's with her damp hair tied in a messy bun with a bit of a fringe sticking out in front. She looked around the room and noticed that John was no longer present.

She quickly glanced around and noticed a dark figure leaning on the patio outside. She slid the door open and joined him.

- It's so relaxing out here..

- Yeah. It really is.

- But your all the way back there. How can you see? Stand next to me Ash. - he signaled to the diva who stood against the door with her arms crossed.

- No it's okay. I was just coming to check on you...honestly. - he continued glaring at her with a smirk. - What? I'm serious.

He only chuckled. - Are you scared of heights?

John really knew her like a book. It scared her sometimes how accurate he was. -Not at all..Well... Kinda... - she admitted, biting down on her lip.

- Well come here, your not gonna fall over. I'm right here after all. - he smiled.

- Exactly. You'd push me over.

- Stop being ridiculous and come over here you. - The former Playboy Cover Girl glared at him but eventually gave in with a smirk as she made her way over to the railing, as he slung a protective arm over her shoulder.

- See. Is this so scary?

- Yep.

-God. And to think your finisher is a top turnbuckle splash. - he joked as she lightly slapped his arm.

They stayed this way for about a minute or two.

- Vince made me number one contender by the way. - he stated as he looked out.

- What? That's rad! Seriously congratulations! - she said as she gave him a big hug, to the best of her ability.

- Thanks. Vince informed me today when he pulled me away from you and Matt. Apparently neither Jeff or Randy are fit for competing at the Great American Bash, so he thought I was deserving and next in line.

- That's great news John. You really have been deserving it for a while now. Glad Vinnie Mac finally noticed.

- Indeed - he grinned with those dimples that no woman was able to resist from. Especially Ashley.

- Hey maybe you can now rub off some of that luck you have on me. I want that Women' s Title badly.. - she pouted.

He could only grin at her childish yet cute behavior - I'll see what I can do.

A little while later , the Dirty Diva began to notice his mind begin to be occupied again.

- Hey, look. This is really getting to me. This isn't the John Cena I've come to know. What's really on your mind? - she sweetly wondered.

This was the moment. His opportunity. He had to. He realized that after today, life was too short and full of regrets. He would not let this moment become a part of that.

- It's just that, I've been thinking about how unpredictable life really is. One second your living the life you always dreamed of achieving, and the next, it's taken all away from you...

- Yeah...I wonder that myself too sometimes.

- Today made me realize something Punkie. You live for the moment and follow your heart. I think, that's what Jeff believed. And I don't blame his actions at all.

- But it was reckless. He could' ve killed himself John.

- He believed in himself. His heart was his confidence and that's why he's still alive. If we don't take risks, are we really living? Or are we just slaves to our standardized lives?

John's way of thinking was deep and meaningful. The diva discovered this to be very charming and beautiful. Never had she seen this side of him before.

- I gotta tell you something Ash. - he turned his attention to the diva. He stared down to collect his thoughts and then reached out for her hands. The diva was taken back as to what could' ve let this on.

He stare in to her precious blue eyes - We've been best friends for years now and I really enjoy being around you. Whenever I'm down, your smile and optimistic attitude inspire me to keep moving forward and make me actually appreciate the person that I am. No one else makes me feel so. I've been blessed to have you a part of my life. I've been so negligent for running away this entire time. But my heart can't contain it any longer and I'm not gonna let this be something I'll never have the chance to say again.

The Punk Diva had a feeling she knew exactly where this was going. Her heart began to race -... Ashley...I...I have deep feelings for you..

Silence once again reigned supreme as the wind lightly touched their faces, whistling as it carried on. Saying that she was taken back, was a complete understatement. She was surprised that he admitted his deep feelings for her. This was why he was acting so strange. She was overcome with so many emotions she couldn't express herself for a minute. She was mostly ecstatic and relieved though.

Unfortunately John, couldn't tell.

- Look, I'm sorry if I was too straightforward. It's just that...I've been thinking about this too much for a very long time. I always missed the opportunity especially when you were drafted, and I thought you had a right to know. It's okay if you don't feel the same w- she cut him with a tender kiss as she leaned on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. He coiled his arms around her, pulling her closer into him as they savored the moment.

They slowly pulled away form each other and stared into each other's eyes

- That's how I've been feeling too... - she whispered, still in their warm embrace. As John began grinning with those dimples she loved oh so much. - As he kissed her again.

They stayed this away for a while, staring out into the starry horizon as he would occasionally nudge his nose into her hair. - Your hair smells like vanilla and strawberries.

- Do you like it?

- I love it - he stated as he gave her another kiss.

Mission accomplished.

Didn't I tell you there would be so much happening? Haha anyways, don't forget to review. There probably the only way I know if I'm pleasing you guys or not. Until next time. ;)

~ Ryan.