Disclaimer (applies to all chapters): I do not own any characters, places, or objects created by Tamora Pierce. Oh, how I wish I did.

Chapter One: Blinded By Love
A small group of riders were traveling down a well-worn road, near the banks of the Vassa River. It was late afternoon, but the weather was still so warm that the cold river looked almost inviting. However, stopping to take a rest was not an option. Someone in their riding party was very anxious to get to Fort Steadfast. They were headed to Fort Steadfast for the wedding celebration of Lord Raoul of Goldenlake and Malorie's Peak and Buriram Tourakom, the former Commander of the Queen's Riders. The riding group consisted of Lady Knight Keladry of Mindelan, Sir Nealan of Queenscove, a few guard escorts, and a small boy, Tobeis Boon. Neal, their anxious companion, had not let them rest much, and when he did, he would drive the rest of them insane, constantly speaking of Yuki, his betrothed, who awaited him at the Fort. Their group was glad when he decided to ride ahead for most of the trip, because they could talk casually without Neal mentioning his 'Yamani Blossom'. When their conversation would die down, they would always slip comfortably into their own thoughts.

"They're gonna be fine, Lady," said Tobe reassuringly from beside Kel. He was riding his small mare, looking at Kel sincerely. He knew her well enough to notice the faraway look she usually got when she was thinking over things, most of the time worrying. Before Kel had killed Blayce the Gallan, Tobe could tell when thoughts of him surfaced because her "Blayce face", as he called it, would cast a shadow over her features. Now a different look would come over her face every once in awhile. It was not nearly as dark or as distant as her "Blayce face", but it was still full of concern. Tobe knew she still worried about New Hope and her people inside. Though Scanran attacks were becoming less and less frequent after her Scanran journey and defeat of Blayce, the war was still going and thoughts of raids could never be dismissed from anyone's mind, especially not a constantly working one like Kel's.

Realizing Tobe had said something to her, Kel looked blankly over at the boy, and furrowing her eyebrows asked, "I'm sorry, what did you say, Tobe?"

He shook his head at her, smiling slightly, "Don't worry, they'll be okay."

Kel knew who he was referring to. As hard as she tried, she couldn't stop thinking about New Hope. She did not want anything to happen while she was away, like the last time. She knew she was worrying too much and that her people could take care of themselves, but on a long ride there was only so much she could think about. Once they reached Steadfast, Kel knew she would be fine. The refugees were very capable and would be all right for the week she was away.

"Thanks, Tobe," Kel said, "I know they will be."

"Especially since Sir Neal is gone," Tobe added, just as Neal came racing back to them on his horse, with Jump following close behind. Jump, always ready for an adventure, was the only one that accompanied Neal, but even he chose to stay behind sometimes.

"Kel!" he shouted, pointing wildly behind him, "Steadfast! I saw the Fort! We're only a couple miles away! Let's go!"

He turned his horse back around only to stop a few feet away. He looked back over his shoulder and asked, "Aren't you coming? It's right ahead!"

Kel smiled, "Neal, I think we've gotten here in record time as it is, give your poor horse a rest."

Neal eyed the top of his horse's head, "What's the use of these animals if they can't endure a little ride?"

Kel and the guards laughed. "You should be grateful that Peachblossom isn't here," Kel joked. The horse she was riding, Hoshi, was much nicer than Kel's other horse, Peachblossom, who was notorious for biting people, especially Neal.

"That beast of yours just has it in for me," Neal complained. "She bit me when I gave her a compliment!"

"That's because she knows you don't give compliments- above all to animals. Believe me, some of us wished we could take the liberty that Peachblossom does…" Kel teased.

Neal narrowed his eyes at her. "As much as I would love to continue this conversation, a much more welcoming individual who really appreciates me is waiting not two miles away. So if we may?" He swept his arm ahead, as if granting them to lead the way.

"Why, thank you, Sir Nealan," said Kel, riding past him. Neal grimaced at the use of his full name. The rest of the group followed Kel, while Neal rode beside her.

They rode into a clearing and Fort Steadfast stood before them, it's log walls high and sturdy. Though not as impressive looking as Fort Mastiff, it was a huge leap from New Hope. However, Kel liked the Scanran battle shields and flags that decorated New Hope's walls much better than Steadfast's bare ones. She had decided it added more character to the otherwise stark walls.

They were spotted immediately, a horn call coming from inside the Fort. They replied with the signal that they were friends.

Kel and the rest of their group proceeded at a trot. Then Kel said to Neal beside her, in a playful way, "I'll race you."

Neal scoffed at the suggestion, "Kel, I am a man who is going to be wed soon. I don't partake in juvenile horse races anymore. Besides, how would that look as an entrance?"

Kel laughed, "I guess you're right for once." A satisfied look came over Neal's face at Kel's comment. Eyeing the Fort wall, Kel noticed a figure standing above the gate. Having a good guess of who it was, she decided to wave.

Neal glanced at Kel and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Just waving to Yuki," she answered innocently.

Neal's head whirled around and he looked up at the figure standing up on the Fort's ramparts. They were not far from the Fort, but far enough away to not be able to see who the person was. However, Neal and his horse were already racing toward the Fort, nonetheless. He was leaning so far forward in his saddle that Kel thought he was going to fall off.

Tobe, who was riding on Kel's other side, had been peering at the wall and the figure that had just disappeared, and asked, "Does Lady Yukimi have red hair?"

Kel laughed, "No… but Alanna does."

"Then, why did Sir Neal believe she was Lady Yukimi? He mus' not have very good eyesight…" said Tobe, intrigued.

"We'll just say he's blinded by love, Tobe. What do you think about that?"

"I've 'eard tha' sayin' before, Lady, but this is jus' ridiculous," he replied, shaking his head in wonderment.

Kel and the guards all laughed as they continued toward the Fort, picking up their pace so they could see Neal's reaction. Kel, thinking to herself secretly, was also looking forward to seeing the reaction of a certain sergeant that would also be there…

A/N: I'm back! I've finally gotten this story underway, and I've been working on it for a while (and still am). I hope you like it, and the next chapter will be up soon!