Name: Ree Lynne

Age: 15

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 87 lbs

Race: unknown

Race Specifics: Unknown

Label: Punk/Rock/Goth/Loner

Hair Color: Light Blue

Hair Length: Middle Back

Eye Color: Light Blue

Body Type: Skinny/Athletic

Blood Type: O

Other Information: Has no family. Lead singer at the Punk Rock Hall for Teens. The Punk Rock Hall for teens is a place for teens (13 – 19) who want to sing and enjoy listening to other teens sing. It's a club basically. Ree spends most of her time there. She sings there every day. Anyone who goes there a lot knows her name. She has many teen fans.

Personality: She prefers to be alone. Doesn't talk much except for when she's singing. She's quiet. But if you piss her off she won't hesitate to hurt you.