A/N: Just a little something I came up with one day. Hope y'all enjoy! Reviews are welcomed (and encouraged wink wink)

Disclaimer: Everything except for the plot belongs to the great and wonderful Stephenie Meyer, not me.


Ms Twilight Obsessed

What's Longer than Eternity?

Bella's POV

I pulled my pillow over my face as I groaned and contracted in pain. As I clenched my side, Edward was at my bed in record time from across the room.

"Bella, what's…" He started as his nose wrinkled and he stopped breathing.

"Just, please, get me some Advil," I begged, mumbling from underneath the pillow, burying my face deeper. In a blink of an eye, he was gone from the room, and the open door to my room swayed with the slight breeze blowing throughout the house. I squeezed my eyes shut and gripped the pillow tighter as another wave of pain surged through my body. Oh how I was glad it was Saturday. As soon as I flipped onto my back, I felt an icy, cold hand soothingly rubbing my back.

"Here you go, Bella," Edward softly said, a slight hind of sympathy in his voice as I readjusted my self to where I was sitting. I took the two small pills from his open hand and popped them in my mount as I grasped for the glass of water sitting on my nightstand. After taking a sip, I replaced the glass and looked up at my angel smiling down at me.

"I wish I could make it go away," He whispered as he brushed a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

"Actually," I started as I pulled his hand up to my cheek, "there is something you could do."

"Bella, we are not going to get into this right now," He quietly scolded as he pulled away from my touch.

"Is wanting to spend eternity with you such a bad thing?" I questioned as emotional, salty tears began to spill from my eyes.

" You're not you right now. Don't do this," He sternly pleaded with me as he wiped a tear away from my cheek.

"No!" I practically screamed at him as I angrily shoved his hand away from my face, but instead of going away, he sat down on the bed beside me. "I got it!" I screamed at him as I stood up in a quick fury, "You don't want to change me because you don't want to spend eternity with me!" More tears slid down my already tear-stained cheeks. As he still sat on the bed, he grabbed my hands and pulled me to him, pulling me closer and closer until I was practically in his lap. Holding my chin with one of his hands, he kissed me with the most passion I had ever felt from him. He didn't pull away and pushed every one of his former boundaries, until we finally broke apart.

"You're right," He whispered into my ear as he pulled me onto the bed, "I want to spend more than the rest of eternity with you."

After about an hour of Edward and I laying on my bed in each other's arms, Edward softly kissed my shoulder.

"I'm going to hunt, I'll be back later tonight," He stated as he stood to leave.

"Okay," I answered disappointedly as I stood to kiss him goodbye.

"I'll be back before you know it," He said as he looked into my downcast eyes, "I promise."

He waved to me as he disappeared through the door and I could hear a faint whisper in the hallway, "I am not going to survive this week."

I softly chuckled to myself and tried to go back to sleep.