You know your child is to obsessed with Fullmetal Alchemist when-

Discrimination: A parody with David Letterman's Top Ten lift.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward, or any other FMA characters. Nor do I own David Letterman or his Top Ten list. So YOU can't sue me!

#10-They chop off their limbs and demand new "automail" and also demand that "Winry" put them on.

#9-They draw strange designs on the floors, ceilings, walls, and furniture and repeatadly claps their hands and press against the drawings.

#8-Whenever they see a shiny purpleish reddish rock they scream: "Oh my God! It's the Philosopher's Stone!"

#7-They won't drink their milk.

#6-They made a tin suit for their younger sibling.

#5-They start attacking their father and insisting he's the reason that their mother is dead, even if she's not.

#4-Any slight implication of them being "diminutive" and they will run at the implicator and instantly try to brutally murder them.

#3-They leave for hours and hours on end. When confronted they say "I was searching for the homunculi!"

#2-They start trying to get their younger sibling to narrate their entire life.

And the number one reason you know your child is too obsessed with Fullmetal Alchemist:

#1-They chase their mother around trying to kill her insisting that their mother's death is how their "journey" began.

All for now! Thank you for reading my first fic and I hope you enjoyed!