Disclaimer: Yes, I know Father's Day is only an EARTHLY holiday (sorry to all Canadian/UK/Australian people who pointed out it's not just in America) and probably wasn't instated in the first place until long after the Wizard's time. Work with me here, people.

Tapping her feathery pink pen to her chin, Galinda paused over the letter she was composing. "Dearest Popsical," she read aloud. She looked up at her roommate. "Elphie, what else should I say?"

Elphaba didn't so much as turn her head; she was seated at the window stool, which wasn't exactly a rare haunt for her except that it was raining. Even with a shield of glass separating them, Galinda couldn't believe she had actually gotten that close to water.

"Elphie?" she prompted again, now somewhat concerned.

"I'm sure I don't know," the green girl replied, almost tiredly.

"Well of course you do," Galinda replied impatiently. "You know everything. What did you write in your letter to Frex?"

There was a pause.

"Nessa's writing it," Elphaba said tonelessly. "Why don't you go ask her?"

Galinda cocked her head to the side; something wasn't quite right here, and she couldn't imagine why. "Is something the matter, Elphaba?"

She finally turned towards the other girl. "What could I possibly upset about?" she said gently. "Go ask Nessarose what to say in your letter."

Hesitantly, Galinda stood up from her frilly bubblegum mattress. "Alright," she said tentatively, "but if you need me…"

"I know where to find you," Elphaba replied breezily, already facing the window again.

She watched the other girl's reflection as she left, stealing puzzled glances over her shoulder as she went. Maybe it would have made her made her feel better to talk about it with Galinda, she realized belatedly. But then again, what good what it do? Everyone adored Galinda, especially her parents. Why else would they buy her all those ridiculous costing (and, in her frank opinion, looking) outfits if they didn't love her? It could be that they didn't have anything better to do with it, but Elphaba doubted this. So what could spoiled, innocent little Galinda know about what she was going through?

Nessarose was writing their Father's Day letter to Frex; she very much doubted he would miss her penmanship. Heck, he might very well accuse her of contaminating darling Nessie's signature by putting her own on the same card. All the other students- much like Galinda- were running around, trying to think of creative ways to say I love you and excited about the new holiday the Wizard had just instated. She was sitting alone, looking at nothing, trying to decide whether or not it would be offensive just to put her damn name on a card!

It's not your fault, she had told herself, for an innumerable amount of time. She whispered it to herself now, forcing herself to believe it true. It's his issue, not yours. You can't help the way you were born.

But as she stared at her reflection in the glass, she could only see a monster, green as sin and just as vile. She couldn't cry, but the rain seemed to visualize the tears for her.

Elphaba hated Father's Day.

A/N: Okay, this is my first shot at anything not humor in the Wicked section, so feedback is DESPERATELY APPRECHIATED! Possibly a two shot if people like it enough for me to continue.