A/N: This is the last chapter, and thusly, the end of Equilibria. Thank you for reading (and your patience).

Keep an eye on my myspace page---there will be a sequel to this in the near future (titled Sara Smile).

Take care.

A/N (9-9-07): Sara Smile is now available---see my profile page for its link.

Take care.

Brass handed the bottles to Grissom.

"If she took as many as are missing all at the same time, I don't think we're gonna have to worry about Kelly Gordon much longer."

Grissom looked at him.

"Then we need to find Sara as soon as possible."

Brass nodded and looked at Nick, who was still staring out the window.

"Whattaya wanna do with Mr. Hero, there?"

Grissom thought a moment.

"Send him."

Sara felt the blood on her face before she felt the pain.

She heard shallow breathing not too far from her, and knew that Kelly was close by.

She coughed, spitting up blood, and Kelly sniffled.

After a moment, she spoke.

"She took everything," she said, her voice weak. "The ransom money was her idea, just so you know. Maybe you could tell Nick that for me?"

Sara listened to her---it was all she could do.

"He wouldn't have done that. My father loved me…"

She sobbed, there in the darkness across from her, and for a brief moment, Sara pitied her.

She heard their voices outside and stumbled out of the building, leaving Sara behind.

She winced in the light of day, as they yelled for her to freeze and not move, and she fell to her knees.

Sofia kept her gun on her as Nick ran to her.

"Where's Sara?!" he yelled, and Kelly's body began to shake.

Grissom and Brass joined the scene, and Nick glanced at them.

"She's OD'in'…right now! Call an ambulance!"

Sofia and the other officers put their guns away while Brass called it in.

Kelly's body fell limp to the ground, and Nick checked her eyes. "Kelly! Kelly!"

After a moment he stood and glanced around him. He then ran into the school, and Grissom followed.

"Sara!" he yelled in the dark.

Sara heard his voice and reached around her for something to make noise with; her face was so swollen that she couldn't speak.

She found her gun, clicked the safety off, and fired a single shot.

Grissom shined his flashlight in the direction that it came from, and then Nick found her.

He went to his knees and raised her head gently as Grissom shined the light near her face. He put his head down, and only when Brass yelled did he look up.

"She's alive! Call an ambulance!"

Nick held her and rocked back and forth as Grissom sat silent beside them.