Because maybe

You're going to be the one who saves me?

And after all

You're my Wonderwall.

-Oasis, Wonderwall


That sensation surrounded the blonde boy yet again, pulling him into a world many called non-existent. But in his heart and mind, Edward knew it was there. No, it was impossible that he was imagining all those things up. He couldn't possibly be living a lie for his whole life. Feeling as if his stomach was being flipped upside down, he clenched the blanket tighter when he saw a pair of violet eyes from the corner of his eye and let himself be dragged to the other side of the looking glass. The scenery and the scents and the sounds and the atmosphere changed in a snap, alerting the blonde that he had arrived at his destination.

As the sensation started fading away, Edward felt his body hitting harshly against the cold asphalt road. Fearfully, he opened one golden eye to see where he was. A city, its streets painted with the pale moonlight. It was empty, all empty. No cars, no people were around, expect for the still dizzy Edward and his stalker who was hiding in the darkest of shadows, waiting for the blonde to recover from his fall and confusion.

It wouldn't be any fun if he's not fully conscious....

Finally figuring out his location, the blonde brushed off the dirt and the dust off of his leather pants. He might have been wearing nothing but cheap hospital clothing in the other world, but whenever he went through the looking glass, his clothes would transform into the ones he was wearing at that moment. Heavy breathing and maniac giggles came from behind the dark shadows; at that moment, Edward knew there was only one thing to do in order to keep clinging onto his dear life. Run. Run like hell. Though his legs were limp and lazy, the adrenaline that was now rushing throughout his body commanded them to work, and fast. He heard the beast's footsteps from behind, and continued running. Energy and oxygen started running out, yet there was more than enough fear and adrenaline in him to keep him going.

Keep running. Don't look back. Keep running. Don't look back.

Even without looking back, he could sense the dark presence of the beast lurking from behind. Not even daring to turn around, the blonde boy continued running as fast as he could. For a second, he even felt the warm breathe that made his whole body shiver on the back of his neck, and assured himself that unless he wanted to die without avenging his brother's horrible death, he had run. And fast.

Need to find shelter.

It was quite lucky that the Central HQ building happened to be close by. And although Edward hadn't been there in a long time, he still knew his way around the Central City better than anybody else. With panic, the blonde swing-opened the door, stumbled inside and clapped his hands to seal the metal doors to keep the beast out, and away from him. Panting, he leaned onto the door and eyed the empty lobby and the hallways and the chairs that surrounded him, almost taunting him quietly with their emptiness. Exhausted and still not feeling completely secure, he gave in to the mockery of the objects.

You're all alone, there's nobody to help you. You're alone...all alone...

The blonde sighed with disappointment and the empty feeling he had yet again that was caused from his loneliness, yet soon enough he realized how wrong those inanimate objects were. Oh how wrong they could mock and taunt him all they wanted, but Edward knew there was one person he could turn to. That one person that constantly mocked, annoyed, made fun of him, yet one person that the teen could always rely on. The person he adored and respected as much as he was afraid to express his love for him was currently upstairs, signing and reading papers, or perhaps drowning his sorrow with bottles of wine and rum and alcohol. Wiping away the small droplets of sweat that had formed on his forehead, Edward slowly started walking again.

It's been quite some time, hasn't it? I've missed my wonderwall.


A/N/: I know, this chapter could've been much better. But I wanted to submit this before summer vacation. : I'll be gone for two months, so I won't be able to update. But when I come back...I promise to upload at least two more chapters!

Thank you all who reviewed last chapter!! 3333

Again, reviews and constructive criticism and ideas for the next chapter are more than welcomed!