Summary: I just can't say it to any face but yours... Boy Love, Angst

Disclaimer: Not mine! - runs and cries in corner-

Authors Notes: Taken from an obvious moment in the game, the bit were Sora see's Riku again, just a warning for anyone not up to there! And I swear that Sora is not shallow!!! Lolz.

Dark Sunrise

A breath.


Kairi's still there, still talking. My mind's still stuck on you. I close my eyes.

Riku? Could it really be y-

A touch.


A brilliant explosion of light and dark and frightningly hopeful anticipation.

I gasp, it's all I can do. It's really-


You look so tence, so unsure.

The moment pauses, electrifies, and I can't look away - can't look at all because if I do I know you'll be gone again.

Riku... I have to tell you-

A shift.

Eyelids flutter.

You look unmoved, icy, defiant. I can feel the almost shudder in your hand where it's still connected to mine.

Riku... only now...

My words fail me, catch and give up.

I fall to my knees.

Yours isn't the face I...

I search eyes that arn't yours, find nothing - everything I expected.

Riku I...

Your hand twitches in mine.

My first tear falls, releif and sadness intertwined.

"Riku," I manage.

My throat closes over though and I just can't say it.

Just can't say...

I love you Riku.

I just can't say it to any face but yours.
