
Summary:this is the sequal to The Akatsuki Girls: Whose Weak Now. It's been two and a half years since the destruction of Konoha and the sensei's want revenge. But why are the guys acting weird? And why are the girls spazing out? ItaxSaku main. Others: TenxSaso, InoxDei, HinaxTobi

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto...but niether do you so HA!! TAKE THAT!! sorry, I'm hyper XD

"bla" talking, 'bla' thoughts, bla location, "bla" all boys/girls

What's left of Konoha

"W-what happened here? Where is K-Konoha?" Kurenai managed to stutter through her shock. All the sensei's were beyond shock. They had just arrived back from their stay at a close by village, to find that Konoha was gone, leaving only a bare patch of land.

"I have a feeling who did this." Kakashi was the second to recover from the shock. He had one guess as to who had this much power.

"Who? Who did this to our beloved village? Tell me so I can find and kill them!!" Asuma yelled at Kakashi, who plugged his ears at the noise.

"Who else? The girls." Kakashi answered calmly.

"The girls would never do that! This is extremely unyouthful!" Gai said as he tried to convince the other sensei's and himself. He didn't want to believe the girls had done this, but there was no other explination. The girls had destroyed Konoha.

"The girls did this? Damn them! Where are we supposed to live? All of our money was in our houses! How could they do this? ANSWER ME GOD DAMN IT!!" Kurenai asked/screamed at Kakashi, ending with her grabbing and shaking his collar.

"Calm down Kurenai, and let go of Kakashi. We can easily earn money by doing odd jobs around villages. As to where we will live, no where. At least, not yet. We need to get revenge first." Asuma explained to Kurenai, trying to calm her down and get her to stop yelling, which wasn't working.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN ASUMA, OR I'LL BEAT YOU UP NEXT!!" Kurenai yelled as she stepped over Kakashi's unconscious body that had quite a few bruises.

"N-now now Kurenai, n-no need to get to get hasty, hehehe, ya." Asume stuttered. He was truly scared of the red-eyed kunoichi.

"Stop this fighting! It's not youthful! But besides that, we need to get back at the girls for what they did. Any plans?" Gai reasoned with the 2 while slapping Kakashi awake. Asuma and Kurenai were surprised at Gai's seriousness and decided this was a dire situation. They got over their shock and got to thinking on a plan to get the girls. After awhile, Asuma came up with something.

"It's not much, but how about we change ourselves so we look different and go to the Akatsuki and gain entrance. We need to gain their trust, then at night, we can go and kill the girls." Asuma explained his plan to the others, who thought about it and decided it was a good plan. They all set off to the nearest town to buy supplies and get ready.

Akatsuki Hideout

"Hey girls, have you noticed anything weird about the guys lately?" the pink haired, fire controlling kunoichi Sakura asked her friends Tenten, Ino and Hinata. It was true. All the guys had been acting weird for the past few weeks. They had been avoiding eye-contact with the girls and barely said anything to them. When on missions, the guys stayed as far away from the girls as possible, and were often caught day dreaming or spacing out for long periods of time. Also, when the girls tried to approach the guys while they were talking to other members, they would always stop their conversation and the girls became worried that the guys no longer loved them or that something might be horribly wrong that the guys weren't telling them. All the girls decided to ask the guys about it tonight.

Later that Night, After supper

The girls looked at each other and nodded, before dragging their guy to their room and locking the door, so the interrogation could begin.

With Tenten

Tenten took Sasori and made him sit on the bed while she pulled up a chair to sit across from him.

"Ok Sasori, what is it?"

"What is what?" Sasori questioned her while avoiding eye contact. Tenten frowned and forced Sasori to look at her.

"Please Sasori, tell me what's wrong. You can tell me anything! You know that. What, do you not love me anymore?"

"NO!! No, that's not it, it's just..."


"Tenten, I need to ask you something."

"What is it?"

With Ino

"Ok, spill."

"Spill what, yeah?"

"What is going on with you? You're acting all weird and avoiding eye contact with me, not to mention that you barely ever speak to me! I'm starting to get the feeling that you don't love me anymore." Ino looked down as she finished her sentance and sat down on the bed. Deidara looked sad and sat down next to her.

"It's not that, it's just...I'm not sure right now, yeah."

"Not sure about what?"

"Well, that's just it, I'm not sure. But I do know one thing. I need to ask you a question, yeah."


With Hinata

Hinata dragged Tobi into the room and plopped him down on the floor.

"Tobi, what is up? Why are you rarely speaking to me and avoiding eye contact?"

"N-no reason." Tobi said while looking down.

"Don't give me that crap! I know something is up. Please Tobi. You can tell me."

Hinata knealed down so she was level with Tobi and looked into his eyes. He knew he had to ask her.


"Don't you love me?"

"Wha? Of course I do! I just need to ask you a question."

"O, ok. Go ahead, what is it you wanted to ask me?"

With Sakura

Sakura gently pulled Itachi into her bedroom before closing the door and sitting down on her bed, where Itachi joined her.

"Itachi, what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything."

Itachi was silent, not knowing what to say.

"Is there something wrong?"


"Did something happen?"

More silence. Sakura looked down at the floor, holding back the tears.

"Do you not love me anymore?"

Itachi was shocked at this question. He had never expected it, so he didn't know how to answer. Sakura apparently took it he wrong way and started to cry.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Itachi was still shocked but managed to speak.



"There is nothing wrong with you. I still love you, it's just..."

"It's just what Itachi? Tell me!"

"It's just, I need to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Will you marry me?"

Me: ooo!! cliffy! How did you like the first chap? please review!!!