Disclaimer: "Sons of Thunder" and its' characters are owned by Chuck Norris, Aaron Norris, CBS and whoever else was involved with the creation of this show. Any new characters and story lines that come into play are of my own creation. No copyright infringement is intended. This is a fan fiction intended for entertainment purposes only and no money is being made off of it.

Chapter 11: Epilogue

Carlos was released about two hours after Kendra had left. He went to the desk where he was to sign his release and grab his stuff. "Hey, Small," Carlos greeted the twenty-two year old officer who sat behind the desk.

"Hey Sandoval, I'm glad they caught the real guy. I mean, girl." Small grinned. Carlos nodded.

Detective Ryan came up to the counter. "Sandoval, sorry about the...misunderstanding." He mumbled.

Small put a bag of items on the counter and gave Carlos the forms he had to sign. "Yeah. Whatever, Ryan." Carlos replied after he signed his name and grabbed his bag of items that had been taken when he had been arrested. Then he followed a waiting Trent out the door.

"Hey buddy." Trent said, leaning against his car as Carlos breathed deeply taking in the cool, night air.

"Hey." Carlos replied.

"You alright?" Trent asked.

"Yeah. You?" Carlos punched Trent on the shoulder.

"Yeah." Trent clapped Carlos on his shoulder. "Hop in. Oh yeah, Kim said that Mr. Baxter wants to speak with us tomorrow morning."

"I just got out of prison and I have to go back to work right off?" Carlos groaned half-heartedly.

Trent grinned. "Not right off, tomorrow morning, just before lunch. At lunch, I'll buy you a beer. Kendra said she'll buy you lunch and she promised to bake some homemade chocolate chip cookies."

Carlos grinned. "Let's go. The sooner I go to sleep the sooner I'll be chowing down on those cookies. And I'll be glad to sleep in a bed that doesn't squeak like a mouse." Trent laughed as they both got into the car.

he next morning, Mr. Baxter arrived at Thunder Investigations. Kim led him into the inner office, just like before. Mr. Baxter sat down in the visitors chair and his hands were in the same position as last time. Carlos stood before his desk and Trent sat in his chair.

"You both were right. My accountant checked over the books, there is over twenty thousand dollars missing and Mr. Brown said that there were other discrepancies going back about five years." Mr. Baxter said, with sadness in his voice and eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Carlos asked. Both he and Trent felt sorry for the kind man.

Mr. Baxter sighed and rubbed his face with his hands in an almost exasperated way. "I'm going to speak with my wife first and then I'm going to go to the police about that…man."

Trent nodded his head slowly. "I'm glad we could help, Mr. Baxter. I wish we hadn't found out what Mrs. Baxter was doing."

Mr. Baxter placed his hands on his knees and looked at Trent with a light in his eyes. "No. It is a good thing that you discovered what Lynn has been doing. She has stolen money from the company and has lied to me." He nodded his head, agreeing with what he had said. "It's time for this to come into the light. Thank you, boys. For doing this for me. I'll leave my check with the young lady." He stood up and shook their hands. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me. And if I know of anyone who needs a private investigator, I will tell them to come to you two."

"Thank you, sir. Have a nice day." Trent said. Mr. Baxter left the office, his back straighter and his head held higher than before.

"Ready for lunch?" Trent asked.

"Yeah. Let's go. I'm starving." Carlos replied.

Trent and Carlos went to the bar where they were greeted warmly by Kim, Butch and Kendra. Butch placed a beer in front of Carlos and Kendra held up a plate of cookies with a grin. "Want one?"

Carlos gave her his most dashing grin and grabbed three. "Thanks, Kendra. Now, we get to test-taste. We have to find out if you can bake or not. Cookies, anyway. I don't think we can trust you with baking brownies or a cake."

Kendra glared at him, but the grin on her face remained. "You can have some too, you guys." Kendra indicated to Butch, Trent and Kim. They each grabbed three which left one cookie on the plate.

"I can't believe Katelyn killed those men." Butch said sadly and shaking his head in disbelief after he had eaten two of his three cookies.

"She was sooo nice," said Kim. She nibbled on a cookie.

"I can't believe I didn't see it." Butch said.

"Don't beat yourself Butch, there was no way you could have known that Katelyn was a killer. She was probably fine until the four of them showed up here in Dallas." Kendra said, reaching over the bar and patting him on the shoulder and gave him a smile.

"Yeah. If she had only gotten some help, she wouldn't have turned into a killer." Carlos said, taking a sip of his beer.

"Maybe." Trent said.

"How did she know that Kendra had been attacked by those men? I mean, wasn't Sam Cutler killed only a few hours later?" Kim asked.

"Katelyn lives right near that alley where Kendra was attacked. She was interviewed by a couple of officers and probably found out that they had gotten off, again." Carlos explained.

"Then, she went and killed Sam Cutler. She took him down using martial arts." Kendra looked at Trent apologetically. "Then, she killed Brian Locke, leaving Trent's watch behind to draw Detective Ryan's attention to him. Then she showed up at Tony Flemming's door, with two beers in hand. She had gotten plastic surgery and had dyed her hair, so he hadn't recognized her as Claire Wesson, but knew her as Katelyn Smith, a waitress at the bar. Finally, she went for Stuart Allen, the man she hated the most because he instigated the rape."

"They deserved to be thrown in jail. Not murdered." Kim said.

"True. But they got away with raping Claire Wesson and she killed them for her own sense of justice. It wasn't right, but because what they had done to her, she couldn't see that it was wrong." Butch said.

They nodded their heads in agreement at Butch's words. They were silent for a while, each in their own thoughts.

"Trent said you were going to buy me lunch, Kendra." Carlos said, interrupting the silence.

"I'm buying you lunch?" Kendra asked with mock bewilderment.

"Yeah. Thanks, I appreciate it. I would like buffalo chicken, another beer," he raised the half-empty bottle he had in his hand, "some fries with chili on top…" Carlos listed off his lunch menu with a large grin on his face.

Trent and Butch laughed. Kim giggled and Kendra had her eyebrows raised quizzically and then joined in with their laughter.

guardianM3: In the first episode of "Sons of Thunder" titled "Moment of Truth" a similar dialogue happened at the end. This ending dialogue is in honor of that. I hope you all enjoyed this volume of the Kendra Stone stories. Volume 2 should be up fairly soon. It will be titled "Kendra Stone: Missing: Volume 2." Or something like that. Reviews are welcome and are very helpful!