Mmmkay, to those of you reading mi other story (Harry Potter: The Harpy Prince(blah blah)) I'm still workin on it, so don't get all wooooo at me. I'll post the new chpt soon. I just thought I would post this new one to see what ya'll thought of it. k.

Right. So it's a slash, kay, you know male/male relationships. If you don't like it don't read it. and Please remember, keep all hands and feet inside the vehical at all times.

Btw, warnings for mild rape, and abuse. K thnx!

Chapter One:

Fifteen years ago, a boy was born to become a savior; with his parents killed and his godfather in jail, the boy had no where to go but to his aunt. The woman was a proud new mother and loved to show off her son, and the infant liberator lived happily with then for the first few years. He was properly cared for and fed everyday, got new clothes when he needed them and even got a gift or two for his birthday. At the age of five, though, things began to change.

Strange things began to happen, Dudley had played a joke on Harry and had upset the smaller child inevitably turning the other boy's hair bright blue. The chubby one had of course thought it cool until his parents saw it and began screaming their lungs out at Harry and took Dudley away from him.

Dudley cried and reached over his mothers' shoulders, trying his hardest to get back to the crying Harry. "Harry!" His child like voice was silenced by his mothers' hand.

Over the years it continued like this, Harry and Dudley remained friends, but at a secret extent. The blonde had his friends, and then he had his 'friends' who liked to pick on Harry. Of course Harry always knew he would never want to hurt him and was only doing it as self-preservation and respected his decision, but it still hurt him and he new his cousin saw it, for at nights, when Harry was trying to sleep, Dudley would sneak in with a snack for them both and help him clean the scrapes an bruises he's collected over the days time. As time passed, however, the large blonde began to spend his time, by choice, with the children who'd always made Harry's life living hell…

This leaves us where we are today.

Harry stretched his muscles for a moment before digging his hands into the damp soil of the garden in the front yard. He was fourteen at the moment and spending his summer vacation at his Aunt and Uncles as usual, seeing as he was allowed to go no where else. He smiled slightly, gardening was his favorite chore of the summer; not only was it relaxing and required him to be out of the house, but his relatives left him alone while he worked.

Harry assumed they left him alone because he was staying out of their hair and keeping the weeds out of the yard at the same time. He was allowed to drink from the hose when he was thirsty and was fed at least once everyday, so long as he behaved.

He dug his hands deeper into the soft soil and pulled up an angry little creature that looked suspiciously like a gnome. Harry frowned at the glaring creature and sat it back on the ground. "You'd best hide back in the bushes somewhere." He whispered to it. "My aunt and uncle don't like things from the wizarding world. The creatures included." Surprisingly the gnome seemed to understand and scuttled away behind of a bush with several others following. "Good," he smiled and continued.

"Harry," Dudley called from the front door. "Mum says come and get all of your dirty clothes and get them washed so she can do laundry." The tubby blonde wobbled over the garden and tilted his head to the side. "How do you always get the garden weeded so fast?"

"Hm…" Harry rinsed his hands under the hose and wiped them on his pants. "I do garden work everyday…The weeds just don't build up like they do in the time that I'm at school." He walked up the side walk and took his shoes off in the doorway, placing them in the hallway closet.

"Boy!" His aunt cried. "Are you inside yet?!"

"Yes Aunt Petunia, I am. I just took my shoes off."

"Good, hurry up and go get your clothes washed, those freaky friends of yours are coming to get you soon right? You have until tomorrow or I'm kicking you out for the rest of the summer." The woman came out of the kitchen to look at the boy and frowned. He was too thin; their neglect was obviously beginning to take an effect and no-doubt that Vernon would soon be taking advantage of that.

Harry stood there for a moment and nodded before scuttling off to his room to gather the clothing that was thrown about. Of course questions of what was going on plagued his mind. Why was his aunt so eager to be rid of him? Why was he being able to wash his clothes before their own? Why had he seen worry and regret flash in her eyes? He was genuinely frightened at the prospect of what could be going on.

Maybe they were moving and leaving Harry to fend for himself, not that he would mind that, or maybe Uncle Vernon had had a particularly bad day at work and was going to hit him like he, more often than not, did. Maybe he was going to try and kill him?!...No, that was silly, sort of, at any rate Dumbledore would certainly realize what was getting ready to happen and come and save the boy if something truly bad was going to happen.

Harry stumbled down the stairs quietly and headed to the room the washing machine and Dryer were kept in and tossed in the hand-me-down rags. He poured in the soap and started the machine on cold as to not use up his hot water privileges that he needed for a shower.

"Aunt," He asked as he entered the kitchen. "Would you call me when the washing machine beeps? I need to go and finish the garden before uncle Vernon gets home…" The horse faced woman nodded and shooed him away as she continued her baking.

Harry blinked; she was very odd today and a bit jumpy. He merely shrugged and walked back outside, not bothering to slip his shoes back on as he left the house.

Harry sighed, the grass always did feel good on his feet; cool and inviting like the water of the Hogwarts lake; as long as the merpeople weren't after you, or the giant squid wasn't near the shore. He began humming a small tune he'd heard on the radio and pushed his hands into the dirt and began digging the hole he'd only just began when Dudley had retrieved him.

Petunia sighed as she glanced out the window at her nephew. He was a good boy, well behaved and smart, more so than their own son most of time; not that she'd ever say that around Vernon. She nearly couldn't believe what was sure to happen to the boy if he didn't leave the residence soon. The pain would be forever and she feared Harry wouldn't be able to continue on.

Yes, unknown by Harry and Vernon, Petunia did care, as did Dudley. Both had secrets they had to keep from the two family members though; if Vernon found out he'd kill all three of them and if Harry found out, he'd be angry and set things into motion too soon. It was a losing situation until Harry was gone and she and her son could leave the overly fat whale of a man to live in a world they would belong in.

Petunia walked back into the kitchen and began chopping the vegetables for supper and fell back into her thoughts of her sister and family. She'd come from a long line of squibs and her sister Lily had been the first, after four generations, to be able to wield a wand. Even as a pureblood Petunia couldn't help the jealousy that had come over her, forcing her into union with the man who was called her husband; she regretted it terribly, she wouldn't change it however. She'd gained a son out of the union and was proud of him.

A jolt of pain ran through her had causing her gaze to shift to the bleeding finger. She growled to herself and placed the wounded digit in her mouth, sucking the blood off and taking it out to look over the healed, and slightly tan, cut. The washing machine beeped loudly.


Harry cringed as he was sent to his room again, just after dinner, by his aunt. He'd packed his things earlier that day after his clothes had gotten done drying. Petunia had been kind enough to put the clothes in the dryer for him causing a small smile to snake its way onto his face. Maybe she did care about him.

The door creaked open slowly as Dudley slunk in with a piece of pie and handed it to the thin boy. "Harry," he whispered. "You need to get out of here tomorrow morning while dad is at work, or sometime tonight so you can call the night bus." He watched the boy pick at the treat. "I wish I could tell you why Harry, I really do…"

Harry smiled. "It's okay; I understand. I have secrets myself Dud."

"You and your nick-names…." He looked towards the door. "Anyhow, Harry, I suggest you lock your door magically tonight. Dad is pretty pissed from work and you don't need anymore cuts and bruises."

The raven haired boy was sure to nod and handed the plate to his cousin. "Sorry, I'm not really in the mood for sweets." He looked over at Hedwig's cage. It was empty this year; during the last years fight against Voldemort she'd be delivering a letter for him and had been brought down by a curse that had killed her. Harry grieved her death as he did the others and buried her, once they'd found the owls body, next to the casualties of the war. He looked back at his cousin. "I'll leave tonight or before dawn tomorrow."

"Good," Dudley said quietly. "I want you to be safe, don't go and get yourself involved in anything that can kill you, not yet anyhow." The large blonde boy stood and walked to the door. "Get a bit of rest…" and with a creak the entryway closed leaving a white piece of vinyl and a few planks of wood.

(A/N: That's what most doors are made of, vinyl and a few pieces of wood; because solid wood doors expand and contract with the weather. The colder the weather, the smaller your door, the warmer the weather, the bigger your door (and the harder it is to open))

The raven haired boy cast a wandless locking charm on the door and crawled under the sheets of his lumpy, uncomfortable bed; he fell asleep.


Harry jumped as he looked around the dimly lit room. It was obvious the colors were Slytherin and he couldn't help but wonder if he were in Voldemorts' mind again. He took a seat in a velvet and oak chair and continued gazing; eventually letting his eyes rest on the blazing fireplace.

"Good, you've arrived safely." A familiar voice said from the shadows. "I'm glad. I do have a bit of news for you though, Harry."

Again, Harry jumped. So he wasn't in Voldemorts' mind this time? "Why am I here?" He said, adding a bit of fire to his voice. "What do you want!"

"Don't be afraid." The man said, chuckling. "That is what I want, and why you are here. Don't fear. You can't change it, because it's already happened, and it can't change you, because you are already so." He chuckled again.

"What in blazes is that supposed to mean!?" Harry stood and stalked over to where the voice was coming from, but the form quickly shifted and disappeared.

"Now, now, no need to be testy. I am merely stating a fact that you will come to understand in time." A musical laugh once again filled the room. "I have a gift for you young Harry." There was a rustling and shifting sound as the man was obviously digging in his pocket or bag. "Ah-ha!" The mysterious man declared. "Catch."

Harry caught the vial that was thrown to him and examined the contents. It shimmered? He'd never brewed anything that shimmered before, not that he remembered anyhow. "What is it?"

"That is my own brew of a potion that works the same as those muggle pills that help children with ADD. It'll help you concentrate."

A feeling of trusted washed over the boy. "How often do you have to take it?"

"Once a year; but I assure you, by the time you need the next one, you'll know how it's brewed."

"How did you know I had ADD?" Harry downed the potion and immediately began to feel concentrated.

The man let out one last chuckle as he began to fade away. "My little secret," He echoed. "Time to wake up."


Harry awoke with a drowsy start. Never before had he witnessed Voldemort laugh, or smile for a reason other than seeing someone die. What was he up too; and who was that man who melted into the shadows? He sighed and flopped down in his bed, glancing at the clock beside of him. 12:15 Am. "Time to leave I guess…" He mumbled to himself.

He glanced over at the pre-packed and shrunken items and stood. What time had he lain down? About nine or so? Yes, that sounded right. He slipped the trunk and owl cage into his pocket. 'Why did you have to go Hedwig…' his mind whispered. His best-friend in the had left him alone; yes, there where the Weasleys and Remus; but they didn't understand, they wouldn't just sit and listen, they would try to fix what wasn't broken.

Harry slunk quietly over to the door and murmured his unlocking spells. The door creaked open quietly as he peered out into the darkened hallway. Soft snores came from his aunt and uncles room, and a nearly silent snort came from his cousins' room. Yes, now was the perfect time, just as Dudley had said. Harry stepped carefully from his room, side stepping the squeaky spot in the floor and moved silently down the stairs.

He grew careless and cringed when his hit the second from the last step. A loud squelching sound traveled through the stairwell and into the rooms below and above. Frozen like an animal in the headlights of a moving vehicle, he waited for the movement that was sure to come from upstairs. There was none. Carefully he jump off of the last one to avoid shifting his weight and made a B-line for the door.

He was stopped on the dime by a heavy hand on his shoulder and a sense of foreboding filled his stomach. "I—I'm leaving Uncle Vernon…I won't come back again." He paused for a moment to await an answer, but there was none. "Aren't you happy? I'll be out of your hair forever."

"Boy," He hissed, jerking Harry to the side. "You think you can just walk out! After everything I've done for you! DO YOU THINK I WOULD LET YOU GO WITH OUT SOME FORM OF PAY!?"

Harry tried to get out of his uncles grasp but failed as a heavy fist came crashing down hard against his cheek. A soft whine escaped him. After years of the abuse Harry had learned not to scream, not to feel, and how to retreat into his mind where nothing could harm him. It didn't always work, however, and he did find himself fully aware during particularly hard blows.

He fell to the floor with a low thump and grunted lightly as Vernon's foot came flying fast into his ribs. "Uncle, please," it came out as a rough whisper. "I'll pay you any amount of money to make up for what I've cost you."


Harry tried to push himself up only to had his uncle kick him, once again, in the side. He coughed and struggled to speak. "I do have money, lots of it…Once it's converted to pounds it could be millions."


Dudley cringed as he heard the sickening crack from downstairs and snuck quietly into his mother and fathers room. Things were not well. "Mum…"

"Yes Dudders?" Petunia sighed and sat up to look at her son.

"Has my father always been like this; this racist against witches and wizards?" He sat down on the edge of the bed, doing his best to ignore the soft thumps and cries of pain.

Petunia glanced down. "Yes I am afraid… That's why we can't tell him what we are. I am a pureblood Dudley, my mother was a pureblood and my father was a pureblood, but our family sought out other squibs to carry on the line." She paused. "We became the most powerful squibs in the wizarding world, even though we lived in the muggle world; known for our special abilities that even fully magically beings couldn't possess." Another pause. "My sister was the first to come fully into her magic in our family after generations of not. Our parents were so proud and began to ignore me, like I didn't exist; and Lily and I grew apart. She married a wizard, James Potter, from a powerful light family. And I married a muggle out of spite for my family, and to be sure they wouldn't come around I made sure it was a muggle who hated silly things."

"My father…"

"Your father…" Petunia sighed. "He didn't start out to bad, when 'silly' things happened he would overlook them and pretend it didn't happen… But Harry came and it's like a new man walked in and pushed Vernon out…I must tell you though Dudley, the only thing I've gotten out of this marriage that is any good at all, is the young man sitting in front of me now. Once this is over Dudley, we'll go to the wizarding world, and we'll not return."

Dudley smiled softly and opened his mouth to speak just as an anguished scream came from the lower floor. Dudley paled. "No," He whispered and jolted out of the room, followed quickly by his mother.

"Shut up you stupid whore!" Vernon hissed, not hearing the rumbling sound from the stairs. "If you wake up my family I'll make sure you don't ever breathe again!"

Harry whimpered as the blood ran down his thighs and onto the hardwood floor of the hallway. He clenched his eyes shut tightly only to be assaulted by the similar images of when he was just a child, no older than seven, being forced to get on his hands and knees and let his disgusting uncle have his way. Vernon was right, he was a whore, he must have wanted it; otherwise he would have stopped it, right?

"That's right boy, give up…You're not worth living…" The large man smirked and thrust his hips forwards into the boys relatively hard.

Dudley could stand it no longer and let his anger control him. "FATHER!" He screamed as a wave of telekinetic energy jerked him away from his cousin and sent the man flying into a wall.

Petunia rushed over to her collapsed nephew and spit into her hands, rubbing the saliva over the bleeding wounds and flinching slightly when he came to the boys bleeding opening. "Harry," she whispered. "I'm not going to hurt you, but this might sting just a bit. Forgive me." Again she spit into her hands and spread the boys' cheeks as best she could without causing discomfort; she spread the healing saliva over the torn entrance and heard the boy hiss as the wounds cleaned themselves and closed.

Mean while, Dudley growled angrily as he used his mind to press his father tighter to the wall. "You've violated him for the very last time dear father… Soon, he will be here and you, you will be no more." A slight smirk grew on his face. "We're squibs you know, magical beings, minus much of our magic. But the family my blood comes from in particular makes me have one gift at which I excel… How do you like having a 'freak' for a son father? How do you feel knowing your wife is a natural healer?" Vernon whimpered and Dudley chuckled. "Thought so…"

Dudley looked at his mother and frowned. "Can you handle getting him on the night bus?" The woman nodded. "You know how to call it right? Take Harrys' wand and bring it straight down."

Petunia nodded again as she pulled the boys clothes back into their proper positions and lifted his too light body into her arms. With a glance at her rage driven son she scurried out of the front door and took the wand from her nephews pocket, bringing it straight down as her son had instructed.

A bus stop sign fell into place followed by a quickly moving bus. The doors opened revealing a boy with a slightly acne covered face, though it looked as though it might have been clearing up.

"Thank you for summoning the Night-Bus, how can we be of—" He froze at the sight of the boy in the horse-faced woman's arms. "Is—Is that Harry Potter?"

"You have to get him somewhere safe, very quickly!" Petunia exclaimed. "Please…I—I don't have anything to pay fair with right now, but you must get him away from here." The seriousness of the situation suddenly hit her full force, sending her into a frantic.

The boy stepped off the bus, after placing it in park, and carefully took the unconscious boy and wand from her grasp. "I promise ma'am, he will be in the best of care with me."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"


Harry groaned as he awoke to a strong light shinning above his head. He opened his eyes for a moment longer only seconds before he noticed a hand in his hair, gently massaging his scalp.

"I see you are awake, Mr. Potter." Harry's eyes snapped opened. A dark haired, hook nosed, potions master sat next to his bed with a vial of potion in one hand and the other continued to rest in his hair. "Stop giving me that look, I'm not going to poison you."

"What happened? Where are we?" He asked his throat scratchy and dry. His body pulsed with aches in places he didn't think possible and all he got in his mind was an eerie darkness.

Severus poured a bit of potion in his hand and continued pressing his hand into the boys scalp. "You're here at the Leaky Cauldron. I do believe the night bus left you here. The boy was spouting something about you being abused." He raised an eyebrow. "Is there any truth to that?"

Harry shut his eyes and sighed. "I'd rather not talk about it."

"I see." Severus removed his hand and capped the bottle. He placed it into his robe pockets and pulled out a new one. "Can you sit up?" He watched the boy nod and push himself up with weak arms only to fall back down. "I suppose not." He slipped his hand under Harry and lifted him up enough that he could swallow the potion without choking.

Harry immediately felt a new wave of drowsiness sweep over him. "Dreamless Sleep?" He murmured. "Thank you sir…"

The potions master smiled secretly to himself and pulled the blankets up to the boys' neck. "Sleep well Harry, sleep well."


Please review, I can't know if you like it if you don't. Anyhow, if you have any questions feel free to ask and please over look any grammatical errors.