Then he took the spirit ribbon and encircling Ichigo's cock and thighs. So that they were bond apart and hold in place on the bed. "Like I said, I'm going to have fun tonight." Gripping Ichigo from under his arms and lifted him to a semi-seated position. Then he went back to his black bag to grab more toys to play with on Ichigo.

When he turned around he found Ichigo fast asleep. "Hey Ichigo wake up, I was that long. Hey, wake up, come on Ichi." Hichigo said as he shook Ichigo's shoulder harder each time. Then he heard knocking at the door again.

"Sorry Hichigo, but I can't have Ichigo all sore in the morning. So I slip some sleeping pills in his drink. So he'll be out for awhile." Isshin opens the door with a spare key. See that they got nowhere, just like he planned. "So go to the bathroom and fix and clean yourself, then off to bed with you as well."

"I can stay up all night and not wake up in the morning." Hichigo said this in a tone that said 'just watch me'.

"I know. Your sleeping pills should take affect soon. I just thought you would like a shower first, but I guess not." Isshin said this while looking into Hichigo's eyes. "Plus you can't pull out his soul and find him awake. I got the pills from Urahara. Not one of you will wake up after some time and you need to know what scent will wake the both of you up." Then Isshin moves closer to Hichigo and grabs his arm. Then force Hichigo back a few steps back towards the bed. "Time to sleep, I can see that you are fighting to keep your eyes open." Then Isshin laughs a little at that. "I guess it's a good thing that you didn't take that shower. Good night Hichigo." Then he pushes Hichigo into Ichigo's body with a black glove with a red skull on it.

Isshin just sighed tomorrow was going to be a long day. Then he had a task in cleaning up his sons toys. "I really didn't think he'll get all this and look at what he did to Ichigo." Then he starting to look away to unlock Ichigo from the handcuffs and the lash.

After he finishes cleaning up Ichigo's room and left him to sleep for the next nine hours. Upon reaching the stairs he could see both his daughters going to their room. "Good night girls," Isshin walks over to his girls and gave one a kiss on her head and the other kicks him in his shin and she said "night".

Then he went to bed himself.

Then his alarm clock ring out too loudly in his opinion. Looking at the annoy clock and saw that it read 430 a.m., "shit I'm late." Isshin jumped out of his bed and ran to his shower.

After he was done and dressed, he ran down stairs and grabs the scent to wake Ichigo up. Then going into Ichigo's room, walking up to him and place the rose with dew drops under Ichigo's nose then he shook it and some pollen into his nose.

Ichigo awoke be sneezing the pollen out, as he sat up. Looking around to see his dad and minus Hichigo. "What happen? One minute I was waiting on Hichigo and the next I'm sneezing and you are here with a rose?" looking at the rose with a worry eye.

"Sorry Ichigo, I put sleeping pills in your guys' drinks last night. You both needed your sleep and yes Hichigo knows because he lasted longer then you did." With that said there was a sharp pain and with blood coming from Isshin's nose after Ichigo punched it with all his might.

After all the agreement and fist flying, both Ichigo and hichigo were off on time to the morning practice.

"Man I can't believe he did that." Ichigo started up his whining again, because he really wanted to have sex last night.

"I heard you, for the last twenty times, and yes, I agree with you, for the twentieth time." Hichigo eye twitch because Ichigo was get on his nerves.

They both arrive at the practice site late by thirty minutes.

"What the hell did you two do? You're both late. It's a ten minute walk from your place to here. What did you two do for thirty-five minutes, your dad called forty-five minutes ago telling me that he send the both of you out the door." Dance director was standing there yelling at the two of them. "Give me a good answer."

"Our dad put sleeping pills in our drinks last night without telling us. When we awoke he told us this…" Ichigo started to say.

"And we got piss off badly. So we took the long way here to cool off before we started this. I'm sure you want us to be in a better mood then what we were an hour ago." Hichigo finished what Ichigo had started.

"Yes that's true; I don't want the two you piss off. So why did he drug you guys for anyway?"

"I guess to make sure that we slept last night and not stay up all night." This time Ichigo finished his sentence.

"And what would the two of you be doing at the odd hours of the night?" she dare to ask two teenage boys.

"Sex," both of them answered at the same time.

"Of course what else can it be?" She turned around and throw her arms in the air, then stopping for a minute thinking on how their answered her question. "Wait," turning back around and saw that they had left her side and join the others in the dance practice. "They don't mean…" she thought for few moments more, then when back to correct a few steps. Plus she swore that she will not leave them alone till she gets her answer.

Time has passed both Ichigo and Hichigo were tired.

"At the moment I'm glad our dad put us to sleep." Ichigo said as he saw many spirits coming towards the bon fire.

"Ya, that damn goat face did know what he was doing. That pisses me off." Hichigo said as he reaches in his pocket for something. Seeing that Ichigo is doing the same thing, both open their mouths and swallowed.

Ichigo and Hichigo jumped out of their bodies by using Kon and a soul candy.

"I'll send them towards you, alright Ichigo." Hichigo said as he run to the other side of the bon fire.

"Sounds good," Ichigo ended up yelling.

Mean while

"Byakuya, please see me be for you go to the festival." "Please it can't wait. I need to talk to you and all shinigami that you bring." "Then please do not do anything till I get there." "Good bye."

Back at the festival

Byakuya step throw the double open doors. And the first thing he saw was a hollow, a pure white hollow; that look a lot like Ichigo. Then he flash step and drew out his sword and pierce throw the hollow's heart.

Hichigo turn around just in time to be stab. Then feeling the grip of death surrounding around him; slowly bring him down to his knees. With that Hichigo breathe his last breath.

"ICHIGO!!!" Rukia scream as Ichigo grab his chest over his heart. "What's wrong? Talk to me, Ichigo!"

Ichigo fell dead on the spot.

Byakuya step over to see what was going on, then he saw the child lying on the ground. Placing a hand over Ichigo's nose and there was no air hitting his hand. "I'm sorry Rukia, but he's dead."

"Damn it! I'm too late." Urahara said he came up to them. "I told you NOT to do anything till I got here. So you killed a white hollow that looks very much like Ichigo. That's why Ichigo is dead you killed him."

"What the hell are you talking about? I've never laid a hand on him. How could I kill him?" Byakuya said in a cold tone then look at Rukia to see she had lost her composer.

"By killing that hollow you've kill Ichigo. That hollow was the other half of Ichigo soul. So if you kill one half, then others half can't live on its own." Urahara said watching their eyes widen as hit them.

Then Isshin came up to the little group. "Why can't I sense Ichigo's reiatsu?

"Isshin you're a shinigami?" Rukia said through teary eyes.

"What happen?" Isshin said trying to find out why his son reiatsu was gone.

"Byakuya killed Hichigo and so forth Ichigo died. Since both half need each other to live. I told you this might happen." Urahara said as he patted Isshin shoulder.

"Ok please help me Urahara. I want them to be part of the bon fire to help their lost souls." Isshin said as he walked to is, now dead son.

Urahara grabbed Hichigo. "On the count of three we'll put them in."

"ONE, TWO THREE." both of them said and they throw both of them in at the same time into the fire.

All of them watch and prayed forgiveness from Ichigo and Hichigo. As they both of their body burns in the fire. Then they both disappear from view and the fire.

Three weeks later after their death in soul society.

Rukia was in her room cutting herself with a small dagger.

"Rukia, you are a Kuchiki! Stop this madness, right now!" Byakuya said as he grabs the small dagger from Rukia. Then took out bandage and started to wrap her arms up to stop the bleeding.

"This is entire my fault. If I never meat Ichigo then he will still be alive and he soul would never been split in half. And never be killed by YOU!" Rukia said as she started to cry then pulled away from her brother and ran out of the house.

"Caught her and take her to the fourth squad mental ward. She needs more help then I can give her." Byakuya said to one of his servants.

Then his order was carry out and she ended up in the mental ward and in a straight-jacket.

Then he found out those words where her first in three weeks and her last. Cause she never spoke a word from that point on. Along with this information on Rukia, he also found out the reputation of the Kuchiki has drop severely. To one of the most hated families.

Back in the living world

Isshin was in a bar trying to drink his sorrows away. First he lost his family in soul society, then he lost his wife, and now he lost his only son.

One night he met a girl by the name Rose. Now she helps him get home after last call. When she notices that he has two preteen girls waiting for him to return home. Now she is helping to keep the girls healthy and found out why Isshin started to drink in the first place.