Disclaimer: The usual, I don't own ER, blah-de-blah

Note: just a really quick one-shot that occurred to me in between work. Hope u like it.

Neela sighed as he put his hand through her long, thick wavy hair, gently stroking it as they moved slowly, smoothly across the dancefloor.


They were dancing cheek-to-chest at the New Year's Party and Neela knew then that in Ray's arms was where she always wanted to be.


Ray breathed in the soft scent of her perfume, his chin balanced gently on the top of her head. The music was a slow number, designed to bring couples even closer together and it seemed to be working.


Neela was as close to him as decently possible in public.


Neela and Ray sensed each other's need and their eyes met and locked in an unwavering gaze.

Not for a second did their eyes leave the other as the couples twirled by. Ray and Katey. Neela and Gates.

What do u think? Like the twist? Please review, thx