Hey hey hey It's Necro again!!

Okay everything in the story line is the same untill after Asuma's death. This is my version of what shoulda happened so Hidan and Kakuzu are still alive and Shikamaru didn't go fight n kill them.

Also this is like a prologue thats why its kinda short just to get it started and it will contain Yaoi so if u dont like Shikaxhidan...click the back button.

Review please n tell me if I should continue or just kill myself



Smoke reminded him of clouds; the only difference is that he found peace in clouds and nothing but bad memories in smoke.

Taking a deep breath, he inhaled the poison from the cigarette and exhaled creating a new cloud of smoke for him to gaze at.

"Shikamaru! Oi Shikamaru where are you! Shika- oh there you are" Came Ino's perky voice.

She ran toward him happily but slowed her pace when she saw the cancer stick in his mouth, the smoke held nothing but bad memories for her too.

"Yeah?" he asked after taking another drag

"Tsunade-sama is looking for you. I think she has a mission for you."

"Tsk." Was all he said as he got up and stomped the cigarette into the ground.

He went to Tsunade's office and sure enough she had a mission for him.

"I have a delivery mission for you in the river country; it's a C-ranked"-

That was all Shikamaru really paid attention to. Ever since Asuma died he had gotten nothing but genin level missions.

Tsunade was treating him like a baby and his patience was wearing thin. He needed to be out there looking for the sonovabitch that killed his sensei, not playing her personal messenger boy.

Once the briefing was done, he took the package and quickly went to his home to pack.

He grabbed nothing but what he felt he would absolutely need and quickly made his way out of the village.

At least he was able to do this solo, Choji and Ino were his friends obviously but lately there concern for him had just become too troublesome, he needed this alone time.

He traveled all day non stop and now that the sun was setting he figured it would be the best time to find a spot to make camp.

He didn't bother bringing a tent so he just pulled out his sleeping bag and started a fire to keep him entertained for the night.

After a few moments of watching the flame flicker he pulled out his pack of cigarettes and lit one up. He only took a few drags before his solitude was interrupted.

"Heh. Looks like you picked up that nasty ass habit of his." Shikamaru jumped as he heard the familiar voice and reflexively pulled out a Kunai.

"Show yourself" He said, trying to keep his voice level.

A rustling came before a figure dropped down from the trees. Shikamaru stared at the man before him, anger rising.

It was him. The man who had killed his sensei. That no good religious babbling immortal psychopath, Hidan

"Well you just gonna gaze at me with bedroom eyes or you gonna offer me to sit down with you and sing some fuckin camp fire songs?"

"You bastard" was all Shikamaru managed to get out between clenched teeth.

"Hey hey, watch your mouth dick head, your gonna make my ears bleed"

That was it, Shikamaru couldn't take another moment of this, he charged blindly at Hidan, to caught up in emotion to try and formulate a strategy like he was so know for.

He could see the mocking smirk of the platinum headed Akatsuki member and slashed his Kunai violently at him.

Hidan easily avoided the blow by side stepping, then he grabbed the younger mans arm and yanked at it violently, successfully dislocating it from his shoulder.

Shikamaru howled in pain but quickly jumped back and tried to put some distance between them.

The pain had snapped him back to reality and he knew now that he needed to make a plan.

He tried to think of something but it was too late. Hidan was already behind with his three bladed scythe at Shikamaru's neck.

It was all over now. Shikamaru's mind was racing frantically in a panic, if only he had made a plan sooner instead of rushing in blindly, if only he hadn't been so uncharacteristically reckless.

He squeezed his eyes shut and waited for his head to be severed off with a finishing blow.

"Oh my silly little sinner" Hidan taunted in his ear "you aren't worthy of death…yet"

And with that, a dull thud came and Shikamaru's vision was tainted with black as he faded in unconsciousness.


