Disclaimer: Don't own it ( Now, because you had to make me admit it I must go eat chocolate ice cream and weep. Whimper

A/N: Starting chappie, pretty sucky. Please review and keep in tune!

Chapter 1 Swirl at Four


Meet me at Swirl? Around four o'clock?


I stared at the letter in disbelief. I looked up at Jake, but his eyes were glued to the board. "Jake!" I hissed, he didn't hear me. "Jake!" I whispered again.

Frantically trying to get his attention, I waved my arms, saying his name over and over again. But he focused his attention on the board.

"Jake!" I said aloud, the class turned to face me, and Ms. Kunkle glared.

It was so like me to not realize the volume of my voice. It was so like me to make a scene. But even though I knew he heard me, Jake continued scribbling notes in his book.

"Lillian? Do you and Mr. Ryan care to share something?" Ms. Kunkle asked, walking down the row of desks.

I swallowed, "No, Ms. Kunkle."

When she reached me, her lean fingers reached down and grabbed the note off of my desk. She pursed her lips and was silent for a second, eyes scanning the yellow post-it not:

"I'd appreciate it if you scheduled your social plans after my class."

She turned and walked to the front of the classroom. Before continuing her lecture. "The most common blood types are O, AB, A and B."

Was she really letting us off that easily? Without even any form of punishment?

I decided if she wasn't going to do anything about it, I definitely wasn't going to let myself get in trouble again. Copying down what she said, I reread my notes.

Suddenly I felt a pair of eyes burning a hole through my skin, I looked up to find Miley. She raised her eyebrows, and I gestured to her that it was nothing. In response she gave me her famous "Yeah-Right" look.

35 seconds, 34, 33, 32...

Have a minute until freedom, It was a Tuesday, and I was quite eager to get home. Biology always seemed to go on forever, especially when it was last period, much like today. Plus, I wanted to talk to Jake, what was his note about?

"Oh yes, and Mr. Ryan and Ms. Truscott?" Ms. Kunkle said, before closing her text book and placing it neatly on her large desk. "Don't think about leaving, you two have detention."

Of course we do.

The bell rang, and Jake and I remained in our seats. I groaned as Ms. Kunkle approached us. I knew Miley and Oliver were right outside the classroom, listening in.

"I do not allow note passing in my classroom. You two know this, and you must be punished. I myself have plans today, and refuse to waste my time babysitting you, so to insure that this doesn't happen again I would like you to write a 100 reasons why people should not pass notes. The essays must be hand written in cursive, I will be grading you on not only the completion of the assignment but also the accuracy of your hand writing. Keep it neat. It will be due tomorrow, any plans you two had at 'Twirl' I assume will just have to be canceled."

I didn't comment that it was Swirl and not Twirl.

Ms. Kunkle menacingly cracked her knuckles.

To me this was frightening, after all Ms. Kunkle was a lady, a teacher, but no less a lady. The only lady I'd ever seen crack her knuckles was a famous wrestler names Yolga and Mrs. Oken.

Ms. Kunkle grabbed her coat and shepherded us out of her classroom. "Good day," Was her last words to us.

I narrowed my eyes at Jake. "I knew you heard me, what the heck did you want? Now you've got me writing an essay! Did you know I had cheer-leading, babysitting and religion today? Or is that just an added bonus?" I fumed.

Jake had never seen me this angry, but, god, my parents would kill me if I skipped religion, I'd never make Head Cheer-Leader if I missed practice, and I'd get fired if I didn't babysit.

"I'm sorry Lilly." Was that all he could say? All he could come up with?

"Yeah, well unless you come up with 200 reasons and write my essay for me I'm not going to be able to ever accept your apology? Why? I'll be fired and broke, grounded, and kicked of the squad. Isn't that a nice bunch of thoughts?"

"If you help me, I'll help you. I know someone who can write the essays, but only if your willing to help me in return."

"Oh yeah? Who?" I snapped, putting my hands on my hips. Jake may be taller but right now I was dominating this conversation.

He pointed at a scrawny looking kid, half way down the hallway. "Hey Jimmy!"

I rolled my eyes, he was going to play the celebrity card to get us out of this situation.

"If you're gonna manipulate other kids, count me out."

"I'm not, just watch." I turned my attention to the nerdy looking kid who had turned around and was heading in our direction.

"What do you want Jake?" The kid asked excitedly, pushing his thick-rimmed glasses up on his nose.

"Remember when I helped you out with your science fair project?"

"Mhmm, how could I forget, first place in the JSSOTF competition!" He grinned, punching the air with his tiny fist.

"Huh?" I muttered.

"Junior Space Scientists of the Future, what else would JSSOTF stand for?" Jimmy squealed.

"Oh you're right, silly me." I said in a melancholy tone.

"Well you see me and my friend wanted to know if you could help us out, we're going to need two essays with a hundred reasons why not to pass notes written in cursive. But they have to be different.

"Alrighty then, you and your girlfriend's essays for you by tomorrow."

"Thanks Jim,"

"I'm not his girlfriend." I argued.

"'Course not," Was this nerd seriously sassing me?

"I'm not,"

Jim hit Jake on the back, and looked me up and down, adjusting his glasses again. "Nice one."

"Ugh," I wrinkled my nose. Disgusting!

The little geek jumped down the hallway, and the empathy I once had for him vanished.

"So I'll wait for you, we'll go to Swirl after you finish practice." He said, and I nodded solemnly.

