A/N: Ahhh! Last chapter, I know, too much Loliver, but come on! You know they're the best. (No flames) Any who, I might do an epilogue, only if you request though.

Disclaimer: Okay so my Dad totally owns Hannah Montana, no lie, and he said when he dies he'll give it to me. Now I must go and plot. So yeah, I technically do not own it (but in the future...)

For you more gullible readers, that was all false information. Well I just want to give a special thanks:

For you guys who reviewed:

Write.Love.On.Her.Arms- PM me, I haven't heard from you in awhile, love.


lilerin91- OMG do you read like every Loliver story? I mean cause seriously you review everything I read/write, you're absolutely great Erin.

Sango A.R

nysunsetangel- Once again thanks for the reviews!

sherrie123456- You are totally chill, girl. LoL.

mmvok- Thanks for your faithful reviews!

Julx27xluvsxHM- Who doesn't love HM? LoL.

honorchoirsinger- OMG singers unite!


ForbiddenxMelody- Thanks again for the support!

StealMyHeart- I hope you liked it!

He Breaks My Heart3 Everytime- I hope you enjoyed this fic.

LightningStruckBlackDog- PM me, we can be weird together.

silverjazz- Sorry Leo didn't have a huge part, I had some ideas, but they kind of died down while I was writing.

youlookhottoday- So do you. Giggles

GingerIsInTheHouse13- Thanks!

caligrl479- Aww! It's you! I hope you liked this story.

x miss magic x Hey you! Enjoy!



Spencer-Sweetie! Thanks for always being there!

aprilrainer15- Who doesn't hate cliffys?

softballdog787- I hope you like it!

princess cutie- Lollie forever!

Wolfwhisperer- Hey Wendy! Thanks for the reviews, I hope you and your Jiley loving self tolerate this chapter.

Valx3- Love you babe! Thanks for the PM!

Drum roll please... oh yeah! And if you want an epilogue or a sequel. I'm taking a vote! Your opinion matters!

Chapter 11 What I've Been Waiting For

"What Lilly?" Oliver asked me, his tone harsher than I had expected.

"Maybe we should sit down," I whispered quietly, leading him over the swings. We sat and were silent for a moment.

"What do you want?" He repeated.

"Oh, Oliver-"

"Don't do that!" I peered up at him with my blue eyes.

"Do what?"

"That trying to play so innocent... well it's not going to work. You know I don't care what you and Jake do, yeah I know, you don't have to break it to me easy." He jumped up, turning his back on me.

"Well, that wasn't what I was going to tell you about," I stood up, "But I didn't know you would mind."

"I wouldn't mind?" He screamed at me. "Of course I'd mind, my best friend didn't even tell me what was going on!"

"Ollie, it's just... it was a Jake and me only type of thing. I didn't even know it was that important to you." I reached up to put my hand on his shoulder, but he pushed it off.

"Oh, I see, I'll always come second place to the Zombie Slayer. Well you know what Lilly? I don't care anymore, so just get out of my way!"

"Oliver, what are you talking about?"

He approached me, a sinister look on his face. His voice lathered with disgust: "I'm talking about you Mrs. Jake Ryan. I'm talking about how you didn't even tell me that you had a crush on Miley's ex, I'm talking about how the only reason I found out was because I found you guys on the beach..."

That was all he had to say before I knew what he was talking about:

I reached my hand over to him hesitantly and tilted his chin up, my hand ran across his face to his cheek in a friendly gesture. "Miley may be stubborn, I know that, trust me, but she still loves you. You two have so much left un-said, you guys can't avoid it much longer."

I gave Jake a reassuring smile, "Lilly?" He asked me.

"Yup?" I replied, looking out over the ocean, dropping my hand from his cheek.

"Thanks for all you help, you know you're the best, right?"

"Well, it's still nice to hear once and awhile." I joked, bumping his arm with mine. He chuckled and draped a hand on my shoulder.

"Oliver it's not like that!" I argued.

"Of course it's not." He said sarcastically. I pulled once more nervously on my jacket.

"I'm not with him. I'm not with him! How many times do I have to say it until it finally sinks in?"

"Your words don't mean anything to me, Lilly," He hissed.

"Why won't you just listen to me? I'm begging you to believe me," I grabbed him by the shoulders, tugging at him ferociously, I wasn't going to let him leave.

"Why should I believe you, what do you even care, Lilly? Go find Jake, he makes you happy doesn't he?" He sneered.

"We're not together, I was helping him. He's still in love with Miley. Miley's still in love with him. Why would I do that? I'd never hurt Miley, you know I wouldn't, why are you doubting me?"

"I saw you, Lilly. Nothing you can say will change that. A picture's worth a thousand words. So just get out of my yard, I never want to see you again." He said with somewhat of a finality in his voice. "I guess it doesn't matter to Miley or I, if you and Jake are in love."

"I'm not with him, I'm not, Oliver!" I shouted while he shook his head. The tears welled in my eyes, I wanted to cry, I wanted to run away and never ever see this boy again. But I wouldn't let him see me cry.

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because I love you! I freaking love you!" I wailed. So much for not crying. I turned away from him and rubbed my face with my hands. Knowing the black lines had already formed their rain-like pattern on my cheeks.

"Lilly," I heard his voice whisper, and I bit my lip.

"And you still won't believe me, I guess, you still won't believe I was being a good friend to Jake, I was being a good friend despite all the things that happened in the past. If you just listened..."

I closed my eyes, and rubbed my temples. This wasn't how I had imagined it: I imagined myself just finally telling him, and then I imagined him too shocked for words.

"Lillian." He said again. I felt his big hands cupping my face, his fingers wiping the tears from the bottom of my eyes.

"Just say something, don't make me wait any longer." I weeped. "I've been waiting for so long."

I was imagining the 'I just don't feel the same way, but Lilly, we'll always be friends.' I was imagining the 'One day you'll find a boy who will love you just the same, and he'll make you so much happier than I ever could make you.' But it was different.

"1-4-3." I opened my eyes, blurred with tears.

"What?" I whispered.

"You're, you're everything I could ever want. The fact you could be in another man's arms... it scared me, it made me think that you just couldn't feel the same way."

"You shouldn't think that, I was never in any danger of being with anyone else. You don't have to look after me like my big brother... Leo does enough of that."

"That's not what I mean, you're perfect Lilly, no guy will ever be worth that."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not perfect, Miley is." I exclaimed. "She sings, and she dances, and she's beautiful. I don't sing, you know that I can't, you know that I'm not a dancer, you know that at my best I look barely passable."

"Does it look like I care you don't sing? That maybe you can't dance like Sabra? Does it look like I don't think you're beautiful." Oliver said to me, his voice ringing in my ears.

"I..."My mind drew a blank, and suddenly as I thought of all the words I could say, nothing seemed good enough. And for one of the first times, I had nothing to say.

It was like our script had been ripped from our hands, and now we were being forced to make up the rest. It was a real life lesson on Improvisation.

"Lilly, I love you," I watched as the words escaped his mouth. "1-4-3."

My jaw dropped a little before I smiled at him, looking into his chocolate brown eyes. "Really?"

"Really," He grinned, and I felt his lips on mine, in a soft and sweet, gentle kiss.


"Come on Miles,"

Jake's hand grabbed mine, and as together we made our way off into the sunshine, in the direction of the beach, I knew that despite everything, this was what I had been waiting for.


And as Oliver deepened the kiss, I knew that everything was okay, and I knew that everything would work out. Now I knew what love felt like.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Oliver asked me, as I leaned my forehead against his.

I bit my lip. "It's just... new, I mean, to get what I've been waiting for... especially after so long."




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