Ok...so this is the first chapter of my story out of...I have know idea. If you find grammar or spelling mistakes don't blame me, blame Saya Ookami cause she editeded it. Ok...ok. So enjoy.

It was a day that she would never forget. As the lightening crashed and the thunder roared, the light in the living room flickered. Saya and Miya were reading more books about alchemy when the lights went out. Lightening lit up the room, which was followed by roaring thunder.

"Miya…can you look for the flashlight, while I go down the road to the neighbors to get some batteries and a few more candles?" Saya asked as the lightening flashed again.

"Umm…yeah…sure. Ah…Saya…please be careful out there with that murderer still on the lose." Miya uttered as Saya headed toward the door.

Saya stopped with her hand on the doorknob and turned around to face Miya. She couldn't really see her but in the light of the lightening she looked paler then usual.

"Don't worry so much. I'll be back before you know it." assured Saya "I promise!" she added before giving Miya a quick smile and heading out the front door and down the road.

I wonder if Miya will always be so protective over me? Ever since her parents died in the Isvarlan revolt two years ago, she's been living with me. She has a house in the East in a small town called Resembool but she won't even step foot into it. To her, I'm the only family she knows and needs…and I feel the same about her. Saya thought has she walked down the road to the neighbors.

Miya had found a spare candle and lit it so she could look for the flashlight down in the basement. Miya opened the door to the downstairs and started to walk down the millions of steps to get to the bottom. Once she got all the way down she started to go through the boxes that were down there in search of the flashlight.

Outside, a tall man came out from a near by tree. He had short black hair and blood red eyes. He was dressed all in black and his red eyes were full of bloodlust. He was carrying a butcher's knife that had bloodstains on the blade. He came up to the front of the house and tried to open the front door but it was locked. He waited until the lightening flashed and as the thunder roared he kicked the door hard and it flew open.

Miya was still downstairs looking for the flashlight when the man stepped into the living room. His red eyes were scanning the room in search of his next victim. To his delight, she was coming up the basement stairs.

Miya had given up on looking for the flashlight because there was just to many boxes of crap down there.

The man stayed in the shadows so when Miya came up she wouldn't see him.

Miya was at the top of the stairs and her candle was blown out by the wind that was going in from the open door.

I'm pretty sure Saya closed and locked that door after she left. How did it get open? Miya thought to herself as she went to close the door.

As soon as she closed the door and locked it again the man stepped out from the shadows. He was bearly noticeable in the dark because of his dark skin but his eyes stood out and starred hard onto her.

Miya tried to scream but for some reason her voice was lost. She could see the knife in his hand as soon as he raised it over his head. Miya was able to get out of the way in time but the knife cut her leg on the side. It seemed that as soon as he saw her warm blood coming out of the wound he started to go crazy.

Miya was on the ground holding her bleeding leg when he came in front of her. He grabbed her right arm just below the elbow and pulled her to her feet.

"N-no...please...don't!" Miya choked out, but it was too late. He lowered the knife and sliced her hand off in one powerful movement.

"NNNNooo..." she screamed as blood splattered her and the man. The blood crashed to the floor in rivers. Miya fell into the puddle of blood as she screamed in pain, clutching the bleeding stump that was her hand, as he laughed his head off.

He then began to stab her repeatedly all over her body. After every stab the next would be more painful and much more deeper. She tried to get away or at least get up but when ever she was close he would pound the knife into another part of her flesh.

"Don't you dare try and run away from me you bitch!" he barked as he grabbed the front of her shirt that was now soaked red with her blood and slammed her into the wall. She screamed loudly as he held her against the wall so he could watch her blood drip slowly to the ground from every wound he caused.

Saya was on her way back to the house with a box of candles, batteries and a flashlight when she heard Miya scream. Saya started to walk faster but she didn't know why. She probably just thought she saw something. But if that's it...then...why do I feel so scared...like I'm never going to see her again? Saya thought as she speed walked down the road.

Miya screamed again as she tried to push him off of her.

"Knock it off! There is no way that you will get out of this alive!" he hissed as he slammed her into the wall once more before he kicked her hard in the stomach, making her cough up more blood. He punched her in the head and then he kicked her once more in the stomach before throwing her into a puddle of her blood on the floor where Miya fought to keep conscious. Wondering if Saya will come.

He went to the other room where Miya had left the candle she used earlier and the matches Saya and her were going to use, he grabbed the matches and went back to the room where Miya laid helpless on the ground as the puddle of blood continued to grow. He lit one of the matches and threw it at the books Saya and Miya where reading. He lit another and threw it in the opposite direction. Both matches started to burn everything in it's path. The man stood there and watched as the room started to fill with smoke from the fires. Satisfied with what he had done, he turned around, ran out the door and into the night.

Saya heard Miya scream again, she dropped the box of candles, etc. she was carrying and broke into a run. Something is definitely wrong. I just know it is! Saya thought to herself as she ran toward the house. As she got closer she saw a man with blood red eyes come running out of the house carrying a knife covered in fresh blood. Saya hid behind a bush as he ran by.

When the man was out of sight, Saya came out of the bushes and ran into the house. She searched every room, dreading what she might find. She ran down a hallway and saw heavy smoke pouring out of a doorway. She ran to the door and let out a shout. The living room was ablaze!

"Miya!...Miya are you there?!...Miya!!!!" Shouted Saya as she stood in the doorway of the burning living room, trying to see if her only family was somewhere in the smoke. Then a muffled groan caught her attention.

She looked around and gasped! Lying on the floor a few feet away from her...was Miya. She was on her stomach surrounded by blood splutter. Saya ran and kneeled beside her. She slowly rolled Miya onto her back and called her name, hoping that she wasn't too late.

Saya went to grab her right hand but saw that it had been chopped off. She grabbed her friend's left hand and was glad to feel it's warmth. Saya called out Miya's name more and more frantically as she discovered multiply stab wounds. Finally, Miya slowly opened her eyes.

"Sa...ya..." she choked, "You...came. I...thought..."

"Of course I came. I couldn't leave you here to burn, could I?" Saya assured, "Let's get out of here."

Saya helped Miya to her feet and half carried, half lead her outside. When they reached the road, Saya put Miya down on the grass but she remained standing. She stood on the grass next to her and watched the house burn down. She knelt down next to Miya and gently held her close.

Feeling the warmth on her beat-up body, Miya slowly opened her eyes. At first everything was black, she closed her eyes and opened them once again. She could just make out a figure holding her close to them. She figured it was Saya, she saw something really bright behind Saya but she couldn't tell what it was. Then she remembered the man lighting a match and throwing it on the floor and Saya saying something about not leaving her to burn. The house. The house is on fire...that's what that light is. Miya thought as she watched the rain slowly stopping the fire.

Miya moved her eyes away from the burning house to look at Saya. She had her head on Miya's chest/stomach with her eyes closed but Miya could see tears coming out. In the fire light Miya thought that she looked pale which was surprising cause she had nice tan skin. Then Miya noticed that with every breath she took the next was harder to take.


Saya's head came up fast and she looked at her best friend's face. Her face looked tried, like she hadn't slept in days and her eyes where full of pain and sadness. Her skin was as white as a ghost from all the blood she had lost. The only thoughts that came to Saya's mind as she looked at Miya were. I don't want to lose her. I would do anything to keep her in my arms forever. There must be something I can do!

"Ye...yeah? What is it?" Saya asked

"I...n...need to...t...tell you...s...some...thing..." Miya mumbled painfully, fighting the desirer to close her eyes and sleep.

"Miya you shouldn't talk your using all the strength you have left. Please don't talk you need your rest. Please!" Saya begged as she started to cried. She saw the pain in Miya's face every time she tried to say something. It was so painful for Saya to just sit there and do nothing while her best friend tried so hard to talk.

"N...no. I...h...have to...t...tell you. It's...im...port...ant..." Miya groaned as she started to lose consciousness. She looked into Saya's tearful eyes and tried to tell her what was so important but she couldn't find the strength to talk. She looked at Saya's face one more time and slowly closed her eyes as she lost consciousness.

ya! Chapter one is done!! Ohh ya. If you don't like it then DON'T read the rest. growls Anyway, please review, your thoughts are greatly accepted!!