"Hey Lorelai?" Luke asked handing her a cup of coffee.


"You wanna move?"

"What?" Lorelai asked.

"Well, I'm supposed to be giving Liz a share of the house and there's that house for sale on Peach Street and I really don't think I can handle living in my parents house forever."

"Okay let's go check that Peach Street house out." Lorelai said, picking up her bag.


"Sure, why not? The diner's empty. Just put up a 'gone fishing' sign."

Luke locked up the diner and stuck a 'Back in 25' sign on the door and they walked over to Peach Street.

"So this means we'll officially be living together, living together." Lorelai said when they got to the house.

"Yeah I guess it will."

They just stared at the house for a while before Luke said "Babette lives right there. I'll ask to use her phone."

"Okay I'll go check out the back yard."

They left their separate ways, and Luke and Taylor Doose showed up in the backyard 10 minutes later.

"So you wanna see the house?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah." Luke and Lorelai said in unison.

Taylor gave them a tour of the house. (A/N which was Lorelai's house but with two extra bedrooms.)

Lorelai, Luke, and Taylor sat down in the kitchen to discuss cost.

"So, the asking price is $160,000,"

Lorelai and Luke looked at each other.

"We could probably sell your parents house for $220,000."

"We can also rent out a bedroom."

"But can we pull off the loan?"

"I'll be 18 in about 7 months." Luke said disappointed.

"Could Liz co-sign?"

"She doesn't have the best credit history."

"What about your…"

"No." Lorelai said cutting him off.

"Kirk" Luke shouted.

"What?" Lorelai said gaping at him.

"Kirk could co-sign our loan. He just turned 18."

"What makes you think he'll co-sign our loan?"

"Do you know what Kirk's favorite movie is?"

"Strangers on a train?" Lorelai asked.


"Good because that'd be really creepy."

"Say Anything."


"No, Say Anything is Kirk's favorite movie."


"Yep." Luke said, nodding his head like he had some brilliant idea.

"Let's go." Lorelai says and runs out of the house.

They come back an hour later with Kirk.

"Okay Taylor let's buy the crap out of this house." Lorelai said setting a box of mint Oreo's on the table.

"What are those for?" Luke asked.

"Have you ever written a contract without mint Oreo's?"

"Have YOU ever written a contract?"

"No, but Oreo's just seemed like a good idea." Lorelai said, pouting.

Kirk grabbed one. "So where do I sign?"

"Here, here, and here." Taylor said, putting x's next to the lines.

Kirk signed the papers and said, "So, wait what is this for again?"

"We're buying a house." Luke said, shocked.

"And soup to put in the house." Lorelai added.

Luke looks at her funnily.

"Whoa. I just realized I thought buying that stereo in 9th grade was a large purchase." Lorelai said.

"I bought a walkman once." Kirk said taking his 6th Oreo.

"Oh and Taylor," Luke said "We want to sell my parents place as soon as possible."

"We can do that."

A/N- Okay So I know buying a house is not that easy. Blah, blah, blah, review blah please review blah, blah, and blah.